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Posts posted by MissilyMilcasia

  1. This game can't handle all of the North American players in just two servers. I guarantee if you do this, you will have another mass exodus as you break guilds, lose assets, people lose character names, and the game runs like garbage across the board. Remember how it was really hard to raise the character limit to 52 per server? Now crush everyone on to two servers and that isn't going to over tax the system? And if it isn't going to overtax doing that, was it a blatant lie about character limits?


    POTF & Jung Ma have like 20 people between the two of them. They've had free or low priced transfers for over a year. Let's not screw up the vast majority of players to accommodate a handful.


    Servers like JC have perfectly fine populations as is. There are constantly running ops PUGs, pvp and gsf. I hate the idea of merging again, however, if it is inevitable ...sigh...


    There are what? Eight US servers? First step. Purge all old character names not logged in for over 1 year across all servers. Then run an internal comparison check to see how many players would be affected through server merge by conflicting character names to see how many are going to need compensation of some kind for getting gypped by losing names. Then, AT MOST, I would designate the top 4 population servers and open the doors with free transfers to those servers for 4 months. Get the small and tiny pops to self-transfer as much as possible, leaving only holdouts and people with guild assets that will need BW help to transfer over case by case.


    Four US servers in the range between JC and Harb would be more than good enough.


    One of the interviews they did said they would likely make new servers, presumably to allow for free access to names and guilds. It seems the snag in the plan is when people lose outfits, legacy tabs, and stronghold setups, they're gonna unsub. Those are the things bioware has to work on.


    Also, it'd probably be good to mix up the players. Harbinger in its current state is absolutely dreadful, as well as toxic, and to see that broken up in someway would be to bioware's benefit.

  2. Seems really odd not a single word or hype about a new stronghold a week before release. I'm starting to think 5.3 might be delayed. Happened before. Many times.


    I mean, they announced the release date a week ago, two weeks before the update... and this isn't a jam packed expansion by any means, with the new content introduced being one boss and one stronghold. It definitely wouldn't be a good look.


    My thought is they're trying to clear as much air on class changes, get the negative out of the way, and then focus on the SH and Aviela and Esne to revitalize some support. Hopefully...

  3. Any update on this?


    I'm not expecting a full walkthrough, but its a bit of a disappointment that 5.3 is so heavily under wraps. We haven't seen anything about this "unnamed" stronghold or Aviela and Esne and it drops next week.


    I think that a pic of Aviela and Esne and some details (hook limit/exterior pic/unlock prices) for the stronghold aren't too much ask.

  4. The point is, for big price unlock strongholds (Yavin 4, Tatooine), you should definitely unlock with CC's just to be safe. It doesn't matter so much for Coruscant and DK as the unlock cost is so cheap, and I forget about Shaddaa.
  5. It doesn't really matter, because its very clear right now Bioware is at a stage where they don't have the capacity to do such a merge. And it is also very clear bioware will not force server merges until they can.


    Yes, they did it before, but that was before Strongholds and Outfit slots. The only issue at the time was names and legacy's, and the legacy thing was such a problem that they fixed it. Plus, right now, RPers are the bulk of who still plays this game- for all their decos to be reset, and their outfits scuttled? People would unsub so fast.


    If you're complaining about queue times and the sort, go to a different server. Then, the responsibility is on you. Bioware has made it very clear they do not want to be responsible for server transfers because they know the capacity for everything to be seamless is not there yet. In a year, maybe this will be a different discussion.


    Also, you have the fact that there are tons of characters holding names on servers that have never even cleared Tython/Mantell/Korriban/Hutta. that's also gonna be a problem, even with a name purge. However, it seems as they will make new servers, in order for no one to still "hold" names for inactive toons which I commend them on deciding. Managing servers isn't easy, but I'm glad they put the interests of the customer over convenience.

  6. Instead of the latest triple combo of colors, can we please bring back the KOTOR 1 and 2 crystals?


    Heart of the Guardian & Mantle of the Force


    Also a true silver crystal, in line with the one possible in kotor 2, and a viridian to match.


    These are the only 4 left that have not been implemented yet, and they would all be really good options for packs.

  7. Lmao, love how I get recognized on an alt that was originally only made to troll a guildmate, but no one probably recognized my main hahahahah!


    I'm Mellyssia and I do NOT endorse his name.


    Sorry on the long delay of /rage, i only heard about this yesterday...

  8. Bioware simply will never do this because theres trouble if someone spends real money on CC purchases and then things go haywire.


    Ex. Guild Leader Blahblah spends 30000 Cartel Coins (Roughly 220$ worth of Cartel Coins) on a guild ship, only to see their guild dissolve due to issues between blahblah and insertnamehere (whos an officer). They're out over 200 dollars for an ingame purchase directly tied to bioware.


    Ex2. NewGuy donates 40$/5500 CCs to Guild Bank to help his guild, only to get kicked by Blahblah for breaking guild rules.


    Not something Bioware wants to deal with.

  9. Everyone needs to move on. The parser in question is clearly over the scrutiny which their parse has been submitted to. The discussion has gone on endlessly and like it or not, nothings going to get resolved debating it until the end of time.


    The guilty till proven innocent attitude is absolutely disgusting. I haven't submitted to this board and now I just won't.


    Its also funny how this parse was submitted two weeks ago, and now this parse has turned everyone upside down. Scrutiny doesn't describe what were doing, its turned into a mob mentality hunt against this person trying to force them into admitting cheating, which there is no evidence of. But we all know what the real issue is here, and its sickening that someone completely independent of the main issue that happened with our former member has had to suffer for it.


    Time to talk about a new parse from someone who is interested in being on the board.

  10. Agreed, this is a major imbalance among classes. Sentinels and gunslingers can do this already, but for the majority of classes, there is no way to move offhand armorings/knife barrels/shotgun barrels around.


    I would suggest giving us bind to legacy items for ALL offhand types as the easiest fix.


    Yes, its not fair that slingers and sentinels get to have offhand legacy just because their offhands are noticeable.

  11. We need legacy gear for the offhand.


    I wouldn't argue this except for the fact that gunslingers and sentinel/marauders have the opportunity to get their offhands via legacy and the other classes do not.


    It would just be nice to balance it across the board for all classes to be able to do this.

  12. If you were stupid enough to invest credits to the player who was managing a 'bank' not directly part of game mechanics...


    I mean, really, what is the excuse there? "I was too dumb to see failure coming." It's your own damn fault, then, if you lost credits. It was risk to start with. Welcome to life. You win some, you lose some, eh?


    I feel bad for parties involved but a lot of people pointed out that this guy could very well be shady. I mean he made a post asking for 50 million credits and he'll leave the server. He's almost as desperate as when people ask for likes on facebook tbh.


    Its like everyone knew what he could do, since no reprocussions were in place, and yet people still went in deep with this.

  13. usually i'll focus on objectives but there are a few instances where i've been guilty of ignoring them for the sake of deathmatching.


    1) o'b'two is on the other team, i enjoy listening to his comments and the only way to do that is focusing him constantly


    2) nillard is on the other team, i get a cookie every time he rage quits. :D


    3) there are those times where i just want to kill people (because why else would bw give powertechs a spammable retractable blade unless they intended us to stab all teh things!)



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