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Posts posted by Pawe

  1. I have to agree that it didn't happen. My burst dps is significantly lower than when SWTOR launched. Sure, I can kill someone before stunlock ends if they are at ~70% health already, but no combat log, didn't happen.


    Operative is all about crazy burst dps from stealth, Sorcs are squishy. If this does happen, good for the devs. Our role (If spec'd for it) is to burst people down from stealth quickly. Your role, is to do massive damage and hope no DPS gets on you. If you are smart enough to bubble, run, and get friends you live. If you aren't, you die.

  2. Dear Bioware....For how long u plan on letting 7 vs 8 warzones happen?

    I guess Ranked WZ will launch like that...And then ppl are gonna whine on forums again, and u ll be like "Oh, those evil ppl are haters and they whine on forums to much"



    They don't start like that. 16 people que up. The warzone is generated, some don't take the que, you get 6 or 7 on 8.


    This isn't Bioware's fault, it is the players for queing and not joining. Low server populations do make this an issue, and I think cross server queing would help. I don't think that there should ever be a time when only 16 or fewer people are queing up for PvP, but that's what has happened lately.


    Yes, it is annoying, but it is because of the players.

  3. is simple 8v8 q'ing mean you can grp with guildies and have a more controlled pvp experience knowing that your team knows whats going on instead of getting some pve noobs that will just quit and dont know squat of whats going on,ranked means aswell you can create tournaments with other guilds 8v8 to see who has the most skills,talk about repeat grinds look at ppl doing stupid HM's and FP's over and over again and they think they are the best cause they kill the same NPC over 100 times now thats a grind,but in pvp all changes cause is another human player making sudden decisions that you have to counter act to survive thats why so many ppl wanted 8v8 q's,Open world pvp in this game is a joke so the only thing to look forward to was Ranked WZ's...


    That is one valid argument I can agree on, ranked warzones would allow a good group of PvPers to go against those of the same skill.


    You can claim that in PvP it is always against another human player, and that is true, but the PvP system in general is a grind. Talking about how much of a grind another part of the game is (PvE) doesn't change that. It is still just doing warzones, getting comms, getting gear, doing warzones, getting comms, getting gear. Any future "content" they provide will simply be better gear, for more comms.


    As I said in my first post that you must not have read or read poorly, yes, open world PvP is a joke. That was the whole point I made. I would rather they work on fixing that instead of Ranked warzones. Ranked warzones seem like a lazy band-aid to me, that doesn't add any real content to PvP. Setting up real reasons to do open world PvP would be actual content.

  4. well i see your a pve'r and you dont care about pvp and maybe a baddie and have no pvp skill,yes im in this to show momy my skills in owning ppl like you,i want ranked for the simple reason that i dont pve and all i do all day is pvp and ranked WZ's was the only thing me and my entire guild of face rapers where waiting for to own and keep moving forward with tournaments etc but i guess you dont know anything about that cause you migth be focused on the pve aspect of the game,and about it being broken is that a joke?,you know how much broken **** is already ingame on live server lol,get your facts right buddy...


    PvE is a joke, the only time I PvE is while leveling. When I play, I PvP. I don't see how you inferred me wanting better open world PvP as liking PvE.


    I remember playing MMOs and not having to decide, I want to enter an 8v8 match, know exactly when people are going to attack me, and have no negative effects for dying. I would much rather be allowed to just play the game, see someone I want to kill, and fight them. I prefer open world PvP, I apologize if that is a terrible thing. In SWG, you would defend your town from being destroyed from the opposite faction or guild you warred. In EQ you got ganked leveling and actually got penalties for it. Heck, even the simple browser based Runescape had you lost all but your 3 most expensive items when you died.


    In this game, all there is to do is que up, do a warzone, rinse, repeat. That gets old quick, and that is why people are whining so much. I fail to see how adding yet another grind to that will make it any better (There is already the gear grind). It is still the same four warzones you stand on the fleet to que up for. Only now you HAVE to do them to keep your rank up.


    I'd love to hear logical points for Ranked Warzones. Say you are competitive, say that you are in an awesome PvP guild and want to show off, hell say you want to impress your ingame girlfriend for all I care. All you have said so far is "I'm mad". I told you the reasons I don't care and what I would like to see instead, and I get called a PvEr for them. I don't understand any reason for ranked warzones, why do you like them?


