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Posts posted by DosPeros

  1. I am actually happy though as it will make the time i invested in full BM worth something. I know this will bring alot of QQ.


    I agree. I was ok with gear grind but I do not like the concept of end game gear. It makes issues like this inevitable.


    If gear were just gear, meaning what people bought, made or picked up then we would see a lot more variety in the game and not this one size fits all BS.


    Gear choices would become part of the PVP dynamic. People who do not understand how the stats affect their game play would be at a severe disadvantage while those who made it a science would gain the benefit of real expertise not a stupid stat on the armor.


    I would love to see and hope that orange crit gear may be the back breaker for "PVP" and PVE gear.


    As it stands now their is some variation but most of it is set within the parameters of what the devs have put out.


    I know alot of Hardcore PVPers don't like the PVE aspects (I personally hate OPs/Raids) of the game so they resist anything which would force them out into the "world", but if we want to end all of the gear grind through endless warzones then I see no other way, except maybe the good old communist way of 1-49 warzones where everyone is artificially made equal.


    So the Republic had a total of 1,079,906 in heals. Assuming the average player had 17,000 (which may be high) to start with that adds another 136,000 points of damage to the total for a grand total of 1,215,906 total possible points of damage.



    178 deaths.

    2,191,397 total points of damage.


    An average of 12,311.21 points of damage per death.


    Makes me wonder how they actually calculate the damage some one actually does and at what point someone gets credit for a death?


    I can't even begin to imagine how this guys did this. One can only assume the Republic players must have stood in a tight group and let themselves get pounded on.

  3. Actually Assassins can do the exact same thing. But most of them don't even spec into the deception tree (the equivalent to the Operative concealment tree) because they can be even MORE useful out of stealth in the thick of the action.



    Also one argument that is often used from people that agree with the Operative nerfs is that "Operatives can kill their targets in one stunlock" (which by the way only happens with stim + relic + 3 min cooldown popped).

    What they forget though is that ANY OTHER CLASS can kill them in just ONE SHOT by knocking them off the bridge in Voidstar, knocking them in the Huttball pit or knocking them into the Fire. Assassins can even do that FROM STEALTH. Operative is the only class without a knockback so they are the only class that can't do that.


    Sorry but Sentinels have no knockbacks either. And though force stasis does a small amount of damage we can not hit our opponents when we do stun them or it breaks.

  4. First off, there is no such thing as a 'team of operative', at best it means 4 people in a BG, in reality there is barely one or two operative per WZ. So let alone a team winning their WZ solely on stun lock.


    Second, mind you but 2/3 of ANY class will "stun lock" anyone under focus and kill it just as fast, this is where the ignorance and ridiculousness of Greg show.


    Third, no sh*t it upset people ?! That's the WHOLE point, it upset MORE people than it please (3% of people play operative) so who do you think he is going to listen to? The mass.


    He just admitted it, so get over it instead of trying to justify such a claim.


    Plus I'm 100% right when I said BW have nobody else but them to blame since they are the one who made the resolve system. If they are not happy with it they should change it.


    I feel sorry that some common sense and reading comprehension is beyond a couple of people over here.


    Your own writings condem you for your obvious ignorance.

  5. The funny thing is, there is an entire thread dedicated to this quote and you're the only one trying to twist the quote in your own way.


    But I guess you're the only one over here who speak English "properly".


    What a clown... :rolleyes:


    Wow a thread where everyone agrees!!


    Point me to this miracle!



    What I broke down for you is the only logical understanding one can derive from that sentence.


    He did not say we have a statistical measure of how people feel, he said they have a very good statistical measure of war zone performance. It implies that they look at the metrics to see what falls outside their expectations. Obviously when one group is either above or below expectations then it will mean a high likelihood of dissatisfaction with the product for those who are most adversely affected.


    It so happens this issue had manifested itself in the forums exactly as would be expected by people QQ.


    Many people argued the world was flat, and from their narrow uninformed and uneducated point of view they believed they were correct.


    Much as you do!

  6. I have no issue following your absurdity, I am sorry I pointed out the obvious and put some logic and common sense into your head. It seems to hurt you.


