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Posts posted by Hoodling

  1. i'd have to say from my observations that the majority of the time there is lag it has to be the ISP... you can ask in global about the lag and get a good mix of yes & no indicating it's not server side... reboot your modem and router, flush your routers cache if those don't fix the problem, then it lies with your service provider or your router is burning out... my ISP frequently drops to stupid low speeds when i'm playing online games but i don't blame Bioware for it i blame AT&T...


    If it had anything at all to do with my ISP, my PC or anything else at my end... then why is everything perfectly smooth when I'm out questing or doing FPs/Ops (with combat logging enabled)? The lag I'm speaking of is only present on fleet and on my ship. I'd understand about the fleet, but on my ship too? It's odd. It's like the bandwidth per person is lowered in those zones. I dunno. I have no idea how that stuff works. I just know my character responds really sluggish in those zones, and it's messes up certain skills (especially channeled abilities). Strike and Master Strike are good examples.

  2. Parsing was never supported in this game. The dummies were more for practice and learning rotation, and yes, i'm sure they understood would be used for metrics collection. What they mainly had in mind was people looking at their combat logs.


    You do realize that the lag is entirely on your side due to the amount of data and real time collection of your combat logs right? If you turn off the parsing and or combat logging guess what...IT GOES AWAY!


    Please stop complaining to BW that your THIRD PARTY application is causing lag while you play whack-a-mole. If you don't like the lag here is what you do:


    Turn off the third part parser. Play whack-a-mole. Read through combat logs and do math. Lag solved


    That's just mad dribble, man! The lag is there whether or not I have combat logging enabled. It's there whether I'm on my ship or on the fleet. I can run around all over the galaxy with combat logging enabled, whether I'm questing, doing flashpoints or operations, and there is no lag what so ever! This is an issue with the ship and fleet. Furthermore, I don't use any 3rd party applications. I upload my logs directly to TORParse when I'm done, just like everyone else who knows a bird's fart from parsing! Do you honestly think anyone sits around reading through a combat log with their own 2 eyes and does math? Really, I'd like to know. It would help me diagnose your disorder. My god, man.


    Also, I don't really care what BW wants or intends for me or anyone, nor do I care about your oppinion on the matter. I want dummies and I want a lagfree environment in which to test my DPS. BW needs to wake up and give people what they want or SWTOR will never reach the heights of any notable MMO. I say this fully realizing it might strike a fanboy's nerve, but we all know it's true. I'm not looking to kick up dust in the old addons-debate, I'm just saying they went as far as to give us the dummies and the combat logging... why not do it properly, yes?

  3. I simply cannot get a good parse on the ops dummy (on fleet and ship) during the day/evening because of lag. It's so bad that animations get cut off and abilities don't actually activate (yet the global cooldown does). Add input lag to that as well. Why does it lag this bad even on my ship?


    I'm so incredibly sick of hearing people say they don't have the same problem. I dunno, maybe they don't know what they're talking about, or maybe they've got better ping than me. I usually have about ~66 ping. I live in Norway, the servers are in Ireland, 750 miles away.


    When I'm out questing or in a Flashpoint/Operation, there's no such lag. But if I want to get a good parsing session going with the ops dummy, I'll need to get up before the birds fart in the morning.

  4. This has just been another example of BW making a statement which sounds like they are making an effort to improve the games performance. However, that statement falls short of what users would like to see while BW can still say they did something to "help", albeit an insignificant benefit.


    This is exactly how I feel. When I read the patchnotes and saw that they were going to lower the population per instance I thought "finally, they're doing something about it" and then I get ingame and it's the same old crap. Typical. It seems like such an easy thing for them to fix, but for some reason they choose not to.

