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Everything posted by Joswike

  1. Merge the fraking server!!!!!!!!!!!@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. My subscriptiom end on the first!! Meger or me and my wife will not renew!!!! No one toplay with is not a mmo!!!
  3. One thing that can make this game stand out a little more would be housing. I have a easy idead for it too. Simply have a building in the "Capital Cities" like Kaas or Coruscant that is a high rise. It has a front door to click on like the door to your starship. The option that comes up is simple Your Apartment or Lobby. Anyway, the apartments can be in three sizes and designs. All with a cost of course, Make three generic designs and allow the users to change and add furniture and decor as they want. Like the character creation screen for the each room. It would make the game more PERSONAL to the players. Its one of the few things that SWG did right. Not to mention basic phsycology. Next idea is to be able to redesign our toons faces, makeup, and hair. Being able to do this WITH more option because lets face it, the customization needs work. Females shoould help with its design, please. More cyborg options, and maybe ask a Tattoo artist and a professor about the tattoos, they have 0 meaning or design. They dont fit at all, look at Darth Maul....that was with thought and help to design. Basically, we like changing these things in games and in real life. No one wants to look the same ALL THE TIME. Again, phsycology. I cant say this idea enough, SITH ROBES that dont look like WoW wizards!!!!!! I wanna look lile Vader, Maul! I want to LOOK like a sith in SITH BLACK HOODED ROBES. I HATE THE BEING IN A DRESS BECAUSE IM A INQUISITOR, WTH WAS THAST ABOUT? PLEAEE MAKES US BETTE ROBES!!!! ............I feel like a WoW reject with force powers. pleas please please please,please please please fix this. simple tunic and pants with a robe in black!!!!!!! thanks
  4. Please stop showing stuff offf at conventions and release it!! My guild is dead, server never has more than 50 people on fleet. People are quiting by the dozen. Stop messing around and get this game going. Im so sick listening to Im going back to WoW. SAVE YOR GAME NOW!! WHILE YOU STILL CAN!!
  5. I think the title sums it up really. I hate barking in general chat. Takes forever. Enter the FP Que, pick what roll u play (tank, heals dps). then random or specific FP. Also a hard mode selector. let the server stack the team for you. done. I would PVE all the time then.
  6. I dont know about a lot of people but the white captions or subtitles are horrible. I cant read it. Can we add a way to chage all chat types, even the subtitles.
  7. OK, Assasin of Sion is dead. Their is NO one on it! Can we please either combine servers to make up for this? Its simple, take a heavy republic server, combine it with a heavy sith server, now you have a medium server. People CAN NOT do anything like PV or open pov for that matter if in prime time their is ONLY 30 people on the fleet!! PLEASE COMBINE THE SERVERS!! I dont wanna leave my server with a lvl 18 legacy because of this. I DONT want to start over. Make your customers happy please!! We had a great launch, now you need to follow it up by fixing the server issues. we want to fight Republic VS. Empire, but we cant if their are NON on my server!!! I had to make a republic guild and toons just to get away from huttball for fraks sake!!
  8. Something me and my wife noticed is a big disadvantage is is not being able to see the gear our companion is using atm. Seems stupid but when i put my mouse over a piece of armor, now i got to go to character screen, then companion. After all this then you got to memorize quick the stats and c if its really better or a not. This could be done by adding a second window to the pop up that shows ur armor in comparison, put the companion's next to your toon BUT with the Companion's name on the top of box in bold letters for the ..........impulsive, lol.
  9. I am trying to adjust my chat font size in game. The screen resolution is correct but i cant see the type. its too small. I play on my 47" Sony tv and do not own a old school monitor. Any help would be great. Thanks Joswike
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