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Everything posted by Kormad

  1. The Azure Blades would be very interested in seeing you guys join! You can visit http://azureblades.enjin.com to fill at the application to join, and whisper Drazzen, Nexxia, Courmac, or Dansully in-game for some help and/or info. The site application is mandatory, but it only takes three or four minutes to complete in its entirety. ^_^ Hope to talk to or see you soon! -Courmac
  2. The reasons stated previously pretty cover it all. Just because he is near an enemy doesn't mean he is in combat with another player. And lol @ the guy telling you Combat Sentinels get a speed buff in the second screenshot. Looks like you were complaining a bit in Ops.
  3. 1. Name: Courmac 2. Guild: The Azure Blades 3. Class: Vanguard 4. Map: Civil War 5. Stat: 411,956 Protection In One Life 6. Screenshot: http://i1093.photobucket.com/albums/i421/cormac1/Screenshot_2013-01-10_19_08_32_765717_zpse23608db.jpg
  4. I'm totally going to show up for one of these. Vanguard tanks are awesome for 1v1's, I'd love to get a chance to play more people to test myself.
  5. If anyone would like any help with Vanguard tanking, I'd be more than happy to help. I've been playing it since launch, and still play it daily, so I feel I could be a good mentor to people looking to improve their Vanguard tanking or learn the spec. I'm Valkyrus on the Imp side and Courmac on the Rep side, just in case.
  6. I've run in some full Pre-50 parties in Azure Blades, and it certainly makes hitting the Warzone Queues more fun pre-50. Not because I'm stomping anyone, but because I can run a different Class, AC, and Spec then I can in 50 PvP. My premades don't stomp people that often, because we're in the same kind of gear, and of similar level. I personally don't play with anyone that gets into full Purples, because I agree that running with a full premade in purples is unfair. All in all, I see what you're saying, Tann, but I personally don't see the double premades in Pre-50 or see it as a huge turnoff for newer PvP'ers. I certainly don't see myself as stomping anyone as a level 30 something Sage.
  7. That was one excellent game. Grats to Noland!
  8. Courmac can craft Black Hole Annihilator's MK-1 Enhancer. 20k with mats.
  9. 330k is my highest...you're making me feel bad.
  10. You might to slightly more damage, but you're going to get dropped fast in Black Hole gear, so you won't be able to even utilize that extra little bit of damage that Black Hole might give you. That 900 or so Expertise is much better. Because someone with 20% PvP damage reduction is not going to go down if you have 0% PvP Damage Dealt increase, especially if they have heals. And if they have around 15-18% PvP Damage Dealt increase, and you have 0% PvP Damage Reduction bonus, you're going to get dropped in seconds.
  11. They will be adding new skill tree abilities in, so yes, we are getting more Skill Points. In terms of my main, I would love to see a cleanse of some sort for Force and Tech attacks. It would most definitely help our survive-ability if we were able to cleanse, say, a Sage's DoT's. Sage DoTs are what I have the trouble with most in terms of 1v1'ing out of Warzones and in Warzones- Vanguard Tanks in tank gear are already perfectly capable of taking down the top DPS classes, like the Smash Juggernaut/Guardian and the Assault/Pyrotech Vanguards of Powertechs.
  12. Title says it all. What kind of abilities do you think your main's AC needs, or what kinds of abilities would you love to see introduced to your class to improve your effectiveness in Warzones?
  13. What I would love to see in the new Expansion is an added ability in our tree that enables us to cleanse Force and Tech effects on us. I have a lot of experience with 1v1'ing other classes-Vanguard Tanks (in full tank gear and with 31 points in the tank tree) can easily take down a skilled Shadow/Assassin and a Focus/Rage Guardian or Juggernaut. The biggest class I have a problem with is Balance Sages-I can't do anything to mitigate their dots. So give me the ability to cleanse it and I'm happy. Something like this, in terms of what the ability would do- Envigor-Cleanses yourself of up to two negative Force or Tech effects. Cooldown is 25 seconds. That's all I want in terms of my Skill Tree in the expansion. It's basically like a healer's cleanse, but you can only use it on yourself.
  14. First, shout-out to Alecia, awesome Sage healer, never have to worry about my health when he's around. Shout-out to Dashto as well, you're one slippery Merc, you deserve your title as Royal Rumble champ!
  15. Yep, merry Christmas! Here's to another year of fun on the EH.
  16. I'll be trying my hand in this, for sure.
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