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  1. sadly enough this is very true lol but on the real this still baffles me that bioware would even implament such an obvious broken system at launch. this is one area they dropped the ball hard.
  2. i did not tbh i just made the post and got back to the game cuz its a great game and i got more stuff to do before xmas dinner
  3. but lvl 50s with thier pvp gear should not at all be playing in pvp against lower lvl people. it just doenst make sence. and you cant tell me its balanced when i watch a lvl 50 do over 400k damage because i know that a lvl 10 does not have the capability to do that. its an MMO and gear played a huge role so does rotation. to either A you change it and make it spereate for lvls. or B you give everyone full rotation in pvp as well as take out any and all gear augmentations. and to me B just sounds silly. the point is pvp is supposed to be hard and fun. and when im pounding on 4 lvl 25s and destroying them before i even get below half health its not fun. at least make a branch of pvp where im not going to ROFL stomp lowbies cuz its not fair to them and its not fun to me. *zipps up flame jacket* have at it griefer fanboys that like this system.
  4. this is how its supposed to be. if you want easy mode LFG go back to WoW. i remember making groups in vanilla wow could like over an hour and then you had to get there and there was no centralized location that all of the flashpoints are you had to run across the world to get there. so stop complaining.
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