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Posts posted by Nitrosnwbrdr

  1. Unless Bioware pull something amazing out of their sleeves in the next few weeks or so. People have just lost patience. Logging in, the entire game feels dead. Even warzones are the same people over and over again. it's like only 20 people actually queue for them any more =(


    BGs in WoW were the same people when they were first out as well... when the made the servers into Battle-Groups was the first time you ever fought different people.

  2. I dont know what Jedi Sentinel armor you are wearing... but none of mine EVER looked like a prom dress... now Jedi Counselor on the other hand is all about the man skirts. I dunno I like how my Jedi Sentinel's Resilient Polyplast set doesn't look like a cyborg ninja, unlike the Imperial version. This also brings up the point. For every person who hates how something looks, someone else likes it.
  3. all bought armor before 1.2 WILL not have the set bonus on the armoring, but it will stay on the shell instead. the armor on the vendors AFTER 1.2 went life will have the set bonus on the armoring. hope that helps


    Actually it's more like this

    Tionese, Columi, Rakata = Set bonus is attached to armor shell pre 1.2 and post

    Campaign = Set bonus is attached to armoring mod.

  4. 1 Minute and 100k damage isn't really a decent sample, especially since Combat is really bursty.

    Is that with CD's and relics etc?

    DO something like a 5 -10 minute sample, wonder what the DPS with combat is like over a bigger period of time.




    a minute isn't any fight and no one has ever argued the burst ability of Combat, what I'd like to see is as this guy said a 5+ minute fight.

  5. It wont be changed, sorry bud, but those are MY perks of being a Synthweaver. I get to make the new tier gear (which currently is fugly for Sentinels) and RE it to get the Orange patterns so I can make them have augments. Augments aren't required as per Bioware and having them only gives a statical advantage.


    If anything Id expect Bioware to add something like a consumable that adds augment slots.

  6. Great another week of avoiding Fleet.

    Cannot log in an alt without getting grieved.


    It's not that hard, the death you do eventually receive doesn't cause you to lose durability. If you want the amenities of Fleet go to your home planet. Coruscant for Republic players and I think Dromand Kass is Imps. Also if you get infected and want to remove it right away. Just run over to the railing on your fleet and jump. As soon as you hit you lose the debuff and you also don't take durability damage.

  7. 4. We have no idea how long this crystal will be around, or the event. Could be never ending for all we know.


    The event will end. Like all world events this one chapter will eventually come to a close. The question really is when.

  8. you get lightheaded, then it moves to stage 2, feverish- at which point you look all gross and have glowing eyes, the next state is your death.


    BUT you explode, if you infect others you get DNA, which then you can use to buy things from a jawa trader in the dune sea such as black/green lightsabers, a pet rakgoul ( a white one, not the red pet you can get from the quests) , companion customization packs etc.


    to GET infected? fight rakgouls or go stand in a mass before someone explodes.


    on our servers the republic and sith have an ongoing friendly game going so we can infect and explode without getting in the way of people trying to ignore the event.


    You don't need to infect anyone to get the DNA

  9. been there, done that. in another game. 4 years ago. hated it then, not gonna like it now.


    here's something interesting. EA Stock Price Update


    you know what crazy about line graphs, they can show dramatic change in price when there really isn't one.


    Let's compared to Apple Inc.




    Looks like in terms of trends, EA did better today only dropping 2.06% where Apple dropped 2.86%, but you don't hear people crying doom about Apple no do we?

  10. SO with 1.2 coming out tomorrow(hopefully) we all know that when the 1.5 patch came out many people took advantage of a maior bug with the ilum valor glitch, were basically tons of people got the BM rank in 10 kills on ilum the night of the bug of 1.5. So when 1.2 hits they all deftnly have a full BM set and probably OS to turn in for new gear. So now this new gear that was spouse to be very hard to get is half as hard for them. I think they should be striped of there rank to what it was before the 1.5 update and there BM gear, its totally unfair how tomorrow there's gonna be tons of people with the new PvP gear so fast that dont deserve it and cheated for it.


    SO what do you guys think, do you think its unfair that there lives are gonna be easyer because they cheated. and for the cheaters reading this post just go away your not welcomed.


    Still no one has proved this happened...

  11. Wow.... i know quite a few people on my server who during the past few days resubbed in anticipation of ranked WZ's.


    This feels like the one of the biggest MMO money grabs in history, draw people back in for ranked WZ's only to announce hours before the patch it wont make it in, thus hoping people will keep those subs open until they make it in.


    BW i had alot of faith in you, i kept going with you till now, fully hoping you would get it right, well you havent, its still completely wrong, and as much as i hate looking like one of the other forum warriors.... F IT! I'm done, unsubbed, OUT!



    Good luck, not that i think you have much future with this game.


    No, the biggest Money grab in MMO history would have been the Founder option on Flagship Studios, Hellgate:London... For only 150 bucks you get server access for free for the life of the game!!! The game servers only survived 3 months.

  12. So just so I'm clear.


    I downloaded the 900mb patch and started the game. I restarted the launcher and an 11gb downloaded started, which I canceled.


    If I start up tomorrow I will just be able to download the remaining 1.2 data (shouldn't be a large download).



    I just want to make sure starting the 11gb download didn't mess up anything with my game so I can re-download everything tonight if I have to.


    That's how I read it.

  13. What's REALLY funny is that more people than ever will be logging in to do all their stuff they need to do before 1.2 because BW only gave them 24hours notice and now BW has locked all those people out of the game...........











    just the small amount of people who tried logging in when all of the people in this thread did. I got on around 12 noon and had no issues. I've seen other people come online within the last 5 minutes as well.

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