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Everything posted by Garthin

  1. Have rank 10 or 11 and I find the movement just fine.
  2. If the bag is not in your inventory all I can suggest doing is putting in a ticket. I think this is the only way you can get the starting saber back.
  3. I will only roll for a companion if I see no one else rolls on it. Edit: Was a bit choppy.
  4. I do believe only the fact you bought it is linked to your email. The code is not in use so it is not linked to any account at the moment. There for once it is used it will be linked to an account. How ever you may want to contact Origin CS and ask them to be sure.
  5. Click on the button that makes the companion bar bigger, find the harpoon button and unselect it. Make sure the green box is not check.
  6. I enjoy the Voice-overs my self and I know many do. While you have a valid opinion it does not hold true for every one.
  7. I got all sorts of time to play when I get in. School is on break, kids are off school but will be playing with friends or playing their own games. Wife is at work or playing her own game. Only day that will bad for me is Christmas and tomorrow because we are having my sons birthday party. But I can play tomorrow morning while he is still at school and when we get back from the inlaws.
  8. I'm pretty sure you will have access to the security key vendor if you have the CE. Once you link the security key to your account you get access to the vendor. The CE vendor is linked to your CE code and is in a different part of the game.
  9. No... No mmo that I know of has let beta characters in live.
  10. Oo I think I posted way back some where in this thread.
  11. Proud december preorder here and happy to be in friday.
  12. Are you sure? I thought the same thing when I preordered how ever I was wrong the money was returned to my account to be taken out when the game goes live.
  13. LMAO I quoted the wrong person. Of course you are right about what you said.
  14. No you paid to make sure a copy was held for you. It was stated pretty clearly in the pre order faq that you were not paying for EA.
  15. Are you sure? When I pre-ordered I thought so as well. A few days later I noticed I only had that five dollar pre-order charge on my bank statement. After talking to a CS rep I found out I would be charged the day it was released.
  16. Allows you access to in game items.
  17. Never been much of a pvper, and I never really kite any thing. I just run and and smack stuff around. Though I have plenty of buttons on the mouse now I could bind some of them to other movement keys as well I guess.
  18. Binding movement to the mouse? I know in beta I did not have to mind it, it was default. Just hold both mouse buttons and run. It was the same way in WoW, RIFT, and WAR that I know of.
  19. Been using it for five+ years, got it back when I was playing WoW on a latop.
  20. I love it, combine that with a Logitech Gaming Mouse G300 and it's awesome. Only time I have to take my hands off my mouse is to chat in game.
  21. Holding both mouse buttons to run around and turn, left hand on n52.
  22. I do not feel that it is like WoW, neither does my wife. Were I love this game, my wife does not. From her own mouth, this made her feel like not gaming any more when she played in the beta weekend.
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