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10 Good
  1. Starting to get incredibly frustrated getting my butt handed to me by this elite over and over and over. I'm a level 20, but there's still nothing I can do on this guy... advice?
  2. I'm originally from Africa (and white) Although being a Belgian from the DR Congo isn't something to really brag about... Any other Africans?
  3. I'm 21... I play about 4-5 hours a day, depending on when I have classes/work/sports
  4. I swear to god, it's my "Chaplin" http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/402761_2468948730830_1465705394_31877856_597395482_n.jpg
  5. This more than made my day. I burst out laughing when the shirtless dancing started. The music was perfect.
  6. As a Belgian, I am only half offended
  7. Nah. I set it on fire... I do that to plants. I want your hair... IRL or IG
  8. Not gonna lie, both of these photos made me laugh. Particularly the first one with the greatest comment I'm yet to read on here. I counter your drunk in a Disney store with drunk in a greenhouse... http://i.imgur.com/Wc3mx.jpg On the left
  9. +1 I think that the patches and mistakes that come with the creation of an MMO are a good filter for the "devoted" players opposed to the "casual" players. I agree with the gear statement in regards that you need to earn... PVP or otherwise. One thing I've grown to hate is hutt ball... I've done huttball at a ratio of 5:1 Alderaan and 7:1 Voidstar. If I don't see an improvement in this department soon I may take a break (not unsub) from TOR until it is improved
  10. Whoa whoa now... when was it exclusive to nerds/geeks?
  11. Meh... why the hell not? http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/402278_2452952650938_1465705394_31872765_547377453_n.jpg and when I'm not dressed all formal like, I practice safe gaming... http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/404181_2452951890919_1465705394_31872764_1282076740_n.jpg To keep with the internationals... 21 from Belgium <--- Belgian pride right there
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