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Posts posted by Gokkus

  1. Hello everyone,


    I am, in general, in favor of a system like galactic season because it gives me something to do when there is no new content. To me it is not a bad thing to be motivated to do content and quests that I haven't done or thought about in a while. Even if this means the occasional space mission, PvP or GSF. Also, the rewards seem very nice, especially compared to the login rewards, which do nothing for me.


    Recently they released information about the GS quests and points needed to level. At first glance, it seems fair for subscribers and very hard for non-subscribers. This was to be expected. What concerns me is that you really need to do quite a few quests in order to get to GS level 100. Not a problem when you play everyday, but more difficult when you don't play every day and might take the occasional holiday or hiatus. As the point of the system is to have you log in as much as possible, this is still understandable. But it does bring me to my point:


    When you are not online everyday, and you still want to make the GS deadline, you pretty much have to do the exact quests they tell you to. This seems to be at odds with the 'play your own way' philosophy. Especially when these quests require a specific skill (PvP and GSF) or time investment (OPs). This can make certain parts of the game not viable for a lot of players.


    I have been playing this game since launch and love it, so I would really like to max GS level. But I am not always on and I am not always in the mood for specific content.

    Am I just complaining here? No, because there is an easy solution. It is possible to let us choose which daily objectives or even only weekly objectives we want to complete. Simply give us 4 daily objectives every day (where only the first 2 give GS exp), and 4 weekly objectives (only the first 2 give GS exp). Give us the choice to avoid certain parts of the game we do not enjoy (at that moment). In the end you cannot force OPs on someone that does not have the time. Or force PvP on someone who is not skilled at it and does not like it. There is nothing wrong with incentivising content, but you cannot force it. Please give us some choice in how we want to complete GS, other than straight up paying for it.


    *Yes I know you can pay for the GS levels, but the people who have a lot of money to burn are exactly the people who do not need to buy these levels, because they are on all of the time anyway.



    TL;DR: GS seems to 'force' casual players to do specific content while it does not have to do so.

  2. To me, this sounds fantastic! The daily login rewards are 9/10 times pretty much pointless to me at end game. But this seems like it is very much worth the trouble, and getting more incentive to play (old) content is nice. Especially if it brings you places or makes you do stuff you had 'forgotten' about.



    Sure it is possible to use this thread to complain about everything that SWTOR is not and everything that BW does not do, but do we not have a lot of those already?

  3. Meanwhile new codex entries fade so quickly they are gone before I can click on them. Please reverse this quick fade for codex entries!


    Sometimes it feels there is some common sense lacking when decisions like these get made.

  4. He was written to be hated. But I do not necessarily dislike him. There are more evil, hateful characters that I can still appreciate.


    I use him as a comp on my DS BH. He is loud, destructive and expendable. The perfect meat shield.

  5. It is true, but it won't change. I do not mind so much, though the difficulty level of boss fights is just sad. Especially compared to launch. But people have become more impatient in games so they want quick and easy. SWTOR provided.


    I think story and immersion are the most important parts of SWTOR. So I think its wrong to hide exploration missions, remove whole quest chains and area's, and rush you to endgame (which isnt very interesting). But that's me.

  6. So I recently went through the Makeb storyline again, and what I noticed is that there are a lot of things on the planet that were done right. Quite a few things that were done better than on the original planets and the planets after Makeb.


    Let me start by saying that I enjoyed the ride mostly because I was on a stealth class. I definitely know there are two MAJOR issues which make the planet far, far less fun than it could have been:

    1) the mob density is (still) insane. There are so many unavoidable, tedious fights that I immediately understand why people skip the planet altogether

    2) it is a fractured world, intentionally and by design. However that does subtract from the experience a lot, since it does not feel like an open, explorable world.


    Now that those are out of the way, let's focus on what the planet does right. Because in my opinion, it is quite a lot:

    Mob composition and wandering

    Let's face it, when it comes to mob composition SWTOR isn't very creative. 90% of the solo areas consist of groups either containing 3 standard mobs, 1 strong (and 1 standard) or 1 eilte. Makeb appears to have far more of a variety in this aspect. There are plenty of groups of 4, 5 or even 6 mobs. There are wandering champions, big groups 'guarding' chests, single standard mobs walking around. As far as I know, there is no other planet with this much diversity in mob composition. To me, that feels more realistic and makes fights more interesting.