    But all that above is a joke. Yes, obviously because I want real PvP content and open world PvP I am a PvEr. In no way do I want PvP to be fun, becuase then if it were fun I would have to do it, and I am a PvE carebear who plays on a PvE server and never toggles my PvP flag on. /endsarcasm

  5. Isn't it sad that MLG has that much influence in gaming now? People think that K/D ratios are the determining factor in what makes a player "good." I just giggle myself from one thread to the next over this kind of thing. In the post-Halo 2 era of gaming, I blame the majority of the most obnoxious gaming groups on the MLG mentality.


    I think I love you. Or atleast hate the same things you hate. I also think Halo ruined gaming, and saw it coming way back then. I used to play Half Life, Quake, Doom, and all the good FPS games. I played games back when people got made fun of for playing games. Then with Halo and Call of Duty and Madden becoming so popular, all the jock idiots that used to think games were for nerds started playing and now call themselves a nerd. "I'm a nerd because I play Madden" No you aren't, you are a football jock who can't get enough football.


    Guess what, those guys are sadly video games target audience now. Bioware has usually tried to make games that don't pander to them, such as Dragon Age, and Mass Effect recently, but the gaming community as a whole has gone down the crapper. Now we have proof on these forums.

  6. Honestly, I couldn't give 2 *****s about Ranked Warzones. Oh no!!! I need to shows off my skillz. Mommy, give me attention because my Rank is so awesome.


    Obviously, that is an over-exaggeration and stereotype, but I think it is somewhat fitting. Yesterday, I played all of the warzones about evenly, people didn't drop from the team as soon as we went down in points, making the loss even more probable. (Actually, in about 80% of the Novar Coasts I played the team that came out strong and got the lead first ended up losing, it seems like it is meant for comeback games). Like someone said, more people played games for the objective of the game not just "I need to do 400k damage" because now you get rewarded for scoring in huttball, helping cap a cannon, planting a bomb, and all.


    The warzones were actually fun yesterday. Can't you play to play not simply play out of necessity as a time sink so that you can show off just how much time you played.


    Personally, I wish they would stop focus on Ranked Warzones and add in real incentives for world PvP. The worlds to explore are well made, but once you level there is no reason to go to them again. Shame really.

  7. So if you are against this, then you must be against the whole 'Hide Corruption' feature in the game.


    IMO if you are against allowing color to cross light/dark and want to play Billy Bad ... you should be against people being able to hide that they are corrupt by simply putting a check into the box.


    I like hide corruption on my Operative. I wanted a blue Chiss and that is what I picked. By the time I was level 50 I was pale white and looked like Alice Cooper.


    On my Sorcerer, sure, show all the corruption I can. Evil non force users shouldn't show corruption though, in my opinion.

  8. If you're using it completely instead of killing enemies, then you're doing it wrong

    don't use it as "go collect 30 boxes", use it as "I killed 25 reps in a big fight and now the fight has died down, I'm gonna go use the boxes to finish off the quest"


    I agree, and that is why I stay away from it. I have been on Ilum for long periods of time and seen no action, I guess it just depends on the server. If I see that there is no action I level an alt. But I do see a ton of people "doing it wrong". Some even continue to run circles when there is 15 on 15 fighting outside of center. Funny thing is, they get more crates this way, and get their daily done just as fast. But I think it is silly to need to open boxes at all for a PvP quest.

  9. Or they could put no crates there and people would whine ten times as much

    Don't look a gift horse in the mouth


    I don't think it can be considered a gift horse when they basically say "We know this sucks, but here, you don't have to do it anymore". :D


    I would have preferred more of a reason to go to Ilum and more content than more crates. Heck just make the world a bit smaller, and place rez zones strategically. Work out ways to control zergs better, and I doubt people would need the crates. Or, even easier, give quests with objectives like "Help hold northern assault point for 15 minutes" to the Empire and "Help take control of the northern assault point" for Republic. I'm sure just like with kill trading for valor there would be 30 minute cycles of republic letting the empire control, then empire letting Republic cap, but I also think that would be better incentive than just riding around in circles.

