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Posts posted by VedaRa

  1. Mr. Boyd! A question, if you will :) I was wondering how things were going with the State of the Galaxy article and whether we can expect it being launched in the coming weeks! Not meaning to rush you of course, I'd rather wait a while for this and have it be a solid piece than something hastily put together, so please do take your time!


    I'm wondering the same thing; It would be nice to get some word on this.

  2. Sounds like your expectations are not matching with the great content swtor does provide.

    Great Content are you joking? Or just High?!

    1. New Story that is boring as Hell; that they are milking dry.

    2. One reskinned Warzones

    3. 2 lackluster Strongholds

    4. 1 Bad Starfighter Map and Still Gunship Spam

    5. 2 Buggy FP with 2min of story maybe

    6. One New OP that they couldn't get done by the end of the year and now only one boss with "MM"

    Look at ESO they invested in the game and now it's got over 1.5 Mill. players. And the one thing we know for sure as for numbers this game does not. It's clear Keith was given orders to just keep the lights on and get as much money out of this game without putting anything back into it.

  3. If you needed any more evidence that Anthem has took All SWTOR resources just look at this "Roadmap"

    1. Full Master Mode for all bosses; Nope

    2. “traditional” expansion: Hell No

    3. Reuse of more assets for FP; Yes

    4. Not having any idea what we are going to put out after 5.9: Yes Sir

    5. More and "Improved" Cartel Market; Hell Yes (Because We Need Money)

  4. 6 months to write the story?




    My 10-year old daughter is presenting an adventure scenario for my RPG group - she's worked on it about 4 hours so far - and it's better than 'someone in your circle of friends defects to the opposition and leads you a merry chase across several planets'

    6 months? For a team of professional writers?


    I wrote ~40 chapters for my RPG group last year, between April and December. - That's on top of my full time job and family.


    6 Months...? SMH.


    In Bioware's defense they have to get the story approved by LF and they need to give the dev team time to work on the VO and assets that go into the game. SO Yes it takes a year to add an Expac and even an update like Iokath will take over 6mo.

  5. I'm with the OP on this one. The raiders cried for more Ops but don't come back when they put in a new one. The ship sail out a long time ago on raiding in this game, they need to focus more on what makes this game great single player story. If they want to get more of the single players into raidering they, have to nerf story mode; so that the new players to OPs feel they can compete them and then maybe they will go on too try Vet. mode.

    Their was already only 5% that played Ops in the 3.0-4.0 hay-day. Bioware has a problem of not understanding what the community wants; it's Way too late to try and get hard core raiders back in this game and if they focus any more on Ops and Group Content then they are going to lose the last major pool of players; the story single player.

  6. Ok Keith and Eric the holidays are over, so when are we getting a New Roadmap for 2018. And I know it's too much to ask but how about one that goes out more then 3mo.
  7. Since I don't think the thread where I originally posted these thoughts is long for this world, I'll repackage them here:


    EA's official release on the change specifically called it an "action-adventure" game. Looks like they're moving from an Uncharted-type game to a more GTA-type game. Makes sense, as GTA Online, with all it's micro-transactions, is apparently ridiculously successful and EA is all about pushing the "games-as-live-service" model that supports ongoing revenue like that, rather than the "one-and-done" situation you get with linear single-player games.


    As much as gamers (myself included) bemoan the trend towards micro-transactions, the costs of producing a AAA video game are radically higher than before, and continue to climb. But, at the same time, the sticker price has hit a ceiling. Charging more for the box (or, more often, download) is usually a non-starter, as people will balk at paying $80+ for a standard version of a game (myself definitely included).


    Hence, companies turn to 'added content' and micro-transactions instead, not just to grow their profits, but also to offset the rising costs.


    So what does this "refocusing" mean for SWTOR? Probably not much, outside of being a stark reminder of what's always been true: EA has no problem pulling the plug or radically changing things up on a project it's not happy with. Beyond that, I don't think the final, refocused, product will have any more of a direct impact on SWTOR than Battlefront (another SW game-as-service product) did.


    The one way I could see it having a direct impact: if, once it's released, EA sees a lot of people putting money into this new game, while at the same tone dropping their SWTOR subscriptions / CC purchases, then I could imagine EA considering whether they could just funnel most of their SWTOR revenue into this new game (with potentially lower overhead) by winding SWTOR down.


    I find it telling that in E.A.'s official news release they mentioned Star Wars Battlefront and Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes but not SWTOR. I really think that in E.A.'s eyes SWTOR is already in maintenance mode.

  8. I was there in-person, and no one would even know, and a Lot of people don't know that a Swtor even exists. And no company does that unless "said Company doesn't care about said game" usually. EA really needs to do a Lot more for this game, it's very sad truthfully, especially being there and knowing there most likely there could have been at least an official EA/Swtor Cantina event.


    The writing has been on the wall for a long time now; SWTOR was a net less for EA in 2016 and hasn't been talked about in EA financial reports ever since. EA is just going to get whatever money they can out of the game; you can tell already that Bioware has a very limited budget and limited support from EA. Like I said, the game has about a year left before EA pulls the plug.

  9. EA has given up on SWTOR. It also shows how bad things are for SWTOR that Galaxies of Heroes has been making more money then a AAA MMO for over 2 years. SWTOR's time had come and gone; and it looks like EA is putting their money into other games. I would say by the end of next year the game comes to an end..
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