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Posts posted by Freedannad

  1. Do you guys do like kickball style? Me and a couple others might be willing to join if so, seems like it would even the playing field... you wouldn't be facing the entirety of experienced groups if they happen to queue.


    Send me a tell on freedannad. Maybe we can also arrange some scrimmages outside of warzones.

  2. I don't know you or care about you but from reading your post you should probably just grind up an empire char. You will find many more on that side that are able to carry you and allow you to continue your career as a top notch nut-hugger. Best wishes.


    HAHA!!! BLKSN always makes me chuckle. I agree, it has flip flopped. I'm sure the summer has something to do with it. This season always plays havoc with player participation. Who knows maybe the better imps will be back soon, or not does it really matter? If you don't like pugs queue for team rated.

  3. Premades can and should play against premade. But right now that is not possible due to the pvp playerbase being to small. That is the truth to it. What u are repeating here lacks any logic. Ppl really need to stop repeating platitudes without thinking


    Even if I Q alone I am playing with other ppl. I play with them and I play against them.


    What ppl are asking for is for premades to play against premades. I just dont see why anyone have a problem with that. The fact that it just cant come true is due to EA/BW screwups. So plz lets realize the real problem and do as the OP suggests. lets make one big voice isntead of this bickering


    I don't care to bicker. I understand that pugs are full of people that are not going to be coordinated and that their skill level will probably be sub par. Frankly, I don't care if im up against a premade when I am queueing solo. Here is the reason, you are gonna win some and lose some (the pvp grind is long and repetitive). There are gonna be times that you are stuck with new 55s and there are gonna be times that you are gonna be on the same side as that premade. If you are on the team with the premade you win, if you are on the team against the premade its gonna be a quick loss and you can move on to the next warzones. I live with it and move on. That is how I look at it. Or you can do as the OP suggests and cry to ppl that don't care(bioware). That's just my 2 cents, but I'm sure I am wrong. maybe if you throw a big enough tantrum it will change.

  4. Lol I came across this player yesterday. Was fighting two pub golds solo and was at half health wen the twilek scoundrel opened on me. Started blowing her away, then she ran. Finished my fight then she came back and opened on me before I could heal up. I would have been embarrassed if I were her. I didn't even have all my cooldowns, or health. :o Its obvious she can't do much without interrupting players half spent on mobs. I actually feel a bit sorry for her.


    I ran across this player too. Except in my case, I got jumped when attacking a mob. I saw the player attacking me I ignored the mob hit Q once for 9k, she ran immediately to her friendly npc hoping that I would give chase. I ignored her and she didn't come back. This happens EVERY time that I do dailies in section x with the same player in the same spot. She sucks, hit her once and she goes away. She cant fight and she is always cloaked hoping the npcs will do the killing for her. Sad she depends on npcs that are 5 lvls lower than her to kill.

  5. Baras wins. I mean yeah Nadd was a supposedly good sith sorcerer and killed Naga Sadow...though Sadow was pretty crappy too. He did kill countless Jedi...but we don't know who they were, or what they were capable of or anything of the sort.


    Also yes he did on Onderon, he was also unable to stop the Beast Riders so what does that tell you?


    Naga Sadow, was pretty crappy? He blew up 2 suns, I think that more than qualifies him as powerful.

  6. I predict whatever happens, PvPer's will complain endlessly about it.


    LOL, isn't that the truth. I cant believe how many people sit there spending hours upon hours complaining about something they spend $15 a month on. 15 a month for hours of entertainment is a bargain. I'm sure the complainers find joy in their complaining, that being said that joy alone is worth the $15. I agree, whatever happens in any patch in any game MMORPG players will always complain. I wish that you people cared about the real world, and the crap hole that is becoming, as much as you care about the game Bioware is trying to sell. Demand the excellence that you demand from bioware in every part of your life.

  7. I personally think you should stack power above strength! I know the other guy said endurance, but I disagree. All you are looking to do is land the girl. This will be easier with power and strength. You will be lacking endurance, but lets be honest(if your asking for advice on woman in an mmo forum), you were gonna disappoint her either way.
  8. i hear wildstar has good pvp but I haven't heard much about it so I doubt it. Guild wars 2 sucks compared to swtor imo and wow is ancient and needs to be retired. Elder scrolls might be good but could also be bad too. I think this game just needs more focus on pvp, better rewards, dueling,open world rewards, more game modes or maps and some work on the classes.


    I have heard the exact opposite from a friend in closed beta, right now. NCSoft is great at making promos, their games are fun too until they completely change it, or it gets cancelled. I miss COV, that was some fun pvp mechanics, too bad no one ever did it they were too busy roleplaying as Superman.

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