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  1. I generally consider myself a casual player but when I do find the time to play MMOs (for fun of course) I like to get the most out of the time I am able to put in since I tend to have a fairly busy RL schedule. I also enjoy trying to get better at activities I love, or the work that I do... you should take pride in doing the best at something that you can on a personal level, and the better you get, the more pride you have and you will have a greater sense of fulfillment ; as well as the more free time you'll have to do other things. If I am participating in a group activity with friends or pugs alike and if we are proceeding at a decent pace and not wiping over and over and over again I see no reason to even give recount a second thought (or hold over someones head that they are doing less dps than me or "I'm a better healer than you are!", or "my alt is a better tank !" "insert other random snide remark from misc. person you've heard here" etc etc.) In this situation I would merely use it to gauge my own performance; that I am taking minimal damage, my interrupts are landing, my dps is getting better over time with continual practice and upgrades, etc. If my group (friends or pugs) are repeatedly wiping it does come in handy to see what people are and aren't doing; for us to work out a interrupt rotation if necessary, for the tank to use more cooldowns at a certain point in the fight, for the healer to use cooldowns to make up for the tank taking more damage, am I standing in fire or bad stuff? are any of my group members taking avoidable damage? How can we fix this? How can we get through this encounter more efficiently? This is the way I see it, there is always going to be some jerk who is going to link meters or gloat about how much damage they are doing or how they are better; but to be honest with or without recount people are still going to nitpick at others, and there are still going to be those elitist people with or without an addon to help justify those opinions. Put them on ignore, don't group with them again; if your guild isn't a good fit and your ideals don't match, find a more suitable guild for your playstyle.
  2. I would have to agree with what Israel is saying here as well as it is a tool I have regularly used in the past to gauge my own personal performance in different roles and settings to see how and where I could potentially improve, or where as a team we could improve.... not to pick apart my teammates performance in order to belittle or embarass them. When properly used it is a fantastic tool imo.
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