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Everything posted by Iolus

  1. So lets say we agree to disagree. Just one question.... There are a bunch of players who are geared, know their classes, and are experienced in pvp but have never set foot in either the solo or group queue.... why is that?
  2. There is one flaw with solo arenas and that is the pug element. You don't decide who queues so you will get people who are undergeared, inexperienced, and even trolls. How much patience do you these "elite players" to have with people who don't have full expertise, aren't augmented, don't use guard as a tank, don't listen to the initial game plan, jump in there awe then smash........ I did about 10 or so solo matches last night. I started out on my marauder and then switched to my vanguard when the imps logged. We won 3 straight on my marauder because the pub tank didn't have max expertise, didn't use guard... etc. How patient do you want people to be with their time? That is why me and my friends queue for group arenas. The people i play with don't take undergeared toons into solos because well they know they are going to hurt their team. Solos should have never had a leaderboard if it was meant to be a stepping stone for group arenas. The mere fact that Bioware's idea of "better supporting ranked play" was adding leaderboards is pretty lazy and quite stupid. Why didn't they add leaderboards to 8v8 rwz when they first came out or a month or two afterwards. We have the most lazy and incompetent devs on the planet. /endrant So queue up for solos, group w/e because I know you guys are tired of wzs. I
  3. Well how do you suggest more teams queue up? My team doesn't plan when we want to do ranked, when the 4 of us are on at the same time we queue for ranked. You can question a team's dominance all you want and call their wins "that night" lucky but Bioware instituted an entire season. There were a whole lot of teams queueing when the season started, why did they stop? Do you have a way to get people to queue? I know we've tried to get people to queue but not a lot of teams have wanted.
  4. From what I've heard from some imp players is that they solo q all the time and its usually against imps..... Well I've queued a lot and its usually pub v pub (republic sentinels). So... yeah solo q.... People focus on group ranked because you get to pick who you play with. Solo queue is the same thing as wzs.... you have to depend on pugs whose actions but have a stronger weight than in 8v8s. I don't see people pugging NiM modes..... I could be wrong but people usually pick the people they want to play with when it comes to the higher tiers of content. Group ranked is the highest tier of pvp.
  5. I never said anything about PD and their relevance in ranked or outside. I've always have had respect for PD but you made some statements regarding who could offer the best competition on this server and I assumed you were talking about you but I guess I was wrong. Edit 1: Wildberry what toon are you doing group ranked in?
  6. No I'm no Bill O'Riley but there is no spin here. lol
  7. "I'm curious, if that is the 'word' on the streets, who did they beat up on? I've done a total of 8 arena matches, all of which were last night. I know 3 out of the 4 grouped with me were also doing their first 8 matches. It could be argued that the 3 of us were at one time among the best at our classes on the server. Regardless if anyone agrees with me or not is irrelevant, anyone dominating the server in arena isn't facing the best the server has to offer. Just my opinion. I know you know this though Cinerous, so I'm preaching to others I guess." http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=694432&page=20 Did you not say that you were the best at your class at one point? (not sure who the others you mention are) Are you still claiming to be the best? If so, you must be the best commando? You said the dominant team hasn't faced the best the server has to offer. You are right because Revelation did transfer. But I think you were trying to imply they haven't faced you. Edit: The spin stops here
  8. lol Well that commando from PD said they were the best this server had to offer. I'm glad to see you queued again... day 1 of season 1 is a long time..
  9. We won't be able to queue around 3-5 pm... maybe depends on work schedules. When all four of our guys are on vent we'll discuss the 3-5 thing. We usually try 6-10 pm.... but that can change if our people are willing. A lot of guilds have said they are interested... I would love for them to also say who their contact is. If you see Iolus, Dany, Yeawl, Letereus... let us know you wanna paly.
  10. We'll queue when our 4 guys are on. When that will be will depend on what they have going on in RL. Even when we queued it depended on Dany who lives in Scotland. Now there were about 4 teams who said they wanted to queue so unless each team only wants to face us that fine... But I haven't seen anything from you since day 1 of season 1....
  11. We have been saying something.... ask anyone on the pub side and the imp side. We obviosuly haven't been sitting there playing with our ***** because we have 51 games..... double and triple than most teams. So if anyone would look at the leaderboards you could see tha we've been playing
  12. We sat in the queue since day 1 of season 1. We haven't been in the queue since Christmas Eve because a few of us were on vacation (which we said on these forums). We've played 51 games since the season started so we've been there. Thortogo from Bloodbath said he didn't know either, well the only imps we've faced on a consistent basis was Chaotic Pixels. I know sitting in the queue isn't fun but as of the forums: RG, Bloodbath, Republic Sentinels, Prime Defense, Postmortem, and our team all have said they want to do ranked...... someone has to be getting pops.
  13. We've always been in the queue but our healer's mouse is borked. Once he gets it fixed we should be in the queue again.
  14. in that case...... we shall call him "El Terrible"!
  15. Was he the first to die in each match?
  16. you are a terrible terrible person lol. Hit me up on JC.
  17. whats your toons name on pot5? My pt is Iolus and im wrecking fools in my lvl 8 greens.
  18. So I'm officially back so our team will be probably queuing Sunday or Monday.
  19. They launched arenas with 2.4 as a continuation of the preason then later started season 1 when they launched the leaderboards.
  20. I know during the preseason we faced a few teams but the only ones we consistently faced was Revelation. It got to the point where 80-90% of the games we played were against them. Obinian and I had to coordinate because we would sit in the queue for hours without a pop. As of season 1 we've been in the queue waiting. We've played exactly 51 games and hope to play a lot more. Seems a lot of people are interested now. No worries I'll be back in game tomorrow.
  21. lol its all good. I hope things are going well for US on POT5.
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