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Posts posted by Monkeybusiness

  1. Basically.

    Same as Mara/sent - if they start the fight, you're in trouble, if you start the fight, they're in trouble.

    Ops/Scound are much easier to escape from though.


    Do not engage a marauder without a buddy backing you up, they have too many defensive CD's & a gap closer.. compared to teh operative it's kinda saddening, they can't use a shunpo/shadowstep like ability. i noticed this since the beta. it was by no means balanced in terms of mobility...


    Operative playstyle is much more restrictive because of Backblast/backstab & hidden strike requirements, they lose a big part of their dps if they can't utilize the first strike.


    A marauder can whack anyone by just targetting and starting his combo.

  2. Primary rotation


    Corrosive --> dart --> WB --> cull --> explosive (it now has a hidden cast time) --> RS --> Cull --> SOS

    Corrosive --> dart --> WB --> Cull --> SoS --> RS --> Cull --> explosive


    Feel free to add orbital strike in aswell if you have a chance.

    At 30% Takedown enters the rotation with the PvE 4 set bonus it's a pretty dynamic ability, you can use it whenever you want.


    Secondary rotation (for adds or mindtraps, targets that just aren't worth Dotting up)


    Shatter --> ambush --> RS --> SoS --> ex probe --> RS --> frag grenade --> ....

  3. ever heard of sarcasm ?


    I agree with the topic. Though I'm in a PvP guild, people often get demotivated for pugs ruining all the premade's work. They can't write in chat, it's annoying to play like this. PvPers are getting a bit tired of waiting for Ranked WZs and I'm getting sick of watching so many good PvPers quit the game because of it.


    Isn't really their fault, oke there are alot of bad ones but it's still a CASUAL game it's not aimed at hardcore pvp. You're in the wrong place for that, want PvP? play LoL or DOTA or Heroes of Newerth, hell switch to GW2.


    Problem today is the fact that people are pretty much grinding for full WH, this results in premades to lessen the burden of the grind, however you actually destroy the PvP landscape with that by introducing a "ranked match" into the casual ground --> alot of demotivated players.


    There was a thread about this awhile ago about some guild who's doing nothing but PM's on his server in the hope to literally destroy PvP on his server this way.

  4. We need to step down from this open world PvP complex and start thinking on something like a RvR.

    Open world PvP seems to be un ideé fixe for a lot of people and i think they have no idea what they actually want.


    PvP in it's current from is.... kinda saddening it will take a lot of love to get it back into the shape it used to be.

    The change to the daily quest is understandable but it will have an opposite effect.


    Diablo 3 is close, i see GW2 pulling alot of attention, i think BW is in for some serious competition, they need to step up, everything is in their hands.



  5. PvP is dying? Uh, no.


    Every night @ 5PM EST we have 2-3 pre-mades in our guild running. You have to fight for a spot on weekends. Pre-1.2 once everyone got BM'd out they only did their dailies and logged.


    PvE they got right. Not face roll like early content.


    Basically they figured out how to make the WoW grind work.


    I've noted that some servers are exceptions to this, you are one of the lucky ones.

    the daily grind for 3 wins is starting to take it's toll because matchmaking is horrendous here

    and on some servers PvP is dead and (almost) buried.


    I cba to grind for the warhero gear, it's just not worth the effort.

    Try to imagine a server were there are PM's running from 8 am till 1 am next day.

    Try to imagine the life of rerollers and new players.

    Try to imagine people solo queuing knowing that 80/90% of the time they are faced with a PM

  6. CP has been broken for a while since it doesn't take another players lag into account which causes major frustration.

    (this is a part of the resolve/CC immummity apart from hacks) and sometimes people fly into random directions

  7. I agree with the OP.


    Most of the people I know stopped PvPing altogether or PvP very rarely. Same warzones over and over again, extremely imbalanced matches and imbalanced classes makes it difficult to enjoy it. Also the fact that open world PvP is basically nonexistent.


