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Posts posted by Freedannad

  1. If you're not afraid of complexity and you can cope with decade-old graphics until the vaporware "engine upgrade" is released, Anarchy Online is for you.


    AO haven't heard that name in a while. Its been 10 years since I have even heard that game talked about. That game introduced me to mmos. I played it while waiting for SWG to come out.

  2. In War Zones I can wear average PVE gear and get bolstered within 95% of conqueror


    In Open World PVP events, I can wear average PVE gear and get bolstered within 95%


    Is it truly just for the occassional fight in the daily areas? Seems like a whole lot of work for not much application.


    When you run across someone during the gree event that has 2018 expertise you will have the answer to your question. You have to remember that regular warzones are full of people that have no clue what they are doing, that is why it seems like you don't need pvp gear. One match against a premade in min/maxed gear (AKA decent players) and you will see what I mean. Then again, you will probably just make up another excuse as to why you got pounded so bad.

  3. I, personally, really enjoy the pvp in this game. I do agree that more warzones would add greatly to the enjoyment. Even just another huttball map would make me happy. I was a HUGE fan of the "old school" Alterac Valley in WOW, the one where you had to do boss fights while pvping. I think that would be a great addition, as long as the matches don't last 8 hours like they did in WOW, lol. It was so much fun killing opposing tanks and healers then watching the boss rip apart a 20 man raid!
  4. Hi guys ,


    Lately I've been something and i don't seem to find an answer to this. I did not read the SW books as time does not allow me , so i am hoping that some of you might know the answer :D

    So , my question is this : since we all can agree based on various movies and games in the SW universe that the tech at the time Vader lived was pretty advanced , why didn't he commission a group of scientists to clone or simply grow his damaged organs and limbs and have them attach said parts to him ? Instead of living in his weird life suit for about 20 years or so. I mean from the TFU games it is obvious that the camioans and most likely other scientist groups could clone force users and for what i am talking about , there is no need for a full clone , just use some tissue and engineer the missing stuff.

    This way , he could still reach his full potential and not restrict himself the way he did( not to mention he wouldn't have to look like a masochistic sliced and shriveled hairless tomato all the time ) . I'm thinking that with a full living body , even though some of the pieces were replaced with engineered spares , would be much more preferable to a state of constant pain and dependency of wires( I'm imagining him with a few faulty wires in his hands and because of this malfunction hes constantly flipping off the mofs in a meeting instead of killing them for failing him or something ) and oil so he wouldn't squeak when he met the emperor and stuff like that.

    Please give your thoughts on this , and if someone knows a source from where i could get an answer please leave a reply.

    Edited for grammer


    Using this logic, wouldn't Padawan Skywalker have had a new arm grown for him when Dooku chopped of his first one? Wouldn't Luke have had a real arm implanted instead of the cybernetic one?

  5. IMO, biochem is the only skill worth having. Here is why you can buy most anything that the other professions craft with the profits you make from selling mats alone and playing the GTN, stims are just gravy. Yes, if you are one of the other professions you can buy stims from a biochem, but you cant buy the reusable ones. Take my opinion with a grain of salt, because I'm not a big fan of crafting so I do just enough to get my stims and never touch it again. If you like crafting and getting recipes then then, yes you probably did choose the wrong profession. BTW, if you want to make credits, pick up slicing. You will literally just walk around collecting credits and you can still do biochem just need to buy the Diplomacy stuff, but that doesn't cost that much.
  6. Saw you in a WZ a while back. Have been on my Pub toon. This is Carnage from Lowca. Still about as big of a forum ho as ever. Probably will be looking to get my assassin up to 55 here soon though.


    Hey man, hows it going. Level your imp and we will get you geared quickly. Send me a tell, the gree event is coming up, maybe we can get a power leveling group going. I hear it can still be done, it just takes more 55s to help.

  7. Added ya but you wasn't online, you might remember me from Chilastra, names there was Cyran, Malis, and Tivel Prime. Hit me up next time you log in if I don't see you log in, in game name is also Cyran on this game.


    I remember you from chili. I was on my sorc, chikro, last night. Ill add you to my friends list. Tonight, send me a tell on freedannad, if I'm on another character I will still get it. I'm on just about every night from 9-12.

