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  1. I like this idea. I've a few special snowflake papercuts of my own that I haven't seen anywhere. Holstering your weapon I love my trooper, I love the feel, I love the mechanics. I sometimes wish I could take cover too, but that never bothered me. What bothered me instead was my trooper constantly putting his blaster rifle/assault cannon away for a second until a new combat situation broke out. Then I'd casually walk into a dialogue with my target, a nekghoul, and his human bro. Long story, short question: Could we have an option to toggle auto-holstering on/off just for the fluff of it? Since holstering appears to be an automatically triggered method after combat and while standing still, I wager you could add an optional switch that would prevent the holstering from occuring automatically. Secondary but not important thought... option to walk into a dialogue with weapons drawn or holstered? There've been combat-to-dialogue transitions that felt out-of-tune, for me, personally. I don't think a pre-cutscene selection box or dialogue-like selection mid-cutscene would help. Perhaps it could rather trigger based on whether your weapon is drawn or not. Which brings me to Tactics-emotes! This is an idea I've had since the closed beta but never voiced. 6 out of 10 Tactics emotes have animations tagged to them. Very good, probably underused, animations. Why not tie weapons into these animations? Sadly, I'm no expert, so I wouldn't know whether you'd have to redo whole animations from scratch or just part of them. If the second, I could see it easily done with lightsabers and pistols involved, but likely a bit trickier with sniper/blaster rifles and assault cannons (I imagine /giveup with an assault cannon one would be a nightmare to design). But let me tell you something: in KOTOR, I as-good-as spammed the 'flourish weapon' key And I probably wasn't the only one out there. Visual stuff, really.
  2. I normally don't nitpick, but why is GW2 having no subscription fees and an ingame store suddenly brand new? Those two bullet points are things that existed in the prequel since... 2005/2006? They're just not deviating from their previously set-in-stone philosophy back when they started. At least I don't remember any difference in that respect. It's a great game and all, but using a model that's worked out for them since '05 isn't really groundbreaking news. If you're comfortably sitting in your chair, you're not really going to be upset about that and look for a new way of sitting in chairs, are you? ... just wanted to get that off my chest.
  3. /salute Wird Zeit, dass ich mich auch melde. Ich bin ein Soldat der Republik auf Jen'jidai und plane mit einigen vertrauten eine Soldatengilde, die sich vorraussichtlich am PvE und PvP, aber vor allem RP, beteiligen wird. Wir haben eine ausgeplante Hierarchie, Codex, Credo, Regeln, Name, Twinkpolitik. Leider zieht mir aber gerade das RL einen Strich durch die Rechnung, von daher, schätze ich, tauchen wir erst 2012 auf, wenn ich mir die Zeit nehmen konnte, die Gilde auf die Beine zu stellen. Haltet auf jeden Fall nach der Echo Kompanie Ausschau. Es lebe die Republik! PS: Gab es schon Gedanken zu einem inoffiziellen Serverforum, einer Seite, oder so? TS? Vent? Mumble? Würd' mich interessieren, ob wir was Community angeht um servereigene Foren beten oder doch schon Ideen haben falls nein.
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