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Everything posted by privateraw

  1. Q. Why does it feel that we are suppose to enjoy playing whatever the devs shove our way??? give the players what the players want, I see many repetitiveness on the forums for what they are asking for and little to no communication from the devs......
  2. This is a post for PvE. In my opinion End game makes or breaks a MMO. To date SWTOR has little to offer end gamers. A few things for a simple solution, 1. Have better drops with a separate lock out for 16 man raids. 2. Allow one (of the latest) commendations drop from the final boss in 4 mans. 3. Same as above for the 8 man raids. 4. More [weekly] daily's that will drop the latest commendations. You could raise the cost of gear with these comms a little, but this would enable the 4 mans to mean something other than social points. Would allow end gamers to have more than 1-2 nights of end gaming.
  3. Agreed - I had an inexpensive lesson in that too. Spent 4K on an item that was just one below in the list I wanted. So had to purchase the one I meant to buy and loose out on 3.8K to vend the item back that I didn't need. Short grace period of a few min. would be greatly appreciated.
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