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Everything posted by Tealik

  1. Gotcha covered. Well done Forge. Updated.
  2. Updated. Well done on the kills guys! Hey there! There is no need to post story mode kills to be included. If it's not posted, it won't be shown as being killed for your guild yet, but again it's not needed. If you skip straight to HM the kills will be recorded in such fashion.
  3. Nicely done guys! @TDT ... That enraged kill! Makes for a fun watch
  4. You're right, I hadn't watched that yet. Good stuff!
  5. Everything is updated properly now, to my knowledge. Apologies if I missed anything, and congrats to Exit Area on clearing! I need coffee.....
  6. Everyone needs some Tay Swizzle in their life. GET IT GURL. JUST SHAKE IT OFF. Disclaimer: I may or may not be drunk.
  7. Congrats on all the kills guys. Keep it up! <3 Will update once I'm home.
  8. Nice job on all the progression folks! Good to see guilds still trying to push their way through all of the craziness that's been plaguing the servers lately. I'll have it updated as soon as I get home from work. -- I absolutely think it's worth it. I don't really see a reason why it wouldn't be. I know there are those that may not care, or think it's only worth it if it's nightmare content, but overall I think it helps with community activity. If a particular guild doesn't feel that it's worth it, or doesn't like the idea then obviously they don't have to even pay attention to thread or anything. The idea is to come together as guilds on the server; to keep guild names out there for others to view, and obviously for those who want to compete when the hardest content does arrive. Personally, I think it's cool to continue to see how all the guilds are doing, even without any "worthy" content out yet. -- I love you Fox.
  9. Nice. Good stuff. Hope everyone had a good Holiday break!
  10. Nice Did The Underlurker's devastation mechanic bug out for you guys in 16m as well?
  11. Nice job on some more kills guys. Yeah some of the scaling sucks in my opinion. We were able to clear 8 man story mode 5/5 for each raid pretty sufficiently in Shadowed. After doing some Hard mode in 16 man we tried story, and man is the damage totally different. Bulo barrels hitting people for 37k as opposed to 17. Dumb. We full cleared 16sm Ravagers but currently can't get past Underlurker in ToS due to a bug? We do the Devastation mechanic identically to 8 man yet it continuously fails us. Bleh.
  12. It's all good, I also watched the video. Nice job.
  13. We did this the other day, I think it was 22 man. We had a bunch of 57's and 58's mixed in. Hit enrage timer at about 25%ish. Was fun to kill. Except the quest is bugged for me and won't let me complete it. I've done it 3 times -.-
  14. 16m HM Malaphar killed for Shadowed http://i.imgur.com/CGtCjay.jpg
  15. 16m HM Sparky for Shadowed. Achievement: http://i.imgur.com/aCOw3mC.jpg Yayyyy Implants: http://i.imgur.com/0Lrop6n.jpg
  16. Jokaz, from Shadowed got there pretty freakin' quick. Not sure his exact time though. I just hit 60. I'm slowwwwww.
  17. Congrats Death-Sentence, well done! --- I'm guessing this is the Republic side guild of Enforcers? Let me know so I can include the Republic name with your Imperial guild already up on the list.
  18. You are correct about having the 2 pick up players. Nice job on the kill. Do you have shots/videos of the previous 4 by chance?
  19. Cool, thanks for clearing that up Bawoni. I knew the post dates were done after the kills, so I wasn't sure how accurate those were. When I got in touch with my source, we discussed. I didn't officially check achievement dates/times considering who it was. That was totally my fault. Sorry guys! All fixed. Everything should be accurate now, and all included. Now we can start looking forward to 3.0!
  20. The Chandrian has server first, because according to my information, they did in fact get server first. They were never included on the list. Now that they are, and everything has been updated accordingly, I have made it as accurate as I know for them. If I am wrong, then I will by all means change it. I'm doing what I can here to keep this as accurate as possible after taking over the thread, having that little bit of "official kill" drama, and having new guilds join in/old guilds leave... Etc. I agree with you guys, HMD was great. Like I said, just keeping it accurate. All of this stuff I'm hoping will be resolved come 3.0, and when I give my refresh on the rules.
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