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  1. Cheers for the reply, Broja-Lew, I neglected to mention that I was looking for predominantly Imp side at present. Rayeine, I'll be sure to check you guys out. Thanks very much indeed
  2. Just made a post looking for exactly this! I'll be sure to keep an eye out for you guys. The character I'm playing most at the moment is a Jugger named Cruor.
  3. Hey folks, Right, in a nutshell, I'm a 30+ player with family commitments who likes to log on occasionally, advance the story a bit, engage in a spot of PvP and generally enjoy the game at a casual pace. I'll not be available for flashpoints / heavy group stuff, can't really commit to specific times and dates, and will be unavailable for voice comms due to aforementioned family commitments (infant twins sleeping in the next room when I'm online!). Now, I'm sure you're all chomping at the bit to bring such a dedicated, hardcore, professional player into your midst (lol!). In seriousness however, I'm just looking for a place to put my characters and enjoy some casual gaming with likeminded players. If you think you've a spot for me then please let me know. It'd be cool to have some folks to natter to and group up with occasionally Many thanks, all. (oh, and I'm a subscriber if that's important to know :shrug:)
  4. This needs to happen. PLUSWAN!
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