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Posts posted by nitan

  1. Right with 1 topic "full" already..


    And still no focus, on the case i would like to add my 5 cents on how a possible fix could be...


    1. Undo the nerf, and let rewards be as they are
    2. Make sure you cannot do missions that are over your level area.. (Ect. you're level 25 - and are capped at the mission area (25-31))


    This way you cannot as level 16 have 400 in slicing skill, and earn lots of credits..


    But at level 41+ the outcome of your missions are only helping you with your skills..


    I just realized on my lvl 44 sorc with Synthweaving/Archeology/Underworld Trading that i have to spend roughly 300k credits to get 380 and 400 trainings..


    And at level 50 i would need 330k for speeder training - not to mention regular class skills costs 25-35k each.

  2. For a non-crafter i would surgest:


    Bio, Archeology and Scavenging..


    Why, because its main resource for many professions you find notes everywhere.. And you can harvest animals and droids..


    Then either sell it at a Vendor or on GTN..


    You shouldn't bother doing Mission crew skill, as they rarely turn out to be profitable anyway.

  3. seriously ****, us aussies have always had to put up with server downtime during our PEAK hours, not just during the day for you jobless rats, the downtime for us is when i get home, to when i go to bed, ****


    Jobless rats!!!..


    I work nightshift you aussie! And no i cant just sleep from 11AM to 5PM


    Make your own thread if you wan't to cry, this is a European cry thread :)




    +1 tho.

  4. An Imperial Agent called Kaliyo, as the first companion.


    An other agent called (Title: Cypher Agent) One


    And some random sith dudes:






    And last but not least, Därth... Wonder if he ever completes Chapter 3 and gets title Darth Därth :confused:


    ect. ect.


    I hope i don't violate anything with my character named after Calo Nord, as he's one of my favorit character in the Old Republic regime :)

  5. I would like to add out to everyone who say that we QQ about server load, and we can just pick another server..


    We have been assigned a specific server due to our Guild..


    I don't want to go be an altoholic just because the server my guild is on, is queue...


    We are still in EARLY GAME ACCESS phase.. we a small amount of Pre-Order nerds.. Their is a dozen of players who didn't get their Pre-Order and will start out on the 20th..


    Should we then accept that we before Work, set our character into queue and when we get home 8-10 hours later, we only got 2 hours wait time left?..

  6. I am a bit concerned, this evening 10 PM Central Europe Time i wanted to login to the European server i have been assigned to due to the guild.


    I had a smaller queue on 30 minutes, and could see 4 other servers having 2+ hours waiting time already.


    In 5 days the game will fully launch, and how would the queue then look like ?


    I doubt majority of the peoples wants to wait severals of hours before being able to play, when they probably get home from work, got 4 hours to play and 2 of them are spend on sitting on a queue..


    I then read that BioWare have launched a new European server, but that shouldn't take the heat of 12+ servers being full already at this stage.


    Sorry ahead if their is some gramatic/spelling errors, English ain't my native language, and i know that once you complain about something, it should be in doctor degree English, else it can't be taken serious.


    Concerned SW:TOR Beta Player


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