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Everything posted by AlejandroTeresa

  1. Something simillar happens to the THORN dark vector armor, some parts don´t show the lights properly: chest, headback, back-pack,... etc As you said, the armor looks right in the prview but not once you put it in the character :S http://primerasangre.enjin.com/profile/1131852/pics/detail/album_id/381408#pid=2463945 http://primerasangre.enjin.com/profile/1131852/pics/detail/album_id/381408#pid=2463946 http://primerasangre.enjin.com/profile/1131852/pics/detail/album_id/381408#pid=2463947 http://primerasangre.enjin.com/profile/1131852/pics/detail/album_id/381408#pid=2463948 http://primerasangre.enjin.com/profile/1131852/pics/detail/album_id/381408#pid=2464309
  2. Yeah, but i refer to the armors not for the body. I was thinking in something like the "armor preview" in the game and then you choose a symbol and you move it throught the body to choose the place would you like to wear it (in a shoulder, back, armor chest,...) choosing the size and color. Here are an example of what im trying to express: http://media.pcgamer.com/files/2011/04/The-Old-RepublicTwins.jpg http://img836.imageshack.us/img836/4214/swtor2011071901253341.jpg http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/029/3/c/swtor_imperial_trooper_by_nagorkev-d4nzd9c.jpg hehe it will be cool For exmaple, if your character is a bounty hunter, have the oportunity to wear and show "the great hunt " symbol, the imperial or maybe the hutt cartels logo hehe
  3. Hi! The title says everything I think than theres a lack of imperial symbology in imperial armors (imperial agent especifically) so I thought that it will be great to be able to customize our armors with many different symbols: imperial, republican, dread hosts, hutt cartel,... etc choosing the size, where we would like to put it, the color,... etc best regards!
  4. hmmmm then now we have 3 classes for faction. Mercenary/commando kicks harder now, heavy armor, heal and defensive abilities,... Who will want now to play as a sniper/gnslgr? RIP orbital strike... RIP agent/smmglr class
  5. :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: (good video ) I just have the hope to see a solution to that. Actually OS has become an useless ability :´( who was the smart mind of that nerf?
  6. TOTALLY AGREE! +1 I dont know who was the "intelligent" who forget to put the voice modulation into the helmet, really :s and no comments about these tubes that doesnt goes to the helmet base... ¬¬ hope they will solve this things soon :s
  7. Its true that this topic It isnt essential for game dev. but Its something to implement in time, not now, maybe not just tomorrow, but someday will be interesting. From my point of view, and like I said before, brings LIFE to the game and dynamism making It more enjoyable. Im sadly to say that I feel a bit bored to see the planets ALLWAYS with the same look or feature, and Im not the only one with the same thought. Anyway, Its just a suggestion to consider in a future
  8. Just watch the video: Simply beautiful and immersing. Non static planets will bring life to SWTOR and will make questing less boring. It would be great to implement day/night cycles and weather changes PD: I dont understand why they didnt include this in the game. Didnt they see the boring of the planets?? COME THEM TO LIFE!!!
  9. Hi! This is my suggestion, please introduce more faction logos or symbls in the armors, looks cool. Other idea will be to introduce a system of gear customization, color change, for example, and selecction of a logo or symbol to choose where we want this one will be (shoulder, leg,... etc) Regards!
  10. maybe I didnt explain well. Im not saying to acquire the imperial trooper armor, Im saying that the cartel market would offer other designs of medium imperial trooper armor (watch the links please) for the imperial agent.
  11. Hi! It will be cool to find able this kind of armor for the imperial agent and not allways the same sets with different colours :s http://www.theoldrepublicordie.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/swtor-2011-12-17-19-31-36-24.jpg http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100507232416/starwars/images/1/1d/ImperialOfficer_TFU_Wii.jpg http://25.media.tumblr.com/e0528f3e6bf96e5dbad34882d2b2661f/tumblr_mg1b0mEMPC1r0j0yso1_1280.jpg http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-4hiYCXMagvQ/ToTeaoWfc5I/AAAAAAAAAsg/3XM-BLXFtTg/s1600/SWTOR+CRAFTING+2.jpg please, no more officer´s gear sets :s regards!
  12. Hi all! Im writing to expose my opinion about the cartel market items. Firstly, the price are too high from my point of view, they could be acquired by a better reasonable price. Secondly, It will be good that the cartel market will offer more armor designs, specially NPC´s armors, because they usually have coolest gears than the players XD lol (I dont understand why but It is) To finish, just update cartel market items more frequently (inside a reasonable period of time) Thats my suggestion for the cartel market items PD: sorry if my english is not very good :s but I hope that all of you could understand the message regards!
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