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Posts posted by Urglab

  1. I like that the copilots (and the factions) have meaning in some small way. I don't think this would improve anything at all- I think it's way better that if you want a copilot, you get their abilities, and if you want someone else's stuff more, you don't get that copilot.


    I don't want them to change anything about picking the crew based on their abilities. I just want to be able to hear different damn voiceovers from my copilot. Yes going with Kira isn't a horrible choice, suboptimal for sure though. But hey maybe I want to, I don't know, fly with good old sergeant Rusk cheering me on. Not only would I gimp my ship with a truly terrible copilot ability (lingering effect), but I'd also be sacrificing accuracy.


    Could I still do relatively well while gimping myself. Sure. But that's besides the point. Flying suboptimal stuff for ***** and giggles can be lots of fun in and of itself. But most of the time I want stuff that actually helps me instead of hindering me. And that means I go with the same damn copilots the vast majority of the time.


    I'll reiterate the point that I don't want to freely choose the copilot abilities or any of the crew passives. It's great that we have to choose hard what we want from them and that they're different for the factions. I just want to not have to listen to the same few voices I've been hearing for years.

  2. I'd like to add something to the list that I think would be an amazing change. Not a game mechanics change though.


    Give us the ability to choose our copilots separately from the copilot ability! There are so many copilots that never get used because their ability just isn't useful. A lot of them have real fun voice acting, would be great to hear them. I for one am quite sick of always hearing the same few copilot voices!

  3. You feel it takes a long time to get back into the action. I guess that would be most pronounced when your own team is winning and pushing the enemy back hard towards their spawn. Fastest way back into the action would be while the enemy team is strong enough to sit at your own spawn, but I guess that's not ideal either :p


    It's a good idea to upgrade engines and thruster component (if the ship has it), this will help a lot with general mobility. Try equipping the blackbolt/novadive with booster recharge and shield to engine power converter. Once upgraded and with the right crew you can almost boost endlessly with that :)


    That said, in pvp you can get shut behind the respawn door for what feels like an eternity too. And the action is not always right outside the spawn.

  4. This. To go over that rock in front of you, point your nose up (or down, and go under it, or L/R around it, etcetera). Strafing is not the way to get around obstacles immediately in front of you, it's simply too slow.


    Upon reflection - and maybe my fellow GSFers can weigh in on this - just starting out, I'd suggest ignoring strafe entirely. Consider it something of an advanced maneuver; you don't need it, and it will only make the learning curve more difficult. I actually didn't use strafe at all (for a while I didn't even even know it existed) for my entire first year of GSF, and I did fine. Now, I use it all the time on a gunship...it's perfect for slowly sliding out from behind an object to get LOS on an enemy, or into cover out of LOS (and also the only way to move a GS when you're scoped in). But I still rarely use it on anything else. Bombers sometimes, to get in just the right position. On a speedy scout, I'm usually boosting too much to make strafing useful (or even viable).


    Yes, strafing is very useful in certain cases. But best to focus on normal flying, shooting and spatial awareness first.

  5. Exactly


    And I don't think you'll find a serious GSFer that wants stomps. We all fly for the 49-50 and 990-1000 matches. The best matches are winning those types of matches. The second best matches are losing those types of matches. All the other matches pale by comparison.


    Definitely! Those matches are the best by far.

  6. They need to REMOVE cartel coins cost of the requisition coversion and make it all-legacy. It's way too grindy and way too expensive to play gsf. and they wonder why it is deserted.


    You don't need to convert ship req to fleet req at all. Just play the game and it will come. Hell you can buy 2 extra ships with the 5k fleet req from the introductory mission. A lot of really good GSF pilots don't even bother subbing, because there's simply no need to. Yes, they don't gain req as fast as subs but they certainly don't lack in ship choice.

  7. Honestly I don't really understand where the people who only want to play with a flightstick are coming from. SWTOR is a m/k game, that's what the playerbase has. So of course GSF was developed with that in mind. And with GSF being a shooter and not a flightsim... well.
  8. Galactic Starfighter is by far the best, most unique portion of SW:TOR. Experience you get from playing SW:TOR as a GSF pilot is one you can get from no other MMO. If we look past the social aspects (friends, RPs, guild commitments, bla bla), GSF is the sole reason I still keep playing TOR.


    Having to watch such an awesome, unique portion of the game to go completely overlooked while EA happily enough earmarks tens of millions to daddy issue CGI and new expansion that mostly boils down to watching four hours of cutscenes makes a script for a very sad comedy.




    Everybody always is.; p I'm not sure if anyone has ever been *good* in GSF from the get go. If you watch few good tutorial videos and find a way to make the learning-the-basics -bit fun, rest will pretty much take care of itself .




    I really wish GSF would get some love, just some bugfixes would be amazing right now. Yes it's not easy when first trying it. But stick with it and you will see the wonderful depth of gameplay it offers.

  9. Ooh yea, latency, can be very deadly when using directionals and jousting. Need to switch shields to neutral before passing through the other person or you'll risk a lot of hurt to your unshielded rear.
  10. Pike, very useful for attacking sats. Works best if there's some backup to help smack around the defenders of course.


    With barrel roll, regen thrusters and quick charge shield it's a bit of a rapid response strike, can almost reach denon B with barrel roll and boosting in one energy pool. Quads and clusters with wingman are deadly enough for most fights, as long as I disengage before my tiny shields go down.

  11. Was looking forward to 3.0 even without any work being done on my favorite activity in swtor. Seeing it broken like this has rather dampened my enthusiasm though, fixing it sooner rather than later would be very welcome!
  12. This right here is a prime example of either not watching the video in the OP or simply not understanding it. Feedback shield on strikes would be poor counterplay. Hell in general, feedback shield is a poor counterplay


    1. they offer no protection vs. rail

    2. "death to a thousand cuts" scouts would still destroy the target in less than 10 seconds.

    3. Other strikes can defeat them simply by choosing a low damage weapon or something that bypasses shields

    4. BLC scouts/T3 GS need to watch for the buff/sparkles, they have other systems to keep pressure on until the shield effect is gone


    This system is a trap. A trap for the user thinking they are going to be protected by the system by reflecting all attacks and a trap for the attacker that does not know what the visual effect means.


    A game mechanic that is not obvious to new players and very simple to bypass by experienced players offers no counterplay as described in the video. It would need to offer challenge, a FUN challenge throughout then entire game cycle. Traps are not fun nor a challenge once learned.


    You misunderstood the throwaway line about giving strikes feedback shield. It has nothing to do with being a counter to gunships (obviously!). It'd just be an interesting extra choice to have on a strike. I personally would have fun using it against scouts confident of jousting my strike.


    After all, fun builds are fun, double torpedo gunship woohoo!

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