    Mob movement and engagement

    On Makeb there are far more wandering mobs than I am used to on other planets. In addition, quite a few mobs are actually doing something. They may be useing binoculars, relaying orders, using a datapad, with an actual progression bar! Or simply fighting the local wildlife. I really enjoy both those aspects as they add to the experience on being on a living world with mobs doing more than just standing around. Some might not like all the wandering, but I think it's fun when an elite suddenly walks into a fight and joins in. It is more challenging and, again, more realistic.


    Use of 3D

    Makeb is also the planet that makes the most use out of the vertical axis. You often have to go down or up. Both in cities and in the wild. Without making use of elevators all the time. (I'm looking at you Zakuul...waiting for elevators is not my idea of fun.) This too makes the world feel more natural and makes for great views as well. I don't mean to say that there should be a jumping game at every corner. But Makeb shows that even without platform jumping, it is very much possible to work with different heights.

    Storylines working together

    The Makeb storyline may not have been as epic as, say, Corellia in terms of all out war. But it is a very engaging story. You truely discover new information at a steady pace and have to adjust your actions accordingly. Moreover, Imp and Rep side have a completely different feel to it. This makes doing the planet on both factions a completely different experience. Most importantly though is the fact that the stories tie into each other in a very nice manner. They can co-exist without making any alternative dimensions, they have touch points and the other faction's actions have an effect on you. Plus if you do the Rep side first, you are left wondering what in Revan's name happened at the end. Which the Imp side has the answers to. The epilogues were also nice (storywise) but those are gone now so...meh


    Hostile cities

    What I really like about Makeb is the fact the there is both plenty of nature and quite a few towns. Many of which are hostile. Together with the wandering mobs and use of heights, (hostile) cities feel more real and alive than they do on other planets (in my opinion). Makeb also has a lot of neutral (yellow) mobs that add to the feeling. You can attack innocent people, random lifter droids, critters in a fountain, etc. These towns are alive and we get to sneak through them.


    Explorable areas and missions

    Makeb stems from a time where exploration was still a thing and not every square meter had to be functional. There were/are many quests on Makeb that are optional, whole mesa's where you don't necessarily need to go to but can still find a lot going on. That possibility of exploring places where you feel no one has ever gone is great. This also makes the world feel more real to me.


    Makeb is busy, vibrant and alive. And not just because you happened to come along. That is what makes this planet great and what I miss on most other planets.



    Why I made this thread? Because I learned to appreciate the good things about Makeb. And because I feel a lot of those good things were lost after Makeb. A real shame if you ask me. The planet really has/had a lot of potential. On a stealth class, it is still very much worth doing. And don't forget to take in those great views now and then.

  7. Absolutely, Ive done it heaps of times with a variety of characters and builds. I am not a raider or PvP champion or anything neither.


    However, I did that in 306 gear everytime (without set bonus) though my companions level ranged from 20 to 40.


    It was not always easy, granted, but the only times I died was either by a bug or with HK-51 as a companion. Tank builds or self-heal builds have a lot easier time. Also don't forget Heroic moment and Unity and such.

  8. Went through the trouble of discovering HK on a new server and blew a Commanders Compendium on him to get to 50 cuz I loved his banter. Tried to do the Star Fortresses as well and was 300k deep in repairs before giving up and unlocking Z0-0M and buying another Compendium....night and day difference. HK is a disaster on heals these days.


    Took me a while to figure out it was HK that was the problem.


    If he was an above average DPS one could forgive him the poor heals.

  9. If the only reason you consistenly play the game (pre-endgame) is because of conquest, then this is not your game. There is plenty to do and the initial chapters are widely considered the best part of the game.


    I am fairly certain conquest was mainly meant for endgame. So people who have nothing else to do or achieve, still continue to play. Apart from the guild to guild competition, there is also a top 5 of contributors within a guild. For some, that is also an incentive to get more points. Quite a few guild reward these top contributors too btw.



