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Posts posted by Quindel

  1. A review of the OP profile and past posts shows a clear trend to do nothing but complain. I have not had any significant issues and enjoy the game. SWOR is young and will have bugs. It's a fact of the development life cycle. Quit focusing on what is wrong and start focusing on what is right. You might actually enjoy the game too.


    You should not quit trying to HELP improve the game. But your constant complaining is undermining any valid point you try to make. Bring some diplomacy to the table and you may find a more receptive and cooperative response to issues.


    You may attack me now as I suspect you will.


    Oddly enough that's exactly what I'm trying to do. It may not be filled with sunshine and rainbows, like the way you want it, but its there. I could have said, this game suxxors and i rok u wit my uber skillz yo, but I listed why the game is frustrating me which shows I do have a bit of diplomacy.


    Go pick on someone else instead of contributing, like you suggested, since you are the only person to directly attack me.

  2. Why I am frustrated with Bioware, here are my top 3 reasons:


    1. Bugs. So many I can't even come close to naming them all.


    2. Non-existant customer support. Bioware made virtually zero tools available to customer support. I have never been actually helped by customer support for anything I have ever reported. Maybe some of you have, but I would suggest you are the exception which makes the rule.


    3. Stealth fixes/buffs. Not being fair and open with your subscribers is the quickest way to earn distrust.


    If Bioware had made better decisions to fix bugs instead of create new content, I believe they'd still have a decent population. This is the exact same management decision that ultimately killed SWG.


    But you can NOT have an end-game and screw those same people over by not fixing the Master Looter option. This should have been fixed the second day they rolled out Karagga's and EV. I can not even begin to tell them how frustrating it is to see the same DPS get the exact same loot 5 times and my guy can't ever get it due to that idiotic loot bug. The rancor has bugged out more times than I can count. SOA has bugged out more times than I can count.


    End-game is also PVP'ing and the speed/dmg/invincibility hacking is ruining that for most as well. The dev's should have been on top of this immediately, but instead, they are creating new content. And the hackers are just getting warnings or 5 day suspensions (I'm guessing on this since they say they don't tell you what's happened to them). I don't mind losing in PVP, but if its because we aren't on even ground, what's the point?


    I would rather not even PVP or go to KP/EV than have them so bugged out. Seriously, fixing bugs > new content.

  3. I have seen all this before. They needed to fix more way bugs and balance quite a bit better. You can not stealth fix bugs either, nothing pisses off a community more than this - its deceptive, its not fair to the player and if its not a nerf, its not fair to the developer for not getting credit for fixing something. There were/are some really poor management choices that have been made and its clear they are sinking.


    SWTOR is a *fantastic* multi-player KOTOR 3-10. Its one of the worst MMO's out there. I mean come on, you can't fix master looter for bags in EV and KP - my pet is more decked out than my friend? Crafting is... biochem anyone? Those are just a few small examples. The community has done a great job identifying a lot more than those two as well.


    I love this game and I will continue to play for a short while doing the story's, so they've got a little more time in my book. But once I'm done getting all my 50's, I hope they get their stuff together by then.

  4. I hate PvP in MMORPGs. I hate seeing the games mutilated to accomodate PvP whiners.


    PvP in a complex and deep PvE game like TOR, or any other real MMORPG, has no hope of EVER being balanced, it's simply not possible.


    Keep dreaming, and devs will keep screwing up the game to try to make you less teary eyed, but there will never be quality PvP in a full-fledged MMORPG.


    This isn't Vegas. What happens in PVP doesn't stay in PVP. Its PVE as well where we suck. The points the OP made are almost all relavent to PVE.

  5. ... with this 1.1.2 patch:


    Any other feedback about this change ?


    I'd give it a 2 on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest. Zero difference in dps and the UI is, and I am not sure how they managed to do this, worse!


    The only reason I'm giving them a 2 is for effort.


    Best fix for us would be to add macros. Then they might not suck as hard as they do and their "theory-based" dps might actually come to light.

  6. They don't. They have a lot of anecdotal experiences and feelings, but the lack of a combat log makes hard data essentially impossible to come up with. There's no way to do any consistent testing. Is it skill? Tons of Sentinels can't be wrong, but we're not hearing from tons of sentinels. We're hearing from a handful of people on the 'net. Without a means by which to track output with some accuracy and consistency, we are in the dark.


    I'm not saying Sents are in need of some quality of life and balance tuning, but right now we just can't make a solid argument. BioWare has the data, and in their opinion Sentinel damage output is fine.


    You, sir, are ignorant. Go into a warzone and sort by damage. That's how we are coming up with damage. Do this 1000 times or so and you get a clear picture of what's going on with damage.

  7. Thank you for posting this OP. After weeks and weeks and weeks of frustration, I finally came to the boards to see what was up with my class. Its clear its ultra broken and you've put a lot of thought and effort into describing exactly what the problems are.


    The patch that came out today that was supposed to buff us didn't do a damn thing for dps and in fact, its actually harder to see which buttons are lit up now.


    Good thing I have a sage alt that can do as much dps as my sent and can heal and can cc and has a better healing companion all with a fraction of the whack-a-mole'ing.


    Good thing I have a smuggler alt that can do more dps with a fraction of the whack-a-mole'ing.


    Sentinels as it stands right now, are pathetic.

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