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Everything posted by Oshbac

  1. In before its removed/the scrub posts.
  2. 2,276,572 dmg 2,247.36 dps Rage 2/8/36 http://i.imgur.com/S7Ar1dL.jpg
  3. 2,276,572 dmg 2,247.36 dps Rage 2/8/36 http://i.imgur.com/S7Ar1dL.jpg
  4. Really want my original name back, willing to pay. Respond with a quick screenshot so I have proof and name your price. Or you could be a nice guy and give it to me . Has to be "Oshbac" no weird characters.
  5. 36 people are 55 that are online right now farming gear on Pot5. This is just frustrating. They are going to be done with the game by the time we get to play it.
  6. Bioware should care cause half my guild is able to play and half isn't and there is no point in playing these 5 days so were going to go play defiance while we wait for the new content. Who knows we might have more fun playing that than RotHC. I mean it was only $10 so its not a giant waste.' On a side note bioware thinks that makeb will take a full week to get to 55. in reality its only going to take 10-12 hours. This gives hardcore players enough time to get fully geared on regular com gear from warzones as well as max all their professions and make bank on the gtn doing so. Its an extremely unfair advantage.
  7. I was told the early access was for testing purposes to make sure the expansion is working properly and to make sure the server load is stable. If by April 10th there is no issue with the servers and the game content they should give access to everyone who has bought the game.
  8. To be honest bubble stuns are annoying but they aren't unmanagable as a marauder. I've been back for 1 month and can manage them fairly well. I'm not saying I never get hit by one but its not hard to avoid a good chunk of them. Adaptation as hotshot said is crucial in a game. People that reroll because they can't hack it, especially in this joke of a game, is kinda sad. Same people who quit wow because they weren't good enough to get t2 PvP weapons. Guess what they made t2 weapons require no rating to get now. You all should do us a favor and go back.
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