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Personal Information

  • Location
    Oslo, Norway
  • Interests
    Drinking, friends, swtor
  • Occupation
    Tram mechanic in Oslo.
  1. Know the feeling man, playing mainly a sith marauder i miss being called 'Lord Wrath' miss having people fear me overall. I just don't feel like the most powerful warrior anymore. Just another random, i wish atleast the people that you have played with before such as Lana etc still called you Lord Wrath, or a simple 'My Lord' during conversations.
  2. Darth_Angarus


    Let me correct myself, are there any experise modifications that you can buy to kinda 'bolster' your gear + the bolster you get in PvP?
  3. Darth_Angarus


    So i began playing my sorcerer again, now my question is the following. Is it possible to get some kind of expertise gear to start off with? because right as of now im playing PvP with no expertise gear and as a sorc im constantly targeted first and die within ten seconds. It's frustrating as you kinda lose the will to keep on playing.
  4. So yeah hi, me and a couple of my friends are forming a new all scandinavian guild. Empire side (Norway,Sweden, Denmark) on Tomb of Freedon Nadd. We will be focusing on endgame PvP and PvE in the new expansion. I don't have many requirements but they are the following. Must be of age 18+ Must speak english pretty good. Must be willing to help other guildmembers when they can and have nothing else to do. Im not entirely sure of the guild name yet, but if interested leave a comment here and contact me ingame. I will be playing on my Sith Juggernaut named Kemnokh or my Sith Sorcerer named Maldragh. We accept all levels aslong as you meet the requirements and are active. The age requirement is simply because i want mature people.
  5. Hi, i recently began playing a Scoundrel, and i love it so far. My question is though after viewing loads of Scoundrel PvP videos i've seen that almost everyone of them open up with a ability in stealth that knocks their target down into the ground, it's a shotgun attack. I was wondering what's it called and at what level do i obtain it?
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