  5. Fleet has always been worse than other zones because of the fact that the instances are overpopulated and the game engine can't handle it very well. I'm running the game on a Intel Core i7-3770K, ASUS Radeon HD 7970 DirectCU II TOP and 16GB of Kingston HyperX memory, and the difference between Very High and Very Low settings is like 10 FPS. There should never be more than 50-100 people in any instance in this game. 250 is ridiculous. I guess Bioware just wants to show of the fact that there is life on the fleet. All MMO's have these type of places where people gather, like capital cities, the action house, bank, etc. Then again, most MMO game engines can handle it. Then again, I'm just going on what I've heard. I'm not a programmer.
  6. I think it's great that we're finally seeing free character name changes in the upcoming patch, however, many names are sitting in limbo or "squatted" by people no longer playing for months now.


    Bioware, i would really hope you'd begin some sort of process to whittle out names from people not playing the game anymore. I know you want them back, and might be afraid they'll say, "forget this, i'm done since they took my name", but you guys could easily deal with satisfying both concerns like other games in the past have done.


    Simply send out an email reminding people who haven't been playing for like 60 days or more how awesome the game is, and that if they don't log into their account to confirm they want it still, they'll lose their current character names and have to reset them if they ever return. DONE, SIMPLE.


    Not only does it clear out names for those who actually DO want to keep playing the game, but it's a firm nudge to people sitting out playing that maybe they should come back.


    If you agree with this approach, your post would be appreciated to give attention to this concern.


    I completely agree. It couldn't be simpler. This would be the easy way of going about it. The proper way of doing things would be to implement a whole new naming policy. They should make legacy names unique rather than character names, or allow long names with spaces. GW2 had it right.


    I noticed someone talking about how there are still room for making new and creative names or somesuch... yeah, that's about the dumbest post in this whole thread. There are so many stupid names floating around these days, and some of them are impossible to spell, like Nïncømpòòp. Names like that makes the game look stupid rather than epic. I don't mind silly names, I mind stupid L33T and gibberish names. The current naming policy was never intended for a superserver population and something needs to be done about it.


    I see people whining about how there might be legitimate reasons for being away for a long time. I really don't care. If you're not subscribing and you haven't set foot in the game for 6-12 months, yeah.. it's time to let them go, whatever the reason. We're here, they're not! I've been actively playing this game since the beta and early access, I preordered the collector's edition, and I still lost all my names through the server merges. I'd like to get a chance to get some of those names back. Better yet, new naming policy and everybody's happy.

  7. Same here and flashy Red armor are not for me.


    Also like i said slightly cryptically, explain your issue correctly and give a few video or screenshots that explain it.

    Give info such as : Bodytype, specie, what animation clips, etc.


    Its not rocket science..


    I don't need to produce evidence here. It's broken and ugly and if you can't see it then by gawd... have another look. It's clear as day.

  8. Thanks for letting us know nothing, put a few screenshot pointing to it or even tell us what is clipping exactly, for the moment we have no idea what is the issue.


    Get the armor-set, run around for 10 sec and then get back to me.

  9. Actually had my eyes checked quite recently and can confirm with little doubt that I am infact not blind.


    But yea each to their own =]


    Then you must be seing the skirt part clipping through the legs, yes? It's obvious, terrible, horrible and bad. :rolleyes:

  10. Really , I don't see it . Using it myself and happen to love it alot .


    Just my 2 cents.


    "Just my 2 cents"... has got to be my favorite expression.


    If you can't see the polygons clipping, then you must be blind. Then again, maybe you're just a fanboy. And as we all know... love makes you blind! :D

  11. Clipping? Yes, clipping!


    Darth Malak's armor set is BW's worst concoction yet. It's a rush-job, it's bad, it's tragic... 'nuff said. This is one of the most epic and coveted armor sets introduced to the game yet, and it's a complete fail. Thanks for living up to the legacy, BW... :D

  12. GW2's naming-system was better, but not really by much. I actually find Diablo 3's to be much better, and your real name is only displayed if you Friend one-another with email addresses (though I totally agree, it feels creepy having your name displayed whatsoever). GW2's system adds more room to be creative, but you're just as unlikely to get the name you really want, whereas in D3, you essentially have two names; the "roleplaying-name" of each individual character, and a "user-name" in which you communicate with others.


