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Everything posted by Evolution_Viii

  1. I enjoy a challenge. That is all. I came into wow trying to do well in arena with just blues and although I did well, I just didn't have the time or patience to try and grind out a gladiator title. I do not want this game to make new 50s quit because it is too frustrating.
  2. Those that say it makes no difference have only one 50. End of story.
  3. Again - I know how to play the class. Im not here to complain and say assasin tanks need a buff. Im comparing my experiences between my two 50s at two different stages in the game.
  4. Thanks for pointing out the obvious. I know how the mechanics work. If I were to go deception I would do even less damage because I would be dead more. I'm not trying to compare the DPS from my DPS class to a tank class - that would be apples to oranges. Im simply trying to compare the experience I have had from my original 50 to a new 50. Tanking is also supposed to be viable in pvp. And since we both understand the mechanics we should both admit that this is not the case.
  5. I'd like to start out by saying I do not PVE. I have only done one hard mode flashpoint since hitting 50 on two characters. I consider myself a casual PVP player. I started this game playing a mercenary, I was one of the first 100 level 50s on my server. I am currently sitting in full champion gear minus an offhand (4 manhands and not a single offhand out of a bag yet). Don't stop reading now - I'm not here to gloat. When PVP still consisted of everybody level 10-50 it was annoying to have a level 10 sitting there poking at you, to say the least. I firmly embraced the change of a level 50 bracket for pvp (By this time I was nearly fully geared, sitting at about 375-400 expertise). Once the change went through, because of long-ish queue times, I would do my pvp dailies\weeklies and go level my alt, an Assasin. I was reading the forums about how people thought it was unfair that people geared like my mercenary (500 expertise) would just destroy new 50s. I thought to myself "sure its hard for them to beat me, but not impossible.." This was delirium. To be honest I didn't really notice that I wasn't giving someone a chance to kill me - I would just tracer missile until either I was dead or my target(s) were dead. I thought people just wanted gear handed to them to match all of the "hard work" I had put into my character. I was wrong. I hit 50 on my Assasin about a week ago. I leveled as darkness and being so, all of my gear is set up for tanking. I knew I wouldn't be able to dps like my mercenary, but I figured I could guard and provide some aoe slowing and debuff utility. *It is absolutely pathetic how little effect I have on a warzone* Rarely I get top of my team, solely from getting defender medals. The only warzone I feel I have the slightest chance to compete in is huttball, being tanky with a sprint leads to some miraculous scores (if there is a geared healer attached to my ***, of course). And force pull doesn't feel too shabby either. I tell my friends I feel like I hit like a pillow, which I do. My mercenary simply doing auto attacks can out dps my assasin - No joke. (granted they are different specs and have different utility) Anybody that feels like the pvp gear changes aren't needed, you need to roll a new character and pvp as a new 50. It is THE most frustrating experience I have ever had in my extensive MMO career. If the nerfs to pvp gear do not go through, it will be detrimental to the subscription numbers of this game.
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