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Posts posted by VedaRa

  1. OK, slight bump up from a little bit ago, but not too long ago.


    I have now attempted to do this seeker droid seed quest twice. In those 2 attempts I have pretty much wasted 90 minutes looking for the seeds.


    I am obviously doing something wrong, can someone please explain what exactly (in more than follow the scan results) I am supposed to do. I want to do this quest, but it is getting very frustrating for me.


    Try this:http://dulfy.net/2013/03/26/swtor-macrobinocular-and-seeker-droid-missions-guide/

  2. The Imperial Guard is a Star Wars: The Old Republic Sith Aligned guild


    About the guild


    The Imperial Guard was originally founded to play in Star Wars Galaxies. In Star Wars Galaxies, we were located on the Naritus Server and stood as the strongest Imperial guild in terms of members and successes. We had developed a large base complex that we defended from multiple Alliance attacks and we would lead "RP-ish" Imperial crackdowns of major cities. The Imperial Guard ran strong for two years and then slowly phased out as Star Wars Galaxies saw less and less content upgrades.


    For SW:TOR, we continue to be known as "The Imperial Guard" and we have brought everything that was great about the original and adding to it with a updated organizational structure, streamlined ranks, more player interaction in the guild, and Awards/Medals to recognize those of our players who have dedicated themselves to the Guard.


    The Imperial Guard focus on the two primary aspects of a massively multiplayer online game; Player vs Player and Player vs Environment.


    Our approach to Player vs Environment is that we have a staggered raid schedule that allows for multiple runs of Ops each week. This allows players in varying time zones to have a chance to participate, without being on-line at some ungodly hour.


    Our approach to Player vs Player is driven by practice and training. We select those individuals, whom enjoy "mastering" PvP in an MMO, and then take their expertise and train our other members to create a fighting force the likes of which rarely see.


    Our approach to Role Playing is completely optional. We feel that if you like to Role Play, that is great; but If you don't like to, that is fine too.


    We want all types of people to enjoy their time spent in The Imperial Guard. The community is important to us, and it is what makes The Guard what is it. Please take some time and enjoy our site, we have lots of information and resources available. If you think The Guard is the sort of guild you'd like to be part of; review our Code of Conduct / What Is Expected Of You information and then apply!


    Joining the guild


    We are currently taking applications for all classes. We emphasize a 18+ environment, but if you are younger you are still free to apply, as we do make exceptions. To apply, please visit our website listed above, and click the Apply for the Guard button.




    The Imperial Guard is structured like a military organization; We currently house over 100 members, and continue to grow. We have the pleasure of running with mature individuals that can contribute certain skills to make the experience for its members a notable one.


    External links





    Lieutenant Commander Veda Ra

    The Imperial Guard


  3. its PvP related..... why would it be a new operation? :rolleyes:


    Torhead leaked patch notes from over a year ago id's Oricon as the world Operation: The Dread Masters is on. So lets see how many PVP'er will lose their mind, when they discover that 2.4 has an Operation in it. Knowing BW track record I would beat 2.4 is 75% PVE and 25% PVP

  4. Torhead leaked patch notes from over a year ago id's Oricon as the world Operation: The Dread Masters is on. So lets see how many PVP'er will lose their mind, when they discover that 2.4 has an Operation in it. Knowing BW track record I would beat 2.4 is 75% PVE and 25% PVP.
  5. It's for the next raid, going by the accurate leaks from launch.


    Torhead leaked patch notes from over a year ago id's Oricon as the world Operation: The Dread Masters is on. So lets see how many PVP'er will lose their mind, when they discover that 2.4 has an Operation in it. Knowing BW track record I would beat 2.4 is 75% PVE and 25% PVP.

  6. I can say that TIG started on Jung Ma and will end on Jung Ma; the grass is always greener on the other side, but when you get their you are always disappointed.
  7. The Imperial Guard a Star Wars: The Old Republic Sith Aligned guild


    About the guild


    The Imperial Guard was originally founded to play in Star Wars Galaxies. In Star Wars Galaxies, we were located on the Naritus Server and stood as the strongest Imperial guild in terms of members and successes. We had developed a large base complex that we defended from multiple Alliance attacks and we would lead "RP-ish" Imperial crackdowns of major cities. The Imperial Guard ran strong for two years and then slowly phased out as Star Wars Galaxies saw less and less content upgrades.


    For SW:TOR, we continue to be known as "The Imperial Guard" and we have brought everything that was great about the original and adding to it with a updated organizational structure, streamlined ranks, more player interaction in the guild, and Awards/Medals to recognize those of our players who have dedicated themselves to the Guard.


    The Imperial Guard focus on the two primary aspects of a massively multiplayer online game; Player vs Player and Player vs Environment.


    Our approach to Player vs Environment is that we have a staggered raid schedule that allows for multiple runs of Ops each week. This allows players in varying time zones to have a chance to participate, without being on-line at some ungodly hour.