  10. Open crates before my own faction does is pvp? I can't attack them. If it were the other side it would be. Opening a crate is not pvp. It is opening a crate and for the most part it is BW providing an easy way for the side with the most pop, ie Imps another in a long list of Iwin buttons.


    Sorry, sarcasm didn't come through my text. I fully agree that the crates are a joke, and have tried to avoid them like the plague. I've managed to get a few, but I can't spend more than 5 minutes making left turns before I get bored out of my gourd.

  11. I wouldn't see a problem with no markings, but it is also nice. You don't know how many times I have seen 3 people in a group trying to DPS a tank while a healer just sits there healing him away. I attack the healer, but it would be nice to get others to do so.


    I do agree that the markings are too big, especially from far away and it is dumb that they can be seen through walls, ect. Marks going away on death wouldn't be a bad idea. Another idea could be give certain classes the ability to mark players (Not for the entire match obviously). Perhaps a slight debuff or DoT as well, but with a longer cooldown. Mark of Death comes to mind, give 5% armor penetration and an X over your head. Obviously, if you don't like this idea feel free to tell me why, as it is not well thought out at all.


    I believe that would help out with tactics, be beneficial for some classes, and would work better than simply letting the ops leader mark targets.

  12. It is easier to dominate at sub 50 which is why it is more fun. Terrible players can dominate people through gear, talents and better class abilities. Level 50 is definitely more competitive thus require more time, grinding, and more skills to have more fun.


    Thus, I will most likely stay at the 10-49 bracket like the OP.


    Are you referring to the sub-50's bracket or the 50's bracket here?


    Just curious.

  13. Troopers have better looking armor :p


    I'm personally leveling a Sorc alt to heal. I see tons of republic sages and troopers healing, but for some reason very few imperials. You can't imagine the times I have seen just one republic sage out heal our entire team. So my vote goes to healing sage.

  14. The irony of that statement in relation to this thread is epic!


    Exactly. You guys with the advantage are dumb! Me with an advantage is fair!


    For as long as there are warzones, there will be people at the top. Do I like it? No. Is every MMO or even RPG the same? Yes. Since the early NES days gear has given an advantage. No MMO will be able to break that trend. Some games do better to minimize the advantage especially in PvP, but I can't think of one that did away with it fully.

  15. They're indoctrinated by the WoW system.


    I quit WoW because I hated having nothing to do but the carrot on a stick (Funny that they made an actual ingame item called that). I enjoy this game similarly to how I enjoyed WoW during my 6 month span like 5 years ago, and hope that I don't end up quitting this one as well. I need my Star Wars fix.

  16. This could all be solved by bracket PvP. 10-20, 20 - 30, 30 - 40, 40 - 50.


    There, done problem solved.

    I'd make it 40-49, 50.


    As it stands you can't get jack for expertise till 50, you can get a tiny bit at 46. I don't really think the 50 bracket is much different from the 10-49 bracket now either, with gear being as important in the 50 bracket as level/skills in the 10-49.


    Break it up 10-20, 20-30, 30-40, 40-49, and 50's based on valor and that would be pretty good. But I agree, sounds like an easy fix right?

  17. Really, Rated Warzones is all you would need? Doing the same thing over and over and over just so you can say "LOOK MOM I'M NUMBER ONE IN A VEDEO GAME!!!!!11!" is all you would need?


    Personally, I would rather they give us reasons to PvP aside from grind -> get gear -> repeat. All WoW did was provide a carrot on a stick for people with no lives, got good at it and now everyone copies it.


    I remember games where they let PvP happen while trying to do other things. It wasn't scripted battles where you knew you were going to fight, it was all open world PvP. "Hey, I'm killing this NPC to get loot. Oh snap another player trying to kill me and get my loot and the NPC's loot".


    You know what it took to get the best gear? World bosses and epic dungeons were free for all. You could try and kill that mob, but someone might kill you and get it instead. There used to be challenge to getting good gear in games, and danger in PvP. Since WoW, and WoW with lightsabers, that has all gone out the window. Challenge has turned into how much time you can spend grinding the same few things over and over, and danger is hoping not to be killed and having to wait 10 seconds to respawn.


    I do enjoy this game, but seeing people want ranked warzones and arenas instead of real PvP content is beyond me.