  8. I spoke to this guy F'q last night. He was spamming "Number 1 pvp guild on the server, l am legend, recruiting". I saw this thread a few days ago and decided to ask the guy a few questions. He had an answer for everything. He said that "L am legend" was the real guild and that "I am legend" was the cheap knock off. He said he was the reason that I am legend ever won a match and that what he was doing was a "hostile takeover" of the guild. I asked him "if (L) was the real talent behind the guild then why do you need to recruit in general chat". The answer was that he was looking to build up numbers in the guild. He wanted a "big pool of talent" to chose from and that most of the people would be phased out of the guild once the rated team is established. I even told him, "well, let me ask ci'las on his twitch feed" his answer was "Ci'las quit to go to law school". At least, he researches his cons.
  9. Hello old friends,

    I know there are a lot of people still playing from the Chilastra and Lowca servers of SWG. There has been threads giving shout outs, so I know you guys are here :). The reason for this post isn't just to say "YO". I was a first day player of swg and played every mmo since then. The players I played with on chilastra and Lowca were some of the best pvpers across any game I have played and you guys were also fun to hang with which created a great community on both servers. A few of us from Lowca and Chilastra are starting a rated team on the imp side. We are currently recruiting for all classes and roles. Our core group is able to fill any role needed both gear and skill wise, that gives us the opportunity to recruit anyone that fits and we don't have to turn you away because we already have enough of the role you like to play.


    Contact me either though pm or ingame my chars are listed below. I look forward to kicking butts with you guys again soon.








  10. I play from 9-12 just about ever night. I finish my weekly mission by the weekend every week and that is with taking off a night or 2. TBH I finished both my weekly this week last night. My trick is I play healer when I see no healer and I play dps when there are too many healers. That and I make sure to queue with friends that know how to play. If you can get 4 ppl that are gonna be at the top of the leaderboard than that leaves only 4 ppl that can screw it up(AND THEY WILL). At least if you have 4 players queueing with you, it is a little easier to carry the other 4. Also, if you are grinding out gear, Get used to losing. Not having pvp gear puts you at two disadvanatages 1) your stats are not up to par with others that have 2018 exp. 2) If you are grinding gear you probably have a lot to learn about being able to be an all star and no offense intended, but you wont be able to carry a team until you take a lot of butt whippings and get gear. On top of that always remember that your pug team is the luck of the draw. You are gonna be stuck with bad players and players that are just learning to play. If you don't like the disorganization of pugs then you NEED to find a rated team. If you do jump into rateds, trust me on this, you have yet to see what a butt-whipping in this game really is.


    My advice to you, while grinding gear learn your class inside and out. You will find that the better you know your class the more rewarding your playtime is going to be. Once you are a master of your class winning and losing wont matter that much to you because getting max comms, even in a loss, is still a decent amount and you will have your gear in no time. Keep your chin up and remember to have fun and wins will come.

  11. i agree with this. I'd also like to see a 'mind' bar as well, deplete when mentally intensive abilities were used. And a force bar when force abilities are used! So then there would be a health, action, mind and force bars that players would have to skillfully balance and manage at the same time!


    Oh wait, i think this has been done before...




    mind fire ftw!!!

  12. It can be OP when its a team of smashers playing ring-a-round the healer = big smash bomb ever 3-5 seconds from one of them.


    Your problem isn't that smash is "OP" it is that you are not smart enough to move out of the range of smash. When I see a bunch of smashers crowding me on my sorc take a guess what I do. OVERLOAD AND RUN AWAY!!!! If you stand there and try to heal through it you deserve to go down fast. Learn to play the game that exists now instead of hoping they will change the game to your playstyle. That is just childish.

  13. Smash Monkeys: You might not get a nerf, but don't expect respect.


    So tired of easymode in this game. One of the saddest forms of easymode is a ring of smash monkeys all hoppin up and down in a circle around a healer. You make the game so boring.


    Oh man, I really was looking for your respect. Solo only queue? WOW, you have a lot to cry about. Maybe, if you didn't complain so much, you could find people to play with you.

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