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Everything posted by Felioats

  1. From reading the codex on Cybertech, I assume they are a unique mod that can only be used in a slot that appears in crafted gear with a critical success.
  2. I think there's a chance Bioware has actually already thought of this. They might even have access to numbers that we don't, showing it's fine.
  3. Damn. Thanks for the response. Does anyone else have any input?
  4. I haven't logged in after redeeming my key yet, but I would assume that that is, in fact, its function.
  5. I just received mine. The packaging itself is art. I am very impressed.
  6. I've been trying to find this out and no one seems able to help. Thanks.
  7. Where do you get the bike schematics? Can they be looted? Reverse engineered from gear mods? Or do you need Slicing to obtain them? Please help! I'm trying to decide what skills to take, and this has been a difficult question to find an answer to.
  8. Where do you get the bike schematics? Can they be looted? Reverse engineered from gear mods? Or do you need Slicing to obtain them? Please help! I'm trying to decide what skills to take, and this has been a difficult question to find an answer to.
  9. Or are there other ways to obtain all of them?
  10. When soloing at low levels, I have found that it only takes a few seconds for force to regen to the point that you can use another ability. You wouldn't be spamming it. They could even take away your deflect ability during the attack and put it on a short cooldown. I just want something. Another option would be some sort of mini-Disturbance telekinetic ability that piffs them for a little damage, but I like the saber throw because it solves two problems at once (no free attack or use for lightsaber for Sages) I really hope Bioware is reading this.
  11. This was the basis for my question, only I was considering taking Scavenging and Slicing, then swapping Slicing for UT (after getting all the Cybertech recipes from Slicing -- are any exclusive to it?) so I could get my own fancy UT metals to craft the best tech at the level cap, when it matters most. My understanding is that it would be very difficult to level Cybertech without Scavenging. You could do it without UT though, but you'd be limited to making green quality items.
  12. I am going to try to parse a translation. I edit bad writing for a living, though nothing this bad. I do not understand why there is a crew skill that gathers only credits. There are boxes in the game world that slicers can open for credits, and while this is profitable, it does not justify the existence of the skill. What are your thoughts? Slicing is a gathering skill, so perhaps it should provide metals currently provided by Scavenging and Underworld Trading (UT). Right now, UT provides resources for Armortech, Cybertech and Synthweaving. Armortech and Cybertech use some resources. (???) I want to use Slicing in order to obtain schematics for vehicles and some other things for Cybertech, but I can't because UT is more useful to a crafter. I feel we should have a dialogue on this issue.
  13. OK, so it sounds like the metals are unique to underworld trading, but the schematics are not unique to slicing? Even the fancy ones, like vehicles? That makes it an easy choice, then.
  14. There's only one thing to do. Master one, craft the epic items, then drop and master the other.
  15. I guess the question is... which is a bigger hassle to buy, Underworld Metals or rare schematics? Where do the rare schematics come from, anyway? Lockboxes? Or will they be labeled on their own missions?
  16. http://www.razerzone.com/swtor Yup. Looks like it might be green and black, similar to the yellow and black preorder one, only not as ugly. Actually it sounds like it might be kind of cool. I have the Razer Megalodon 7.1 surround sound headset (not affiliated with any game). I can vouch that they make top-notch gear for those who can afford it.
  17. Makes sense, since some NPC on Tython was talking about how the issue with romance is that you value someone above all others.
  18. I had this complaint in beta, but was told by higher level testers it wasn't really an issue. Every other advanced class has a free attack in their intended range, be it melee or distance combat. Sages are alone in this. I see that as a philosophical design problem worth fixing, even if force regens quickly. I'd really like to see a free saber throw, just so we get some use out of our lightsabers.
  19. Actually I thought it was pretty cool the first time I saw it. It looks like it hurts. I'd rather it be rivets, nuts and bolts when indoors, but I still like it.
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