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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Tom_Joad

  1. I don't think this has been mentioned yet, but I found mine at the bottom of the waterfall at: -1153 / 250



    Pics as proof:




    It's pretty stupid. It took me 6 hours to find one and people who had 3 more. Three of us looked at every location mentioned in this thread and found NONE for over 3 hours -- only to be saved by a random person who had one.


    This is just ANOTHER slap in the face considering sith marauder is ALREADY gimped when it comes to items: See my thread about how Might gear is 2 levels below Guardian gear, when it even exists: http://www.swtor.com/de/community/showthread.php?t=127039


    When will bioware stop treating marauders like the red-headed, oh-we-forgot-you-were-there, class. My toon is more neglected than Meg in Family Guy!

  2. The more I play Marauder, the more I feel that it was an after thought of the devs.


    I just finished Corellia, and the items for every planet have been lacking in every respect. For instance, might hilts, which are clearly for Marauders, are lacking in what seems like every other planet's commendation scheme. And if they are there at all, they are usually weaker than Guardian Hilts, which are clearly for juggs.


    Take Corellia's commendation vendor, it has Guardian Hilt 21 and 22, but only Might Hilt 20. Guardian Hilt 22 is clearly superior to the Might Hilt -- you only sacrifice 1 strength to gain 10 endurance and 8 damage rating.


    During quest rewards, you are rewarded Heavy Armor in many instances with no comparable medium armor even offered. When it is offered, it is usually weaker than what you already have.


    Not to mention juggs get an ability which gives them 6 rage (our battering assault) while they are out of combat (from my understanding, a friend is playing one). So I have to do at least 1 extra hit just to get going, while the jugg -- as well as most every other class -- is ready to use their best skills before the fight even starts!




    Still going through the commendation mods. Looks like Might Armoring is also 2 levels below Guardian Armoring on Correllia. Looks like I'll be decked out in jugg/guardian gear /sigh.

  3. Just wanted to share because a lot of people seem to either being doing really well or really bad with Marauder.


    I switched from Carnage to Annihilation at level 26, on Tatooine, and have seen a vast improvement PvE wise. To me, it is a better spec. After I switched, I was able to kill the parts of Tatooine I was stuck on without even losing half of my health -- after dying over and over while Carnage spec.


    My standard rotation for 'strong' and tougher is:

    Force Charge, Deadly Saber, Battering Assault, Rupture, Ravage, and Force Choke.


    By the time I finish the rotation, they are usually at least down to 1/3 life, if not dead (level 30 now on Alderaan).


    When taking on mobs of 2-3 regulars, my favorite is:

    Mob 1. Force Charge, the Stomping One, Deadly Saber, Ravage;

    Mob 2. Rupture and Force Choke; and

    Mob 3. Whatever I can dish out.


    There is a lot more to it, but I figured I would give a starting point.

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