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Posts posted by belowthelights

  1. "Listen up, these are the rules of Huttbaaaaall"


    "Two teams, Frogdogs and Rotworms, chosen by random draw! One ball, slippery as a greased Hutt!"


    "Weapons, name-calling and cheating.....are all encouraaaged!"


    "Grab the Ball, throw the ball, Get the ball over the opposing Tteam's line any way you can and your team gets a point."


    If I have to hear this one more time I'm going to jam a pencil in my ears.

  2. Yes they really need to add expertise to the pvp relics imo (or at the very least endurance).
  3. I lol'd at this video, the operative/scoundrel players still manage to find faults with the sorc, ie no shield up.

    No1 should die this fast man, it was supposed to feel like your having a real battle, not a burst zerg fest. Bioware made a point of it when they were marketing the game. Talk about needing twitch reflex actions to have a chance at escape let alone of fighting, this is not fun abd its clearly a broken class, imagine what they doing to lower levels in the battlezones.....


    I think they're just waiting for more people to roll the class then they will nerf it.

  4. Snipers are just flawed on paper imo. In a fast paced pvp game it doesn't make sense to have a class that has to sit stationary behind a wall to dps.
  5. I don't think Mercs are really overpowered, just too simple. They need to go back to the drawing board with that class. Even the talent tree is a joke, you're basically just filling it out as you go, no real choices.
  6. Everyone knows ops/scoundrel is silly right now, yes even Bioware. I feel like they made sure the class was way overpowered on purpose so that players would actually pick it, otherwise why not just go with the lightsaber version of the class assassin/shadow. We will have to suffer their overpoweredness until more players play it, I fear.
  7. Thanks for showcasing the worst designed class in mmo history. Not only is the dps rotation downey proof (if you can hit the 1 key on your keyboard you're pro) but the talent tree is as well. You can't pick bad talents because quite frankly there aren't any choices.
  8. I seriously doubt it. 50-60 takes a mind numbing amount of time. You would also most likely at least want to do your class quests.
  9. 8/10. The core pvp combat is the best I've seen in an mmo. It's fast paced and very addicting when you run with premades. I don't give it a 10/10 because there are some highly annoying bugs (such as players warping and skills not working when they should) and because there isn't quite as much content as I would like. Also, I consider this game is be extremely balanced for a brand new mmo, but their are obviously some issues that need to be fixed in that department.


    Some things I would like to see changed/added.


    ui lag and ability delay fixed.


    Random aspect of launchpads in Huttball removed. Perhaps add more to compensate.


    Better pvp balance (lol ops/scoundrel)


    More warzones with an even bigger focus on high speed gameplay. Perhaps something that involves lots of launchpads :D.


    The ability to queue with more than 4 players.


    Poor performance in WZs improved.


    Guild vs guild oriented PVP.


    Group vs group pvp. Maybe not exactly like Arenas but in the same ballpark.

  10. I give it a year tops.


    This game will be just like rift, gets hype, then falls like the rest.



    I mean pvp imbalance and horrible design aside, the game isn't that fun pve wise. No matter what you choose in chat, the results are basically the same minus a couple more "kill all the people" situations.


    Endgame content is nonexistant and the gear is made random drop seemingly to just prolong people grinding for that last piece, which in all honesty is a horrible design for pvp gear and pve alike.



    And the animations still glich. Like holy bajeezus, been awhile since i've had an mmo consistently glich my main dps animations.


    There is plenty of endgame content. The pvp isn't horribly designed at all, in fact the core combat is the best I've seen in an mmo. They just need to smooth out the rough spots and add more features.

  11. We're the most kitable class ever. Even Warriors can keep on an enemy better than we can with Force Leap. If a person gets past 10 Meters the only thing I can do is pop a CD and channel some lightning unless Speed is up.


    Granted, I love playing my Sin in close-quarters skirmishes.


    Force speed. Also get the talent that reduces it's cooldown, you won't have this problem anymore. I'm curious if there are any assassins that have pulled numbers this high. The most I've been able to do was 400k in Voidstar.

  12. I PvP often with a Jedi Sentinel who has two Champion light sabers and he does 400k++ almost every game.


    Ya a well played Sentinel is one of the scariest classes by far. The thing is, you don't see massive blobs of Sentinels at the very top of warzone dmg like you do with sorc and bh.

  13. ToR pvp > WoW pvp. It's much more fast paced and I don't just mean the actual combat. The Warzones themselves are all designed to get you into the action much faster than WoW's and I like that. PVP feels more mechanical than WoW which allows for a player to showcase their skills more.


    Huttball is superior to Warsong Gulch in every way, at least until they clean up some of the class imbalances, get rid of the annoying announcers, and fix the randomness of the launch pads.


    Alderaan is superior to Arathi Basin because it's far less about playing musical chairs and more about, well, who is better at pvp. There are only 3 objectives to fight over instead of 5, and the map is much smaller so fighting is more prevalent.


    Voidstar is my least favorite of all the warzones but then again Strands of the Ancients was my least favorite in WoW. For the same reasons as above, I would take Voidstar over SotA aka their is a greater emphasis on the actual fighting in Voidstar.

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