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Everything posted by Satelle

  1. Who are you to tell me what to do? I have a guild, so no thank you. But many of my guildies got a jobs you know so they come back late or they're too tired to play. sometimes. Instead advising me to workaround real problem maybe you should support the cause?
  2. Because it still happens? And even if not 1 hour it still takes 30 mins or so? Man, seriously can you stop this mockery? You're boring.
  3. This guy ikinai just lost his argument. No wonder he makes up such assumptions. If he can't hold on to something it's time to find "new" problem.
  4. When did I say I lose tanks/heals often? Seriously now, where do you get these sick presumptions? I've never said it's hard to find dps since 10 of them /w me instantly when I look for one. Looks to me like you gott some in-personal issues caused by lack of arguments or something. Also I never said it takes over 1 hour every time. What the hell is wrong with you?
  5. No. You just found it because I can bet you've never been at fleet looking for people in middle of ops. Especially for tank or heal.
  6. Point me where did I calll ANYBODY "not intelligent". This is a slander now. I'm asking for constructivism As far as I can tell from all what you've posted in this thread is that you're clearly trolling me. I dismiss non-constructive posts as they don't bring anything valid to the subject. I welcome argument challange. You're just simple troll. Go away please.
  7. We must have been living on two different planets then. Because any time I try to find 1 missing tank it takes even more than 1 hour.
  8. It is worse because you have to waste sometimes even 1 hour in order to do so.
  9. What you say doesn't make any sense. And yes, that's exactly whatt I mean. If they were used to join to in progress groups they would have known by now. What's so difficult to understand for you here? The problem is they aren't used to, becuse setting is toggled off by default so they scream and yell like you right now :"oh no! I'm gonna miss my weekly!". Now imagine the scenario reversed, that setting was originaly toggled on by default - what complains would be here today? Current system: Delay for group looking for a replacement, time waste for people not realizing of that toggle being turned off, waiting at fleet to be assigned to group pointlessly System corrected: :finding people almost instantly wheter in progress or not, missing out weekly (SOMETIMES, not always, yet being aware of it) Fixed that for you. It would be unintentionall screw up for themy if that was changed right now, yes. But not if that was set on from the very beginning. Those who didn't want to skip any weekly benefits would get angry looking for a solution for that obvious reason. In the situation we have right now it's worse though - people don't even know there is such toggle.
  10. Seriously.. looking at your last sentence it seems to me you forgot what is this thread about... I can check, yes. BUT many people DON'T REALIZE. How many times you need to be told this to understand?
  11. If people were joining "in progress group" as iit should have been set the first day 8m GF was introduced in game, people would be aware of skipping Weekly benefits.
  12. No. The purpose of Group Finder as the name itself states is to FIND people. Following your logic - if you want to have pre-made group to match you instantly it's your choice. But if I want somebodyto join ops in progress - there we gonna have a little bit of a problem.
  13. Looks like you have to re-read whole thread. Cuz it's all about your last sentence you know. Oh and btw - Benefits from killing last boss via gf is greater than Weekly. 30 > 12.
  14. EXACTLY! For once you are correct! It finds GROUPS! Pre-made GROUPS to be precise. But it doesn't find PLAYERS in middle of operation.
  15. But it takes some of intelligence to see the better one. After all I replies I received there hasn't been any a logical and reasonabe convincing argument to undermine. My point still remain and unfortunately issue still remain.
  16. Group Finder isn't serving its purpose. In theory it finds people, however reality verified it to be different. It finds people unless it's pre-made group (but obviously there's nothing to be found since everybody is already there). And that's a BIG "unless". because it doesn't apply to its entire purpose as it should have.. You also speaking for yourself, not everyone else. Stop this babble already. You're one guy screaming you don't want this change, yet there are hundreds of people I play with on daiy basis that are irritated by this and want it to be changed.
  17. I fail to see that majority. The majority I see wants it to be the way I described it. Where did you get that info anyway? Heat-Wave and MagikFingerz on the first page said they don't mind joining midway ops. I don't mind either. I'd gladly jump in middle of ops just to finish it faster if possible. Don't speak for everybody. Speak only for yoruself please. Group Finder is supposed to serve its purpose and currently it doesn't because of wrong setting by default.
  18. How constructive. Almost as constructive as roberthebard's posts. Precisely. That's what for Group Finder is. But as I pointed out many times, it doesn't work as intended. Mainly because of unchecked "match with in progress group" setting of which many people have no idea about. And because of that I'm forced to waste time and do it manually.
  19. If that was a personal issue I wouldn't have ppl complaining about it in game. That's your subjective opinion dude. Facts speak for themselves.
  20. If group finder is a "last resort" for you then you miss the whole point of Group Finder feature then. And point of this thread.
  21. Just admit you never did OPS with PUG via gf. Doing raids with your guild doesn't cause such trouble. Calmer version.. . right. Because I'm screaming like madman here... replying to as many posts I can and providing as many logical and constructive arguments as I can. Right...
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