    EDIT: besides, achievements without rewards are still achievements. Most of the legacy achievements do not give rewards for instance

  10. I think personal taste is important when it comes to RPing. For me though, when fighting the emperor, I always feel the JK fits best for the story. Archetypical, he is the biggest hero and most obvious candidate to fight the emperor. One could also argue SW fits well, as it can be a revenge story of sorts.


    For me in order of most fitting and most satisfying, the classes would be:


    Jedi Knight

    Sith Warrior

    Sith Inquisitor

    Jedi Consular

    Bounty Hunter

    Imperial Agent




    EDIT: when it comes to classes and or specs in relation to combat it does not much matter. It is not that difficult imo.

  11. Ive been asking for Kashyyyk since launch :)


    Onderon was a good choice imo, I like planets with both cities and nature. Though most of the time the planets are more focused on nature when they are both present.


    Mostly though, I would like a real full sized planet. With multiple bases, an overarching story, sidequests that tie into the overall story, heroics, datacrons that are not insanely difficult to get, well written/relevant NPC's aaaand large, busy, open terrain that makes you feel you are actually on a planet (like Tatooine, Alderaan and Balmorra).

  12. I really do not understand the fuss either. The changes are not that big and conquest will still be really easy.


    90% of what I do is solo, I do not try to reach the conquest goal at all but still reach it every week by simply playing the game. And that is just from a couple of hours a week.


    Yes, it will be harder to get the conquest on all of your dozens of alts (wonder how many people do this at all). But a fair system with a rotation seems both more interesting and closer to what conquest was supposed to be in the first place.



    EDIT: btw I get that for some players this is a big deal, dont get me wrong. But to go al crazy about it seems a bit much.

  13. These augments are completely irrelevant to me as I will never have the money or time to get them.


    I wonder how many people do intend to get the augments and to what percentage of the player base they cater with this.

  14. People on this forum will argue against this because they like to argue and have nothing better to do.


    Remove the disease from any group q'd content, especially ranked pvp. "But it's so easy to get a vaccine!" No one cares. Remove it, common sense.


    This was pretty much exactly what I was going to post.


    It is not only a very reasonably request, but it is also incredibly logical do so because I do not believe anyone can come up with a single valid reason to keep the disease in any form of PvP.


    It is like saying: we do not need mounts because you can walk everywhere. Technically true, from a QoL perspective a nonsensical statement

  15. At this point I would already be happy if they did not make it worse by removing more vanilla content. There is not much I get upset about when it comes to SWTOR anymore, but removing the best past of the game piece by piece will actually make me rethink my sub.


    EDIT: and yes I agree, it would be best if they would just remove the walker missions altogether

  16. Well that is profoundly dissapointing...that's a long time without any decent content.


    • Going back to refresh older planets/pieces of content to make the gameplay feel better.


    I sincerely hope this does not mean: removing even more quests from the original game. I replayed Belsavis lately and there are whole areas already obsolete (same with Alderaan btw). I know this happened quite some time ago, but it still stings.


    I always liked the multistaged bonus missions...

  17. BEST: Jedi knight, yeah I loved how epic the story was and how KOTOR 3 it felt at times. Great companions too. Plus you get to be

    on Dromund Kaas...that was so cool the first time


    Imperial Agent and Sith Warrior defintely have good moments too. Somehow IA gets a lot of nice area's where other classes can't go (like on Alderaan and Quesh for instance). And SW has a similar epic feel to it as the JK.


    WORST: sith inquisitor...don't like the bad guy and you constantly have to be saved because you did something dumb or tripped over your own feet. Overall the companions aren't great either.

  18. HiltoftheDragon said:
    I remember that it was mandatory that you upgrade your orange gear ( remember how rare that stuff was?) around every three levels or you were going to have an unpleasant time.


    I would like the game brought back to that level of play...but I think that is very unlikely.


    That was quite something indeed. Not getting healing companions until late in the game really forced you to learn how to play. And trying to solo H4's as ultimate challenge. And some bosses still having insta-kill abilities.


    I do not miss the 30 min. QT downtime or not having a mount until level 25 though.

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