    What is absurd that Bioware states-


    “We have very measurable statistics that tell us if people lose a certain number of Warzones in a row being stun locked by a team of Operatives”


    And you interpret-


    “They just found that statistically people are frustrated by the system BW created themselves thus are nerfing the class people play the less in order to maintain as much subscription as possible.”

    I think even someone with a third grade public school education in the United States would conclude you are ignorant.

  7. You have mental issues dude, this may be the only explanation regarding your mess of a post and how you see twisted things.


    Logic isn't your forte either, of course a TEAM of operative is going to quickly kill anyone, just like ANY OTHER TEAM regardless of the class hu, Greg statement is infinitely ignorant.


    They just found that statistically people are frustrated by the system BW created themselves thus are nerfing the class people play the less in order to maintain as much subscription as possible.


    If there were much more people playing operative you'd see the exact opposite...


    Oh well by the time I post this I guess you'd be called out on your bools**t anyway


    Obviously English is not your native language so I can see why you have a problem following his simple and quite forward statement.


    Regarding a mess of a post, while I like many may occasionally drop a letter or use weak sentence structure in the heat of the moment, your butchery of the written word makes your post difficult to read but once deciphered ridiculous on the face.


    Regarding mental issues I assure you I have some but less than most and certainly fewer than you.


    regarding My earlier post


    Originally Posted by DosPeros

    You might want to read a little more carefully. Lets parse this sentence with a little critical thinking.


    "If we leave the Operative the ability to stun lock and kill people — yes, there aren’t many Operatives — but over the long term, that means people will quit the game cause it’s not fun"


    Meaning people are getting killed way to fast.


    Bioware hears complaints and ask the Question? Maybe they are getting killed way to fast because there is a balance issue?


    Bioware then investigates the issue using


    We have very measurable statistics that tell us if people lose a certain number of Warzones in a row being stun locked by a team of Operatives


    After investigation they determine that indeed the QQ were correct the Operatives we overpowered. The result of which could mean for the player base.


    "but over the long term, that means people will quit the game cause it’s not fun"



    What a reasonable person would conclude is they changed the game not because the QQers were crying but investigated an issue and found that statistically the QQ were correct Operatives are OP based upon the facts!

  8. I think he just said that.


    In current scoring, working the objectives vs working the score board are two different things for an op/scoundrel.




    He insinuated that the only way an operative can contribute to his team is by DPS. I merely pointed out that he can contribute far more by accomplishing objectives than DPS.

  9. Oh look, you uncloaked to hit someone, and someone else attacked you.

    Oh look, all those random AOEs flying around just knocked out out of stealth.

    Oh look, you were just seen from 20m away and attacked.


    You are now in combat and can't leave until the other person dies, or it has been like 20 seconds. Good luck doing tons of damage while you are unstealthed though.


    If an Operative is not unstealthed more than he is stealthed, the enemy team is bad, or the Operative is not contributing to the win (Cherry Picking).


    How many times have we seen an Operative Ninja Cap in Aldderan?


    How many times has a lone guard been "stun locked and kill in 5 to 10 seconds) guarding a turret cap?


    How many bombs have Operatives planted by sneaking behind the melee to blow the doors or extend the bridges?


    How many Huttballs have they stunned someone in the Flames or nailed from a perch where they are difficult to reach?


    All of these are skills and abilities that I have seen GOOD operatives use to contribute to the teams win.

  10. That is exactly what they do. Read Georg Zoeller's statement.


    If we leave the Operative the ability to stun lock and kill people — yes, there aren’t many Operatives — but over the long term, that means people will quit the game cause it’s not fun. We have very measurable statistics that tell us if people lose a certain number of Warzones in a row being stun locked by a team of Operatives, then that might be part of that, and they will be not as likely to re-subscribe.


    You might want to read a little more carefully. Lets parse this sentence with a little critical thinking.


    "If we leave the Operative the ability to stun lock and kill people — yes, there aren’t many Operatives — but over the long term, that means people will quit the game cause it’s not fun"


    Meaning people are getting killed way to fast.


    Bioware hears complaints and ask the Question? Maybe they are getting killed way to fast because there is a balance issue?


    Bioware then investigates the issue using


    We have very measurable statistics that tell us if people lose a certain number of Warzones in a row being stun locked by a team of Operatives


    After investigation they determine that indeed the QQ were correct the Operatives we overpowered. The result of which could mean for the player base.