    PvE content is great right now, but the problem is that the lockouts and the organization issues of getting everyone together means there is only so much raiding and PvE people can do, and if they aren't raiding, what else are they going to do? As much as BW wants level 50s to grind dailies all day, most people don't enjoy doing so, so they just come online for raiding and that's it.


    Hence, why the population seems to have dropped significantly. There just isn't enough to keep people online outside of raiding.


    Correct, very few servers are an exception to this quote.

    There are still classes that have way too much dmg/utility and others are just fighting uphill battles.


    Matchmaking has been an issue since day one (brackets fixed it partially).

    On most servers the only way to enjoy PvP is as a 4-man premade, which is a minority.

    WH PvP gear introduced --> massive grind --> pvp maniancs grinding all day with 4/8 man PM's

    "Fresh" players are being discouraged to play PvP.


    PvE is pretty much alive and kicking, my guildies are enjoying themselfs wonderful in Denova.

  8. Sniper ball carrier --> last resort unless you're positioned right


    I can only advise to take down Certain targets if needed (healers and gap closers!).


    Huttball isn't about sending the other team back to their box, it's about outmanoevering them.


    As a Sniper, you can play for snowshovel on the other teams platforms (fantastic stuff)


    Or play for Gandalf on your own platforms (You shall not pass! :D) entrech + cover pulse will learn those pesky sorcs/assassins trying to run past you.


    Also commiting suicide in huttball when you aren't in a favorable position is the best decision you can make.

  9. Marauders are like Tryndamere now, OP and many idiots play them


    I can kill them on my sniper if he doesn't have 1K expertise stacked and isn't very bright.


    Team fights aren't really fair due to marauders living longer then tanks.


    Also targeting is awful in this game, it's still too clunky for me when i want to control 2 a 3 targets at once.

  10. Um, so I 95% of the time full on anti-PvP, but I've been reading online about some of the perks to getting the PvP armor sets. I thought "fine, I'll grind out stupid PvP after PvP as a necessary evil to get these comms to buy this armor.


    But after doing it for only a few times, I have to say I wish I would've started a lot earlier in my grind to lvl 50. Never thought I'd say this, but...I like it...a lot. Doesn't seem like work at all. Anybody got any tips for a guardian with the focus tree?


    Please no sarcastic comments like "Yeah, switch to tank." Done it, now I'm trying focus.


    Advice/suggestions for a good alpha/strategy/tactics/etc. to a near PvP virgin/nub appreciated!! Thank you.


    force push is your best friend

  11. Guess what? I don't have 12 hours a day to sink into this game either. I'm lucky if I get 3 hours on week days. I hit BM 2 days before this patch. It took me over 3 weeks to get full centurion with a few pieces of champion. Now you can get the full BM set in less time if you really want to.


    The reason War Hero is so dang expensive is because BioWare wasn't ready to do ranked Warzones yet...


    going from champ/centurion to full Battlemaster takes around 2 weeks. 8 hours playtime everyday if you're having a W/L ratio of 50.


    Battlemaster to full warhero would take another 6 weeks, playing 8 hours every day with a W/L ratio of 50


    Korean grindfest..., if you ask me.


    WoW arena grind wasn't even that bad to be honest that timesink was one of the best ideas of blizzard on the area of time management. --> (points every week, need to play 10 games to be eligible)

  12. Hello Everyone.


    Been reading the forums.. it is really depressing!!


    Wondering if anyone, ANYONE out there agrees with me.

    Sorc healer is a viable pvp class. I now have full augmented gear & run with my guild as 4 man premades (always).


    I do notice a HUGE difference in my stats; I have been forced to spec into the overload stunnlock in order to up my ability to survive.


    I am able to chuck bubbles on everyone, throw my dot, slow, stun (alot).

    I usually do at least 75k damage in a voidstar.


    I believe this patch has changed the way one must play the sorc healer class. I can't out heal 2 dps anymore... but I shouldn't be able too.

    I can out heal 1 dps long enough to get away and heal up.



    ** My one big concern is simply the fact my main heal is nearly impossible to get off.

    My only advice here is always use your dark heal first so people pop their interrupt and follow up with the long heal.


