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10 Good

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  1. impressive work, well done and much thanks!
  2. get at least an i5 proc, and for video card i highly recommend the geforce GTX 550i. Just upgraded myself and can run on high quality and get at least 30 fps. Cost is around $130 for vcard. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130625&cm_sp=Cat_Video_Cards_%26%2338%3b_Video_Devices-_-Hot_Deals-_-14-130-625 Hope this helps. *sry for double post, not sure why it did that
  3. get at least an i5 proc, and for video card i highly recommend the geforce GTX 550i. Just upgraded myself and can run on high quality and get at least 30 fps. Cost is around $130 for vcard. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130625&cm_sp=Cat_Video_Cards_%26%2338%3b_Video_Devices-_-Hot_Deals-_-14-130-625 Hope this helps.
  4. first of all if you were in 'top 25 game wide' I would know your name. Secondly, if you were, you would put your highest arena score and state that you were a gladiator x times. I take you for a noob who just qq'd about how tough and unfair arenas are. not sure what you are doing with the tab key, i use shift, ctrl and alt. i guess no one needs the macro ability, its just something that makes the game more fun and competitive. Using macros well is a skill in itself. I still haven't heard a good argument for not having macros other than you are bad if you need them. also to address paid tourneys. wow has them and often. I know for a fact that macros are allowed.
  5. this is a 1st person shooter on xbox, has very little to nothing in common with the issues of mmo on pc.
  6. Any wow pvp tourney? if you go to arenajunkies.com you will see the highest rated wow pvpers and many of them have commented on what macros are used. I think a big problem is people dont understand macros and thus have to download the code to use them. We are playing a game, and our goal is to find enjoyment. The ability to macro with focus achieves this. At the end of the day yes, people could macro and dps with ease. But with the number of skills and priority queue over standard rotation, it can be easily argued that their dps will not match that of someone who is aware of all their cds and situationally know what skill to use. If they use a macro to do this, more power to you.
  7. I fully support this post. Very well said. We NEED macros for pvp to be maximized to its fullest potential. Anyone saying macros make the game ez mode, have never competed in the highest levels of pvp.
  8. this guy is probably a 16 year old home school'd nub who has nothing better than to complain. great game - sure it has some bugs, but it just came out.
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