    Also, as for having people e-stalk you, I would still retain the ability to hide your Legacy-name, provided that someone can still send you a whisper or speak to you if you're just standing nearby (perhaps if your Legacy-name is hidden, though, they only see your character's name in the chat-window). There's really no security issues with the idea, but I can appreciate the desire to remain fairly anonymous (even if it is an MMO).


    Good point. I also liked the Diablo 3 system.

  13. I already regret my legacy name (actually not for the name itself, but the way it is presented in game), I would hate to be stuck with it no matter which server I played on. Plus the whole legacy thing is an optional part of the game, even if most people do utilise it eventually. Not all of us want to be readily contactable when on alts and gods forbid people might be able to follow and trace me to a different server.


    Sorry Terin, I understand losing a character's name isn't pleasant, but your 'solution' is like using a sledgehammer to crack a nut.


    I didn't much like Blizzard's Real ID system because I don't wants random blips on the interwebs to know my real name (for obvious reasons). The unique ID system like in GW2 was much better. Players could choose whether or not to share their unique ID with their friends without having to give up their real name. I keep coming back to the GW2 naming system because it was simply perfect.


    I'd much rather have the opportunity to pick full name for each individual character. Bioware's entire concept of having a family tree feels like playing with a dollhouse or somesuch. I find it weird and unusual.

  14. But here's a real kicker. I'm a pre-order, been on the boards since Oct. 2008 and i got special treatment. I was invited to every open beta weekend and i played them. I started playing 5 days ahead of many others, not 4 or 3 or 2 but 5 days. I even got this really ugly ( my opinion ) Black and yellow crystal. Also having had a sub since launch i have a slew of Cartel Coins. What they said i would get for the pre-order i got.


    With that being said, the name i post under was the name of my main character i started at launch ( i liked the idea that my forum name match my in game character) and i lost the name during the 1st round of mergers. I was upset at first, so i can understand where people are comming from in that respect. I can also state that having been here since 2008 their idea of a naming policy was discussed prior to launch ad infinitum and they assured all that they had the situation under control ( i wish we could access the pre-launch boards ), apparently they didn't and it should never had come to this, but it has and we are where we are and as someone else has already stated we can either accept it or vote with our wallets.


    Oh and btw i'm not accepting it just waiting for another games beta to launch.


    Yeah, we're in the same frame of mind about that matter. The thing is, if I wasn't the GM of a big and active guild, I'd be gone a long time ago, along with my wallet. I'm sticking around over a sense of "civic duty" to take care of the people in my guild, which is why my resentment in this matter with being screwed out of all my names keep growing with time, rather than fading. I consider running an active raiding guild as being something I do for the community. It's upaid work, and there's a lot of work involved. I'm not asking for anything but a fair shake in return from Bioware.


    Our guild was completely annihilated by the first merge. We remade the guild on Nightmare Lands, but we lost half the people in the process (granted some we inactive). The people we had left mostly had new names and we barely recognized eachother anymore. The next merge was relatively painless. A few people lost a few more names, but it was nowhere near as bad as the first merge. Our guild has survived a lot, and I'm not giving up on them now. lol


    Besides. Maybe Bioware will wise up and implement a new naming system if we just get loud enough in the forums for them to notice that there's a problem here! Considering the structure with super-servers and 12 character slots per account (or more), they need to do something and they need to do it fast. The names people are running around with these days makes me wanna cry. It takes me several minutes to figure out how to spell some of them when trying to invite people to a group/raid.

  15. Let me get this straight. You're a pre-order just so you could get beta and early access. You've been a subscriber since day 1. Even after getting screwed over your names you still pay Bioware money for the game, and you think you should be rewarded because of how devoted you are to the game...


    and yet IM the fanboy in this conversation?


    Got it in one. Guess there's a first thing for everything.