    Anyways, I am just wondering if anyone else is finding that it isn't the end of the world?


    1.1.5 pvp team battles were prolonged skirmishes, which required stratagy and priority of targets, you had the resources and the talents that worked in that favor in order to exert control over the other team


    1.2 is just zerging people down, healing is just sticking a sedative in the guy so that dying doesn't hurt so much.

  13. Yes, I just meant new players to pvp that try and loose and walk away with nothing, might not stick with pvp which would be a shame. I think if a player is active and trying they should get something, not much but at least something to encourage them to try again and get better. :)


    nope it doesn't




    Crap rewards for a person who's playing decent --> breaks morale --> loses will to play.

  14. if you would heal and stand at obejctive point youd have 4-5 medals however how did you only get 2 is beyond me in 15 min dont you get kills from those that you heal


    so if those you heal didnt manage 10 kills you dont deserve anything anyway


    He's a friggin healer how can he contribute to his team if a healer is guarding the only turret.

  15. Amazingly, after the patch, we are still Qing and enjoying pvp matches. My daughter, brother, step son and family friend have been grouping and we really enjoy the matches. Win or lose. I'm a 47 vanguard and my daughter is lvl 28. She will only play class quests and pvp.


    The new war zone is similar to alderan, but we enjoy the new variety. Only complaint from daughter is the icons over our heads. As a healer, she was already getting pounced on, this just makes it faster. From what we can tell, the classes are still pretty well balanced and fun to play.


    We win some matches and we've lost some, but we still find great enjoyment out of playing. Wanted to thank the hard working employees at bioware for giving us hours of entertainment. You probably don't hear this much, but there are some customers enjoying the game, so thanks !!


    Low lvl pvp isn't struck that hard because expertise isn't wildly available.

  16. Look todays count all day PVPING


    finished 26

    win: 12

    Loss: 14


    Medals earned: 156

    Kills: 552


    Bought last parts for my companion lvl 40 pvp gear = 550x2 = 1100 + 649 left so 1749


    Comms earned = 1749


    Credits at morning: 110k

    Credits now: 139k (also bought 2x lvl 34 skills so 25k extra roughly)


    Where is the problem.... i received almost 1800 comms in roughly 7 hours of playtime but inbetween i had lunch (roughly 15-20min) and made myself 2 sendwiches and juice(10min)


    so 6hours and 30 min for 1800 comms... thats over 200 comms per hour i see NO PROBLEM whatsoever. (and i had less than 50% win ratio)


    try this at lvl 50 and come to discuss it again.


    Low lvl pvp more about Best in slot gear and char lvl (maybe abit of skill for cd management)


    6 hours and 30 mins for a single BM piece would result in.... two weeks of grinding for full BM gear and then you've only reached a certain standard.


    Can you spare two weeks 8 hours a day to get to full BM?

  17. My guild, and in fact many of my server's popular PvPers, are feeling the same way. We're all mourning the death of SWTOR PvP. We've had amazing healers and tanks quit PvP entirely, on both factions. As a DPS, I can cut through healers and tanks more easily but, in turn, get mopped up in the blink of an eye.

    More time is spent respawning and running back than playing, and this is not conducive to an enjoyable video game.


    What PvP had before was a greater potential for staying power. Consistent and rapid defeat taxes a player's enjoyment and has a lasting effect. This is not a good thing for BioWare, who is already suffering from the backlash of another game.


    nailed it


    Winning or losing a WZ isn't based on skill anymore it's based on gear and rounding up people for PM.


    Is that a good thing? no it isn't apart from the point that people would organize PM's.

    (the amount of players that do this is alot smaller then people would think)


    i've tried to do WZ's with 2 of 50's in recruit gear and you just get stomped on. (Pyro &shield PT and sorc healer)

  18. I enjoy the WZ aspect of pvp. I play both Premade and Pug. Simply put....don't complain about getting rolled if you are playing pug because pug groups have afk players as well as players that are just learning about pvp. I am excited at the potential of pvp. I'd like to see a better effort eventually to expand the real world pvp aspects.



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