    "but over the long term, that means people will quit the game cause it’s not fun"



    What a reasonable person would conclude is they changed the game not because the QQers were crying but investigated an issue and found that statistically the QQ were correct Operatives are OP based upon the facts!

  11. This is a ridiculous take on class balance I have ever seen.



    brb, operatives should be useless out of stealth and marauders should be able to face roll anyone 1v1.



    Most of operatives fighting occurs OUT of stealth.



    Then maybe that is why you get rolled so much. The good operatives I have seen and faced wait for the right to strike. They don't run into the middle of the melee uncloaked. If there is a Melee the GOOD Operatives work the edges.


    Stealth is a huge HUGE advantage!


    A good Sent/Mara can average around 190k damage per WZ I see Operatives in the 300k all the time.

  12. The company that made this game is Bioware/Mythic.


    Mythic has never listened to players when it comes to class balance, and their games have always had long-term, game-breaking imbalances that caused players to quit while Mythic took literally years sometimes to get classes semi-balanced. Mythic's game's have also always featured numerous virtually useless classes/specs for PvP, and they often would nerf a class that was already so weak as to be reliant on maybe one or two skills to have any viability at all. (Shadow Warriors in Warhamer, anyone?) while buffing other already strong classes.


    Why should SWTOR be any different?


    But they should never listen to player about class balance! Only the statistical facts gathered through the game metrics are relevant.


    Does anyone really believe that BIOware reads in the forum that LukeWannabe is pissed because he thinks operative s are OP and should be nerfed that they then go an nerf Operatives?

  13. It's time for the good old "Why play an Operative if you can also use stealth as an Assassin and have better burst, better survivability and better utility at the same time?" question.

    Noone has been able to give me an answer to that question so you can be the first!



    Also the part about "the fight being over within 5 to 10 seconds" is just a myth. If that happens to you regularly you are either undergeared or making mistakes. No matter which class you are playing.


    First question answer- I don't not know each class intimately, so I base this opinion only on personal observations of class make up .


    Other characters have similar abilities but different play styles, strength and advantages.

    The rules regarding an Assassin attacking a sentinel also apply. However he has one large weaknesses (light armor) that has to be offset by his higher burst. Another is their stealth is not nearly as stealthy. If you are within 10 meters of them you can "see" them, not so with an operative. you can practically pick their nose before they see you.


    We see the same trade off with the Guard/Jugg vs. Sent/Mara. Sents use med armor but have much higher DPS, but on the downside we have no stuns where we get free hits and no knockbacks. Guardians use Heavy Armor but have lower DPS. In trade they get a arsenal of stuns, snares and knock backs, including several where they get free hits.



    Regarding the "myth" of the 5 to 10 second kills. I am not the best pvp'er nor am I the worst. I win my share. I have a Lvl 73 valor Sentinel with all but two pieces of BM gear. I know it is not a myth, and I know they don't only do it to Sentinels. I'm not arguing that he should not win that fight, what I am saying is he should have to work a little harder than Knock down/face plant , swish swish, stun knife to the chest, swish swish fight over.



    Bioware takes in more real data on this subject than all of these anecdotal bull*******s (including me) in here. If they were doing this based upon anecdotal info then you all are right they are stupid, but we know that is not the case.


    If sents/mara become OP, then we will see nerfs as well.

  14. Marauder - the strongest DPS in the game and arguably most powerful PvP class in organized PvP get massive buffs.


    Operative - the weakest sustained DPS in the game has sustained DPS nerfed while keeping high burst.


    This should confirm to everyone how clueless Bioware is when it comes to class balance. I've lost all hope. I hate to say it but this puts the nail in the coffin for me. I don't see bioware suddenly having an epiphany and understanding class balance any time in the near future. Do you?




    This is ridiculous....


    A sentinel is a straight up DPS machine designed to kill players in a 1v1 scenario. An Operative has to use his skills and environment. If a Operative thinks he should be able to run straight at a Sentinel and win then you do not understand class balance.


    You have stealth for a reason, if you don't use it you will die. If you do then the Sentinel will die, or at least its an even fight. Currently when an operative comes out of the shadows and hits anyone the fight is over in 5 to 10 seconds. That is not balanced.