  16. We all made informed decisions. At the time of the original server transfers, we had all the information we needed to make the decision as to whether or not to remain on our original server. Everyone could have checked the destination server to see if their name was available. We were all notified when server transfers became available, and we were all informed that eventually everyone would be transferred off the origin servers.


    I'm not going to go into whether or not EA/BW held information back from us, or even if they knew there would eventually be a second server merger at all. We can speculate all we want, but that is all it would be-speculation.


    With the initial server transfers, the person on the destination server got to keep the name if there was a conflict. This is the same as any server transfer in any other game I've played. The reason for the "priority system" with the second server merger is that NO ONE remained on their server. All the servers were replaced with higher capacity severs, even if the new ones had the some of the same names. Everyone got transferred to a new server, therefore no one already had any given name on the destination server. Thus, EA/BW had to set some rules for how naming conflicts would be resolved since no one had the name first on the destination server.


    Either you're not getting the point or you're not even trying to. The fact remains, everyone on the low-pop servers got completely shafted.

  17. I've only had experience with classic type MMOs like WoW and Rift where you only had the 1 name, until I got GW2 (which I played for a day). The one thing I liked about GW2 was the naming system. My account was something like "Hoodling.4231". I just typed in Hoodling and then their system added some unique ID numbers to it using the .XXXX forumla. On the character-creation screen I was able to long names with spaces. So, not just "Random", but "Random Name". Even multiple spaces, like "Random Awesome Name"!


    EDIT: Oh, btw... ingame, people would only see your character name, not the unique ID. You'd have to share your unique ID to add people to your friends-list etc.


    When /whispering people, you could either use their full name or their unique ID, like /w Hoodling.4231. It's a bit cumbersome, but I'm sure a proper UI with an contact-list where you could just double-click a name to start chatting with them would make that more tolerable.


    I also like the concept Terin is talking about, with having unique Legacy, rather than the first name. With everyone having 12 character slots on a single superserver, the names you see on people are just getting dumber every day. It ruins the immersion and experience a player gets from playing the game.


    Add to that the fact that lots of the veteran players got completely shafted and screwed out of their original names during the server-merges. Adding a whole new naming system to compensate people for losing their original names and to better acommodate the insane amount of players/characters on these super-servers is the only thing that makes sense here.

  18. so let me get this straight you are mad cuz you lost your name and called bio to cry about it and they said too bad?


    WOW... seriously. You really must have read this whole thread to come up with that one. I mean, you didn't miss a thing. You're done here so you can move along now.

  19. Also, yeah, BioWare right screwed you, OP. I'm shocked how poor the Customer Service has been overall, but that actually seems as though it could be putting them at a legal fault. Not 100% sure, as digital law is still fairly uncharted territory, but either way, it would be wise of them to quickly resolve this issue and grant your name back, unless they want to seem possible legal actions taken in their future.


    I've been discussing similar topics with my friends in the past. With all the time and money we invest into our accounts and playing these games, there should be some kind of basic protection for the players. I've never even heard of a company taking such insane liberties with their users' accounts as Bioware did.


    I mentioned earlier that one of the things Bioware could have done is to set up a new server and let everyone get a second chance at the "first come, first serve" policy, but instead they chose to completely shaft us. I've only ever asked for a fair chance here. Nothing else. Between all the nerdrage in this post, it's a miracle that someone still manages to come in here and understand the issue at hand.

  20. All I see is that you admit that you KNEW you had a choice and you CHOSE the option that you KNEW would force you to change your names. I know all about the timeline. I know all about the servers. I made the same choice. The difference is that my names were apparently not "epic" so I got to keep mine.


    Glad for ya. Or sad. Depending on whether or not you were hoping you'd get to rename. I'm sure some people did. But come on, there was no informed decision made there. Had I known... Had they told me that I could have a chance to keep my names, even if we're talking about a snowball's chance in hell I still would have stayed on Bao-Dur. After they realized how badly they screwed the pooch, they finally put in the effort of making a priority system for the second transfer. But, by that time, it was too late for most of us from the low-pop servers.

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