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Everything posted by ChicksDigHarleys

  1. I doubt I'll ever see PvP like DAoC again. Ilum is an endgame planet with PvP objectives. I doubt it's quite as epic as DAoC frontiers yet, but same principle. Tatooine also has a FFA PvP zone where you can attack your own faction. You can also flag yourself for PvP and run around flagged 24/7 if you want.
  2. Yes you are, and you're probably going to be extremely disappointed with the stone. It is a set color, and it has a black core with a yellow glow...it makes a lightsaber look like a training saber. Oddly enough, it makes blaster bolts look kinda cool.
  3. It's when you entered your code. If you preordered in July, but forgot to enter your code until last month, you're SOL.
  4. Nice. Are all you folks that have your boxes already in the EU? Maybe I should make a rage thread about BW hating America since we don't have ours yet.
  5. I think OP used to write headlines for tabloids or the New York Post. This
  6. You didn't get an email when preorders started in July?
  7. A common theme in all these fail rage threads seems to be Nov/Dec 11ers. Sorry you waited until the last minute to preorder. See you at launch, unfortunately.
  8. Good thing you can't camp lowbie worlds then I guess. I thought PvPers accepted this behavior anyway...
  9. I'm going to miss Cynders, and all the kids preordered just last month for early access come Dec 20th when they can't post anymore.
  10. Spoiled children whining <> ripping the community in half. I'm old enough to understand that they said back in July early access was going to be first come, first serve, and not wait until Nov/Dec to preorder and then whine that I wasn't at the front of the line. Financial favoritism? What? Anyone could have put $5 down back in July to reserve a copy and get in line for early access. Everyone had an "equal shot" to preorder.
  11. I'll wait until the servers are full or near full on the 20th to declare it a near perfect launch, but so far so good.
  12. Do you own a calendar on any device that has one? 5 days from launch = Dec 15. Today is the 14th. You should have preordered sooner.
  13. Sigh...another person that doesn't understand English enough to know what "up to" means. When you see a store ad for sale up to 40% off, is every item on sale 40% off? Not usually. Also, look at a damn calendar. We're still 6 days from launch...we're not even at the 5 day mark, and idiots are whining about the 5 days.
  14. Totally false. It was stated DAY ONE early access was going to be based on when you entered your code. They didn't come up with the "up to 5 days" part until later, but it was ALWAYS known it was going to be first come, first serve.
  15. It should have been on your receipt if you bought it in a physical store, or in an email if you ordered online. I wasn't asked to enter the code again, so IDK what happened with your account.
  16. I disagree, but there probably will be 4 hour queues on some servers *cough Darth Malak cough* come Dec 20th, so we'll see what you say then.
  17. Confirmed only people that have entered their retail code can post starting the 20th. I think I'll /ignore everyone making a rage cancel post, so when they're still here on the 20th, I can remind them of what a baby they were.
  18. YAY another Nov/Dec 11 that thinks they should get in the same time as people that ordered months ago, even though they said DAY ONE early access was going to be based on when you entered your code. This isn't a last minute change. I hope all the people threatening to rage cancel follow through. If you're raging this much over a video game, I'd hate to see how you deal with actual adversity.
  19. I'm not sure which is more pathetic...the incoherent rage threads or the long winded whiny emo ones. The incoherent rage threads you can at least attribute to kids or mentally challenged adults. The long winded emo whining ones are usually people with at least average intelligence that sat back and thought out their manifesto, and after spending however long they spent thinking it up/typing it, STILL thought it was a good idea to hit "submit reply".
  20. We're still 6 days out, and people are whining about "up to 5 days"? Do they not teach reading comprehension in schools anymore? "Up to 5 days" means 5 days or less. If they're still running the "up to 5 days" ad on Friday, THEN they are full of crap.
  21. It's not a lie until Friday, because you still technically can get in 5 days early. Why is it that it's usually Nov/Dec 11s that are the loudest rage whiners about this? It's been known preorder access was based on when you registered your code since day one of preorders in July. Maybe you should have preordered earlier.
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