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Everything posted by Mieeka

  1. Abandoning the quest made the contact re-appear for me.
  2. Been seeing this quite a bit on my server's general chat on fleet and always have to explain to new ppl what it means. Min IL 216 = Minimum Item level this group leader will accept for a invite to content =- in this case 216. ( IL can also be substituted with GS for gear score)
  3. I'd be happy for anyone of the characters who don't speak English ti have a mute button. i'd even pay cartel coins for the gag
  4. Anything rewarded from a Heroic isn't working since 4.0. No titles, no codex entries or anything. Sad thing is they don't seem to acknowledge its a problem. at least it isn't in any of the Known issues threads I've seen!
  5. i don't mind the changes when I'm playing Solo. What i do mind is doing these quests with a group of friends and not knowing what choice they picked. There's nothing worse than having half a conversation!
  6. Well of the two characters i had which have this bug, one of them retrospectively awarded the Story chapters and space mission achievements when i logged it in this morning. The other did not. So I'm still missing datacron achievements (even though they show in the legacy unlocks) class missions on my bounty hunter and all the cartel coin rewards that implies. Sort it out bioware - if you gonna fix it for one character why not all?
  7. i take that and raise you skadge... some thing which are seen cannot be unseen
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