  18. lol @ the hypocritical 50's all decked out in BM gear calling upper 40's baddies for wanting an advantage over other players in PvP.


    These BM's make their argument "we invested the time, we should stomp you fresh 50s", yet that 49 who is leaving the lowbie bracket over and over played more time than the 10 he is stomping.


    In both cases, there is an unfair advantage due to time invested. The reality here is that these basement-dwelling BM's are jealous they can't go stomp even worse players in 10-49.


    lol @ all the "it takes 2 weeks to get cent/champed out". Uh, right, it's still going from a position of dominance (49) to a position of getting dominated for 2 weeks, to a position of still inferiority to BM's.


    I completely endorse this behavior until Bioware gets rated warzones in so we can do away with the real scrubs who think the college football team playing against the high school kids is the epitome of uberness. Get real.


    What would be different in that two weeks of leveling an alt getting stomped and leveling a 50?


    Personally, I don't think they should have lumped the levels all together. I would have liked to see about 10 level brackets, plus valor brackets at 50. I'm not arguing that I should have an advantage over anyone based on my gear, but this is an MMO and it does happen. I'm right about middle of the pack with my gear, and I'm fine with that. I do, however, think it's silly that someone talks about not wanting to pop 50 so they can keep games fair, while in the same post say that they like chasing level 10's.


    The inferiority of Champion to BMs is minimal at best, not unlike 1 or 2 levels in the 10-49 bracket. I am mostly in Centurion and don't feel deterred going against someone in higher gear.


    And PS, rated warzones aren't going to fully help. I am valor rank 45 and see valor rank 20s with more champion pieces than me.

  19. I usually try to que with less than 10 seconds to go, and most of the time miss the speeder bike ride. It is annoying, and I wish I could spacebar through it.


    The first time I did was f'ing awesome though. I was on the fleet, que'd up, and woosh away on a speeder to fight the Republic.


    Now, I go make myself some tea.

  20. You are missing the point. You could be full BM and the best PvP player across all servers and still you will not have as good a time in the 50s warzones as the 10-49s.

    I have to disagree. I have had fun in both brackets, and still do with my alts and main.


    Does the 50's bracket have issues? Yes, and Bioware is going to be working on them. I do not like the fact that people leave early on a losing team, but hopefully soon this will be dis-incentivized. Daily's will no longer matter, payout will be better for completing warzones, and I believe they are planning an AFK vote kick and lockout timer.


    I have seen much better players and become better at my class in the level 50 bracket. As you said, it is easy and fun to roll level 10's. Once you are at the top of the mountain you stop caring to get better. Once I was thrown to the bottom I had to learn to play better, and in the process got gear to level the playing field.


    Like I said before, you admitted it is fun chasing after level 10's. It sounds like you are just like the Battlemasters you are bad mouthing, just in a different bracket. Argue that they should give people reasons to stay in level 50 warzones all day long, but don't act like this is a moral stance of wanting a fair fight.

  21. I love this thread. This whole forum is made of "This class is too weak" and "This class is OP" for every class, all the time. Seriously, what class can you not find a thread about being weak or op about in the PvP forums?


    That being said, yes, you got facerolled. The sniper had range, entrenchment, and you tried to run straight at him. Sounds like it is working as intended.


    If I ran around a warzones as an Operative unstealthed the whole game should I come make a post that I couldn't get into melee range before anyone spotted me?


    Snipers destroy from range, don't let them get the upper hand. If they do, run away. If you do get the upper hand on them, they are easy to take down. Personally, I love getting right behind snipers/gunslingers. (Operatives do it from behind)

  22. I was on the slow end to grinding up to level 50, and when I entered the 50's bracket it was getting facerolled a large number of times.


    I have fairly casually gotten full cent with some champion gear in a few weeks, and it has gotten a ton better.


    I used to think that staying in the 10-49 bracket meant you wanted it to be more balanced, but I now think it's just an easy way to sit at the top of a bracket. As the OP says it is fun to gank level 10s, while probably thinks it is bad that he or she can be ganked by someone in BM.


    I do not like people leaving warzones, and you get more pre-mades you pug against in the 50's bracket, but with leaving penalties and rated warzones I think that would end those problems.


    All and all, yes, it is fun being a big fish in a little pond.

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