    Our approach to Player vs Player is driven by practice and training. We select those individuals, whom enjoy "mastering" PvP in an MMO, and then take their expertise and train our other members to create a fighting force the likes of which rarely see.


    Our approach to Role Playing is completely optional. We feel that if you like to Role Play, that is great; but If you don't like to, that is fine too.


    We want all types of people to enjoy their time spent in The Imperial Guard. The community is important to us, and it is what makes The Guard what is it. Please take some time and enjoy our site, we have lots of information and resources available. If you think The Guard is the sort of guild you'd like to be part of; review our Code of Conduct / What Is Expected Of You information and then apply!


    Joining the guild


    We are currently taking applications for all classes. We emphasize a 18+ environment, but if you are younger you are still free to apply, as we do make exceptions. To apply, please visit our website listed above, and click the Apply for the Guard button.




    The Imperial Guard is structured like a military organization; We currently house over 100 members, and continue to grow. We have the pleasure of running with mature individuals that can contribute certain skills to make the experience for its members a notable one.


    External links


  8. Swtor . free to play or pay to test.


    If there is no updates regarding class balance = unsub. TESO is coming to kill this game once and for all.


    Unsub then; because you are not going to get that until makeb. And if you think TESO is going to be the next great thing, then I hope you like disappointment.

  9. It was mid december when 1.6 was launched. Now its nearly the middle of February and 1.7 is still not on the test server. Once on the test server it will still be 2-3 weeks before live right?


    What gives? Christmas break, thats just one week off, no?


    Too busy making shinies for the Cartel Market? My best guess is this is the reason and I for one find it very frustrating.


    Now Maybe You Guys Can Shut The Hell Up!

  10. Not necessarily. They may be right on schedule. In the past they've kept the events off the PTS, so that wouldn't be unprecedented. If they're on schedule then we should see 1.7 hit on the 9 week mark. I still think it's too long between new content, but it still could be on schedule.


    This is very true; they have never put an event on the PTS or given the date it would drop until less then 72hrs out.

  11. The Imperial Guard is a Star Wars: The Old Republic Sith Aligned guild


    About the guild


    The Imperial Guard was originally founded to play in Star Wars Galaxies. In Star Wars Galaxies, we were located on the Naritus Server and stood as the strongest Imperial guild in terms of members and successes. We had developed a large base complex that we defended from multiple Alliance attacks and we would lead "RP-ish" Imperial crackdowns of major cities. The Imperial Guard ran strong for two years and then slowly phased out as Star Wars Galaxies saw less and less content upgrades.


    For SW:TOR, we continue to be known as "The Imperial Guard" and we have brought everything that was great about the original and adding to it with a updated organizational structure, streamlined ranks, more player interaction in the guild, and Awards/Medals to recognize those of our players who have dedicated themselves to the Guard.


    The Imperial Guard focus on the two primary aspects of a massively multiplayer online game; Player vs Player and Player vs Environment.


    Our approach to Player vs Environment is that we have a staggered raid schedule that allows for multiple runs of Ops each week. This allows players in varying time zones to have a chance to participate, without being on-line at some ungodly hour.


    Our approach to Player vs Player is driven by practice and training. We select those individuals, whom enjoy "mastering" PvP in an MMO, and then take their expertise and train our other members to create a fighting force the likes of which rarely see.


    Our approach to Role Playing is completely optional. We feel that if you like to Role Play, that is great; but If you don't like to, that is fine too.


    We want all types of people to enjoy their time spent in The Imperial Guard. The community is important to us, and it is what makes The Guard what is it. Please take some time and enjoy our site, we have lots of information and resources available. If you think The Guard is the sort of guild you'd like to be part of; review our Code of Conduct / What Is Expected Of You information and then apply!


    Joining the guild


    We are currently taking applications for all classes. We emphasize a 18+ environment, but if you are younger you are still free to apply, as we do make exceptions. To apply, please visit our website listed above, and click the Apply for the Guard button.




    The Imperial Guard is structured like a military organization; We currently house over 100 members, and continue to grow. We have the pleasure of running with mature individuals that can contribute certain skills to make the experience for its members a notable one.


    External links


  12. We will also be running a RP Event with our 10th Anniversary


    Update: Date and Time Changed; This Event Is Being Marged With The 10yr Anvniversary


    Location: Dromund Kaas, Kaas City, the Spires of Victory.


    Time: 10pm EST on Jan 25th


    From: Agent Cima'Garahan

    From: Darth Marr

    Subject: Civil Unrest In Kaas City


    My Lord; I have intel from my sources within The New Imperial Guard that they are planning too stirring up trouble and inciting the citizens of Kaas City to take to the streets in protest what they call weak leadership and incompetent people in power; they have said this has resulted in the Empire’s recent losses to the Republic. But seeing that this is the Capital of the Sith Empire, we believe they are hoping for a massive crackdown; because their real goal here is mayhem.


    Agent Cima'Garahan


    Protesters (NIG) will begin to gather by the Spires of Victory around 10pm on 25 Jan. Crackdowners (TIG) will line up opposite.

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