    Sentinels and Marauders are stand in the open, take on all comers players. Operatives work from the shadows and must use surprise as a major part of your combat strategy.


    As others have said L2P!!

  15. Not trying to be obtuse here, but I am not a programer so not sure what I am downloading.


    The link says it is a developers kit? Takes 300 MB of space. Might limit the usefulness of the program you developed.


    Could you be a little more straight forward on which application I would need? I guess meaning the specific link versus a general link...

  16. Max dps is based upon rotations and managing focus (primary) centering (secondary).


    for an opening attack in the Watchman Spec I use the flowing:


    Valorous Call (30 Centering)

    Zen if 1v1 Inspiration if group (consumes 30 centering)

    Force leap (3 Focus)

    power adrenal and power cube no cost instant in war zone use expertise adrenal

    Saber overload (consumes 3 focus enhances next 3 saber attacks)

    Zealous strike (6 Focus)

    Cauterize (consumes 2 focus leaving 4 focus)

    Strike (builds 2 Focus for total of 6 focus)

    Merciless Slash (Consumes 5 focus leaving 1 focus)


    That is the main rotation, variations are available from there.


    Merciless slash usually ends the CD for Cauterize but at this point the CD is not up to Zealous strike so you can hit them with a couple of strikes which has no CD and rebuilds focus or throw a force stasis which also creates focus.


    Other choices for hits after the main rotation are crippling throw or leg slash which will further debilitate the opponents.


    I rarely use blade storm since it is a kinetic attack. The only exception is when I have been knocked back or rooted and I need a ranged attack so it beats doing nothing. This is also a great time for crippling throw. Being rooted is also a good time to throw your defensive items like rebuke or pacify or saber ward depending upon the situation. Save Awe whenever possible for when you are in a group of opponents and you want to slow them down.


    Master Strike is great if the opponent is standing still so it is an optional Huge hit but easy to waste if the opponent runs away. perfect if they are rooted by someone else. I love to hit BH and in cover opponents with this.


    Most area attacks are optional but mandatory if you are trying to interrupt an opponent planting/removing a bomb or capping a point. I find cyclone particularly useful for this since it only requires 1 focus and has no CD.


    Being rooted, snared or Stasised is no time to panic but to assess the battlefield. Check where your healers are or ally who is in the most trouble or if they are on the point or at the door. Even better your opponents whose health line is almost gone.


    If things don't look good then be ready with your Awe or camouflage and if available transcendence for a quick get away or even better a force leap to that opponent who is more dead than you.


    I find the beauty of the above rotation is that it is ease to run in a cycle requiring little hunting and pecking for that ability which is up. Instead you can keep your eyes on the action and hitting your opponents.

  17. I have read several interviews of dev's and heard a lot of speculation in the forums regarding 1.2 and what effect it will have on PVP.


    The question is what do we know really know?


    The only thing I know for certain is the following:


    1.2 will introduce ranked war zones.


    Ranking in war zones will be based upon the Elo System http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elo_rating_system



    1.2 will introduce a new level of armor called War Hero


    War Hero armor will be "better" than Battle master


    1.2 War Hero armor will not have a valor requirement


    1.2 will implement the Legacy system which can allow a character to have up to 8 new non traditional class capabilities ( http://swtorhub.com/dash-everything-swtor-12-interview-james-ohlen )


    What I have yet to hear definitively:


    How is War Hero Armor is earned? Commendations? Number of wins? Just showing up?


    How "legacy" abilities will implemented (i.e) level 1 or level 5. If you have 8 legacy abilities going into a war zone as though you were level 50 in each how will that effect competitiveness?


    Since Battle master armor is an advantage in current war zones will it be an advantage in ranked war zones , at least until war hero armor becomes the predominate armor type?


    Is this the reason they are implementing a pre-season? So that everyone has a chance to "Gear up" before ranks start counting?


    Elo ratings are designed to rank individuals against other individuals. War zone combat is almost never 1v1.


    What are the criteria? Kills? Heals? Protection? If it is an aggregate of these then those classes which have these abilities will have the deck stacked in their favor.


    Are you ranked only against your class or across the board?


    These questions and many more have yet to be answered or if they have I have not heard?


    Any input or thoughts to these questions would be great!

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