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Everything posted by DarthBuckets

  1. Nope. Nope. The Best-in-Slot endgame pieces are purple. The others (Grade 2 and Grade 4) that you can craft only come in blue. Nope.
  2. My understanding from the information provided is that there are two separate ELOs for each player: A Solo ranking and a Party ranking. Has anyone found information to answer the following questions: 1. Do all solo-queuing players only play against other solo queues? 2. Are there different party rankings for different group sizes / compositions / members, or simply one overall for when not queueing solo? 3. Can you queue with less than a full premade of 8? I think there was great concern over the ability to have a full 8-man ranked WZ team, and that's been addressed. I'm wondering about the mechanics for solo queueing and possibly queueing with less than a full 8-man premade, as it will affect planning and social grouping for PVP.
  3. I'd prefer it if the Cybertech grenades were equivalent to the top-end consumable ones, and both had a much lower cooldown and reduced material costs. If buying crafted grenades was worthwhile for PvE and PvP in the way adrenals are, it would make grenades much more useful.
  4. I'm trying to find a Custom headpiece for Mako that does not look silly or is a full helmet. I've seen one of these on a guy in a Warzone, but I don't know if there is a Custom version of this look: http://www.torhead.com/item/eZkGFQC/light-battle-headgear Going by the item icon on torhead, the only other item matching this is Premium quest reward. Does anyone know any good options from Armormech (or moddable Marauder gear from Synth)?
  5. I'm curious as to what group composition is needed for operations content (how many tanks, how many healers, how many DPS) in order to plan an Operations roster. Can someone who has experienced the content weigh in? I was planning on basing the roster around a group comp of 2 tanks, 4 DPS, and 2 heals per run (plus 1 additional member per role for group coverage due to absences). Would that approach work? Is the 8-man content based around a different group assumption (such as single-tank)? Does it vary greatly per encounter? We will be exploring all the normal mode content, and hopefully push into hard mode content afterwards. Thanks!
  6. I'd like to see this as well. I just made a thread about this today, actually: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=124331
  7. To my knowledge, you cannot change keybinds for space combat independently of Character movement, and ship movement is tied to the character movement keybinds: Up - tied to Move Forward - default: W Down - tied to Move Backwards - default: S Left - tied to Turn Character Left - default: A Right - tied to Turn Character Right - default: D As I don't use the keyboard for facing (A/D) and strafe using Q and E (or move forward while mouse-turning) instead, I re-bind A and D to quickslots and use them for abilities. Optimally, I would like to be able to bind Space Combat movement keys independently from character movement, or have an option to use the strafe keys instead, without re-doing keybindings before and after participating in space missions. Does anyone know if there is a way to accomplish this currently in game, or is there support for this feature to be added?
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