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Everything posted by Cycrowave

  1. last chance saloon for me, fix it this month or im out for good
  2. i just dont get people arguing against this. do you want this game to be a success? if so you would support us in calling for bioware to manage their populations with a bit more care. perhaps merging isnt the answer, but something has to be done to stop already marginalised players from falling off the edge and leaving.
  3. i dont understand anyone arguing against this... oh yes i do, they dont play on an empty server
  4. whats your point? i complained about queues in the beginning when i rolled on an early access server that subsequently became full. after this, I FOLLOWED THE ADVICE OF THE BIOWARE STICKY, in the vague hope that they were managing their population with some degree of competence.
  5. actually yes. is it too much to ask for the developer of an mmo to put some thought in to population management? is that a hard concept for you to understand? jeez
  6. there is no argument here. this is a critical issue for bioware if they care at all about customer retention
  7. nope empire here. on the night where other servers were farming valor on ilum, i took a trip there to see if it was happening on my server. there were 4 players
  8. this just about sums it up really. the most frustrating part is how they try and role play a *********** droid and you arent usually in the mood for such idiocy
  9. /signed im paying to play a massivley multiplayer game. if something isnt done to address this in the next month im out
  10. same happened to my guild tonight, feeling kinda trolled right now
  11. you dont think they made back their investment through initial sales? see i do, and believe this is the problem. EA made back their investment and are now unwilling to open the purse strings
  12. lets hope they take this seriously, and sack the jokers in charge of pvp atm
  13. im noticing waaaaaay better threat as of today, anyone else?
  14. this is such a great idea, i would really like to see what the average player could achieve when focussed on objectives rather than medals
  15. i'd like nothing more than to see a huge influx of new players, in the mean time however how about fixing the play time of those players u do have. Customer retention is just as important as gaining new customers, this is basic business sense right?
  16. best to just ignore this issue like all the glaring problems in the game, OH COOL LOOK IM A FOUNDER
  17. im talking about in general not right now. apologies if im coming across like a whiner but it really is frustrating the most people iv ever seen on the imperial fleet is 102, prime time theres usually about 65 last night on ilum at 1030 pm there were 4 empire players. working as intended?
  18. i have a level 50, valor rank 54 working towards battlemaster, the idea of starting over again before accomplishing my primary goal is frustrating to say the least. I guess i was dumb to expect bioware to put any effort into population management, other than ensuring minimal load on their patheitc servers
  19. my server is DEAD . if i dont see something done about it in the next month i quit. i rolled to this low pop server BECAUSE BIOWARE TOLD ME TO
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