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Everything posted by StJon

  1. i do agree that stealthies do make the best attackers and defenders of pylons nodes and what not... but thats where we are good at, its our forté we dont put out as much damage as a lolsmasher or a powertech we dont have long rage we dont tank as well as a jugg... all we have is our stealth to carry us in a vain attempt to mask our lack of skill
  2. its a matter of how fast you are... aoe taunt does not use a GCD so if you have it hotkeyed you can press it really fast Most stealthers dont stay that far out tho... as a sin myself i have caught severeal stealthers with aoe taunt many a time I do agree tho stealth scan is rather uneffective.. its very hard to predict where a sin actually is (since the radius is rather small)
  3. the easiest and by far the most "productive" way to counter that is to use aoe taunt i know Vanguards and Powertechs need a target for this but sins and i think sithwarriors dont taunt effectivly puts you into combat wich in turn will prevent any kind of stealth CCing Sins taunt has a 30 meter diameter centered on you wich is alot of area lol also keep in mind 95% of the stealthies will prefer to stand on the enemies back as it offers worse stealth detection
  4. this just tells me you dont know how force chocke works.... the stun portion of it is applied on the first hit but i doesnt "refresh" every time you get damage... Simple way to prove it is the fact that you get 800 resolve from force choke either it lasts all 4 seconds or 0.1 secs So the way i see it his accuracy bypassed your FS one time but not the rest on the damage.. nothing out of the ordinary I'm an assassin been playing since launch and i can tell it never worked 100% of the time no matter what patch you were in... it was never the I WIN button it was never GODMODE button.. it just helped a whole bunch
  5. Sigh your exhausting lol Lets analyse your logic since obviously i wont get anywhere just denying you your "special" accuracy is stated under force /tech? then what bout obfuscate? it lowers melee and ranged accuarcy the one that appears as 90% base the one you say is only for your basic attack Does your "special" accuracy not get stated anywhere on your characther sheet? dont tell me marauders got a cooldown just for auto attacks lol (My accuracy stat tells me it represents the chance to hit in melee)
  6. no.. theres no such thing as "special attack" Your melee accuracy affects all your melee attacks dispite the fact that they cost force or not have a cooldown or not etc If your accuracy is 90% and enemies defense chance is 10% it will actually mean you got 80% chance ot land a hit How to tell if an attack uses melee accuracy or force accuracy? Skills that state you do XXXX-XXXX weapon damage use melee /ranged accuarcy These skilsl also appear as white damage on your screen
  7. just a clarification ravage is considered weapon damage and is in no way countered by force shroud i agree using ravage is a good move to use during those sitautions but mostly because FS has no effect on it.. saber ward / deflect however "can" counter ravage
  8. i been playing since beta and i have seen sometimes...its really not alot a very small percentage almost insignficant in the big picture but it did happen.. it wasnt lag it was game mechanics So far the only place where FS works 100% of the times flawlessly is in pve.. where aparently mobs have 100% accuracy It makes sense as game progresses theres better gear and people tend to get more of all stats.. including accuracy
  9. i agree its stupid to do such a thing... the chances are ridiculously low.. yet people do it and for some reason sins complain that force shroud is broken when a hit does get through.. im a sin myself i see it resist i see it get through i dont go cry wolf whenever a hit gets through FS..even if i am standing in fire touché i never noticed that lol still.. your trying to tell me you never noticed during 3-5 secs of FS first hit getting resisted and 2nd not and third not? never ever? it says 200% but against any guy with decent accuracy some hits will get through..and thats not lag Personally i see alot of it while carrying the ball.. i mean real force or tech attacks i know the difference beetween a leg shot from a sniper and Creeping terror from a SI
  10. First of all force shroud gives 100% not 200% dont beleive me? check the in game description http://i49.tinypic.com/2s8llc4.jpg dont beleive my pic? check a website roll a sin wichever method makes you all giddy Your saying that sins get 200% chance to resist and attack right? (100% base + 100% from force shroud) i have 110% accuracy wich means your chacne to resist is now 90% Wich...means....that in 10% of the cases im going to ignore force shroud
  11. im shocked that noone even mentioned the fact that accuracy over 100% lowers your chance to dodge / parry / RESIST an attack every class has 100% base accuarcy for force and tech attacks and most run around with 108-110% in pvp wich for all intents and porpuses means that theres a 10% chance they will ignore force shroud Check your characther sheet your force accuracy says and i quote "Chance that your offensive Force powers will affect the target. Accuracy over 100% reduces the target's RESISTANCE"
  12. its not really overlooked..it serves its porpuse... Its a staff kind of weapon just like our double bladed lightsaber for characthers that are not force sensitive No class uses it but alot of companions do... you could argue that we should be able to use it just like SWs use axes and swords but theyd have to change a few animations (voltaic slash would look silly on a staff imo.. so would maul)
  13. No matter what your stats are you should always go for Willpower / Endurance and heres the hard math bout it 1 Willpower = 0.2 bonus damage + Crit chance (its not a straight line so hard to say) 1 Power = 0.22 bonus damage Lets use round numbers for easier understanding and comparassion 100 WP = 20 bonus damage + Crit chance 100 power = 22 bonus damage Now as we are all aware WP is affected by our very own SI buff adding 5% to it so in fact when we add 100 WP we are actually adding 105 100 WP + SI buff = 105 WP = 21 Bonus damage + crit chance In my case 100 WP gives me about 0.5 crit chance (im at 1900 WP in almost full EWH gear) so your trading 1 bonus damage for 0.5% crit chance People say "if your crit capped" thats innacurate... as stated before alot of things affect crit chance and all of them have different diminishing returns but personally i beleive you get more damage (and steadier damage) if you go willpower (both power and WP get affected by SW buff in the same way so it was discarded for this comparassion..altho i agree that adding it would increase the gap a little bit... by 0.05 bonus damage per 100 to be precise)
  14. I'm not sure what issue you been having with Voltaic Slash VS builds up a stack that adds damage to shock but it also builds up induction that reduces the cost of it Most deception rotations involve using VS Twice, firing off shock, repeat Even if your VS buff is still on and you have a boost to damage, in most cases for both pvp and pve its better to still hit VS twice youll run out of force way too quickly otherwise. I tend to fire off shock without induction but only as a finishing blow or against people i cant catch up to (force speed is down so they are too far for melee but close enough for discharge and shock) TL;DR: I advise always using VS twice before shock even if the buff is still up
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