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Posts posted by ChicksDigHarleys

  1. I noticed I was only getting XP for killing NPCs on Coruscant in the first zone about 10% of the time, so I opened a ticket and the CSR recommended a bug report (which I did). While waiting for this to be resolved, I created another character, but experienced the same problem. I guess my whole account is bugged?


    Apparently some other people are having this problem according to general chat.

  2. Ok I have been having way too much fun doing this now. I send out my crafting slaves, wait for PVP pops and for extra fun pull up the gold mobs and knock the bots off the ledge. It is funny to watch them follow each other and end up getting killed. When pvp pops I take it and sometimes they are back. When they are I knock them off again. Good times. Looks like they either timed out or they guy got sick of having to deal with me and logged off for the night.


    HAHA that's great! I haven't played in a few days, but maybe I'll do that, too, if I get bored :D

  3. The problem here is that they will be f2p accounts, spamming to hit level 10 so they can get to the fleet. And being f2p they can be replaced quicker than they can be deleted. They could pay someone to sit all day deleting these accounts, but I'm sure they see that as a waste of time/money.


    Maybe, but it's not like it would cost that much, and IMO sending a message this kind of cheating won't be tolerated would be worth it.


    Does anyone know if it's against the rules to pull (Force Pull / Harpoon) enemy to that ledge?


    Don't see why it would be, but even gold star mobs at this level are a joke now. You'd have to pull a whole group of mobs up to have a chance to kill any of them.

  4. Ebon Hawk Server - PvE shard. Every time I'm on Ord Mantell in the heroic area, there's a group of 3 or 4 "players" with the same name (minus 1 different character) on the cliff near the first beacon botting and exploiting mob pathing. I've reported this several times, and it's still going on. Bad enough it takes you guys forever to ban credit seller spammers, but this is worse.


    Is it asking too much to have a GM spot checking these known exploiting and credit spamming spots? Is your staffing so low you can't devote one person to do this?

  5. BioWare should really rethink that reward program to get people subscribed, since it seems all it does, is piss off players who are already sunscribed.


    It's just like every other subscription based service in the US like cable or cell phones. They only offer these to non customers to try to make them customers.

  6. F2P, by definition, haven't spent a dime, and don't deserve ****. TBH, I'd tighten the restrictions on F2P if I were running this **** show. I'd also have tiers of Preferred. Someone that's subscribed for years and/or spent a lot of money on CCs should have more perks than someone who subbed for a month and never spent any more money.


    Failing adding tiers of Preferred, the only change I'd make to the current preferred access is raising the credit limit.


    Actually some of these people you have a disdain with did have a sub for a long time. My best friend had a sub from launch until Feb. of this year, so she paid more than a dime for it. She just stopped her sub because of the direction they were taking. She played to play with her boyfriend, not solo everything and operations she doesn't have the time for . They were enjoying doing things together and when they moved everything solo or you had to do it twice then she said what was the use and cancelled her sub.


    She logs on maybe once a month to see if there are any changes. She would gladly pay her sub if she believed they would listen to her concerns but she knows they won't so she cancelled.


    Do you even understand how this works? Your friend would be Preferred, not F2P.

  7. AFAIK most servers have more Empire, because overall, it has better class stories and better looking gear. Can only guess from anecdotal FP experiences that most Empire players are dark side leaning if not full out. I don't see any way dark side doesn't win this.
  8. BW seems content for now for the game to be so easy, you can AFK through all the non-endgame content. Last Chap 3 boss I fought, took my comp about 10 seconds to kill them (lvl 30ish affection). On level synched planets, my companions have around DOUBLE my health. Just click attack and alt-tab out to Facebook.


    Some of you are also not counting that all of your holocrons have added to your abilities over the base as they are all account wide.


    Server wide, not account wide

  9. Good to see BW learned their lesson from putting WZ requirements on some companions. :rolleyes:

    TBH even a total moron could have predicted people would do this to complete the GSF requirements. Making GSF part of an event didn't do anything to make the experience any better.

  10. Perhaps you need someone to safeguard your belongings during your prolonged absence? I'll miss your threads talking about the cost in fake money for fake items being a ripoff.


    Never bought a gambling box, never will. Absolutely nothing in them that makes the game easier or better. I do wish they'd burn in Hell, though.



  11. LOL good luck with that, OP

    Forums lawyers best lawyers.


    Were you forced off that server? No

    Did EAWare tell you guild ships, etc would transfer? No. In fact, I'm pretty sure they specifically tell you they don't transfer.


    I love it when children threaten to sue over a video game. Grow the **** up.


    In some areas, the BBB is pretty much running a "reputation racket", threatening companies with "a poor rating" if they don't have a membership, etc.


    My understanding is BBB can only negatively rate members. If they're not a member, a BBB complaint is less than useless. How many people these days have even heard of BBB? I don't know that I've ever checked a company's BBB rating lol.


    'you are renting our game, you own nothing in it, including your characters, guilds, gear, weapons, companions, credits, etc, etc, ad infinite', 'we may change the game at any time, in any fashion WE want, whether you like it or not because it's OUR game, not yours', 'YOU OWN NOTHING IN THIS GAME, you're only renting it'



  12. I played LotRO for a few months recently, and saw 1 spammer and got no spam emails the whole time. Currently playing EVE, and never see spammers (SCAMMERS yes, spammers no), but of course, EVE has a dev sponsored form of RMT and AFAIK they really crack down on 3rd party RMT.
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