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Everything posted by BlakDeath

  1. Anyone have any other server recommendations? I'll be re rolling in about 20 minutes....
  2. So it seems like a re-roll tonight... kind of sad, but at least I'll be able to play with people. Fatman looks good, but if everyone goes there we're looking at queues... hmmm... WHY WONT YOU MERGE SERVERS BW!?!?!?!
  3. So, here's the deal. I have a bunch of characters on the Prophecy of the Five server (2 lvl 50's, a lvl 48 and a lvl 42) and Legacy level 23. Lately, the server seems dead, not much going on only a few people in fleet during peak hours ~ 50 Imp and ~ 10 Repub. Is it worth it to re roll to a new server and lose all of these characters and my legacy? I'm torn. I want to play on a populated server, but I don't want to lose all that.... Well, now, its up to you guys. Should I roll a new server and start fresh and be able to play with people? Or, should I stick with my characters and legacy on a dead server?
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