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  1. Why are people actually posting the code? you're supposed to redeem it are you not?
  2. How many cartel coins we talking here?
  3. Now it doesn't work when i delete the XML file at all, not sure but I keep getting the node thing again
  4. I don't know where my xml config file is located. I wouldn't know where to really look for that Edit: I deleted XML Files in the folder containing my Unleashed, and when I made my ram drive it worked fine this time, no Node error, when I quit swtor I had to re-delete the xml file before launching unleashed via the unleashed launcher again. I can do this, but it's kind of annoying.
  5. I did everything fine, I only have Local and FX checked, using only 600~ megs on my 8 gigs of ram, i have plenty of space but keep getting a "NodeSpecCache - Unable to open NodeSpecCache for writing." Error. When I run retail it works fine, when I run unleashed using those parts of the thing, locak and FX only, using 600 of my 8 gigs of ram it gives me this error. Is there a solution?
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