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Everything posted by Kuvera

  1. If you took the time to read my post, and watch the video you posted, or even had entered the encounter yourself on either hard or nightmare, you would have realized that something was wrong. I gave very specific values for the health of SOA and Mindtraps in Nightmare. SOA has slightly over a million, the traps have 218k HP. Yup, in the video the Boss has 890k HP, Mindtraps have 25k. This is on Hardmode, despite the title. It was probably before Nightmare got fixed given that it was posted the day of the fix, so the instance was set on nightmare, but it wasn't a nightmare encounter. Certainly not a world first.
  2. That mount is nuts! We didn't get the hardmode kill, had some bad RNG but we've got it down.
  3. If you watch what the messages say when it does bug, you can figure out how to fix it.
  4. Today we cleared through 4/5 EV on Nightmare (now that it's fixed to actually be Nightmare). The pylons are bugged, but there's a trick to the encounter that makes it completable. The SOA encounter though... I really think is impossible. SOA has over 1 million health, but that's not the insane bit. The mind traps, that you HAVE to kill or be down players have 218k HP. Our top DPS, that beat every boss, on nightmare, despite enrage timers, can't keep up with these traps much less actually get any DPS on the boss. This is nuts compared to the 25k that they have in Hard mode. Unless there is a mechanic that isn't working properly I don't see this boss dying anytime soon. My thoughts are almost that the mob inside the mind traps triggers something, but having killed him dozens of times, it's clear he doesn't do anything.
  5. Your chests actually worked? We tried on Master Loot and Free for all
  6. Did you guys have issues with the loot from chests? None of our chests were able to be looted after 1 person looked at them.
  7. My guild, ePeen on Helm of Gaursh just cleared 4/5 bosses in Eternity Vault today On the every boss, no matter what loot is set to, tokens can only be picked up by people chosen by the game itself, a master looter CANNOT designate the target. For bosses 2-3 the loot is in chests, after the chest is opened once, they become unable to be accessed by anyone else in the group, visually they stay open and have a mouseover but no one can access them, even the person who accessed it first can't get back in. The chest on ancient pylons reset once randomly after 5 minutes but then didn't reset again. We wiped later in the instance, and every chest stopped showing a mouseover icon and never reset. I am cross posting this into the bug forum.
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