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10 Good
  1. I hope the decoration placing system is similar to everquest 2's placement system, but I'm expecting to be disappointed on that.
  2. With 2.7 the belt doesn't even show when being worn. For people who don't know what it used to look like, it had a circular belt buckle with evenly spaced pockets that didn't clip with lightsabers that were sheathed.
  3. I can confirm switching instances is a workaround for the bug, switched to second instance and it worked for me
  4. Dromund Kaas was one planet, Tatooine is the other one. Didn't see any issues on any of the other planets.
  5. Don't know why you changed it, but now on some of the planets my ship flies into the back wall of the hangar as a sith inquistitor, and not out the exit . If you want to pull out of the garage with a car, you don't drive through the garage wall into your house to get out... Just saying.
  6. Have the item needed to blast the cave wall but when I activate there is a explosion but rocks are not removed.
  7. This game not only needs a barbershop but basically a cartel market plastic surgeon like another suggested. People playing online games constantly like changing their look, women even more so, just look at second life for instance. Women on second life blow through hundreds of dollars buying various clothing, hairstyles, shapes, and skins. Sure bioware would likely have a large initial investment to implement this but long term the profits would cover the cost completely and then generate a ton of pure profits becuase most people never stay the same online.
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