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Posts posted by AokijiKuzan

  1. Darth John

    The Doe Legacy

    <Morgue Mother's>


    Or something like that.


    Is it actually like this?

    Rather than 'John Doe' you could have a Legacy name that is not necessarily a surname, but more of a title your legacy stands for?

  2. I think the only lag/crash/issue-related experience I've had so far is being kicked out of character creation for (what I presume) is not making up my mind and toying too much with all the options (aka staying in one screen). After a while it gave an error with some sort of Server Timeout. Which I didn't mind as I could go right back into character creation and fiddle around some more.

    Downloading the game client, entering the codes, framerate, etc... They all went fine. I am on one of the more populated servers, so I can expect some queue time; but as the OP said as well, I can occupy myself with other things - maybe have a jog, get myself a snack, grab a rewatch of The Office.

    So, yes, for me it's definitely been smooth sailing. Although I am very afraid to go to Taris and I've been putting it off while doing some reruns of other things and PvP.

  3. Actually, that's just related to getting skill ups. You still get all the results from the mission even if it's grey. You just won't get a skillup.


    Yeah, I'm still sending some companions for lower missions to get materials, without getting any skill gain.

    But if Xeroxfaew wants to get to 400 at level 10, it won't be possible for gathering. Crafting, I assume also won't be possible, or it will be very, very slow.

  4. When my Archaeology reached over 100, all the missions listed in '10-16' were grey. So somewhere in between 80-100 I don't think you will get any more out of it.


    I don't know when crafting will grey out (could be that some Purples/Artifacts last quite long), but I reckon it also won't be possible to continue with 'Grade 1 xxx' you get from gathering.

  5. Greetings, fellow galactic argonauts!


    Before all of us can embark on our journey, we must, of course, create ourselves a character. To me, it's a very important aspect of the game that I can't take lightly. As a result I spent my time yesterday just testing out various creations within the pre-decided Jedi Consular class. (I'm leaving out the majority of my thoughts on customization, hoping to avoid the fearsome tl;dr.)

    Getting to the main point of the post: Miraluka hair options.


    "Not the beard!"

    As a male Miraluka, there is no option for a beard. However, you can find an unshaven look in certain complexions (i.e.: Complexion 6). Does the facial hair not grow? Surely it's not a problem to have both a mask and a beard for our visage?

    This, paired with a lack of masks and the next point I'll bring up, has put me off from choosing a Miraluka. Which is unfortunate, as they're an interesting race, and more unique than a human.


    "We don't have enough credits to style our hair. I think the stylist have a racial issue."

    The above is an excerpt of an interview with a fashionable female in her young twenties looking to use her Force-affinity for good.

    The Miraluka race can definitely grow hair. Then why are the options so limited compared to humans? (Although I understand how some hairstyles would be troublesome to combine with masks.) Leaving out the more punk and radical styles, there's only a handful decent ones to pick from. Human females have 44 as opposed to Miraluka women who get a mere 16. Males are about 27 to 20.


    All in all, to end this (minimalization of the original) rant of mine, I find it quite unreasonable when compared to one another. The amount of players we'll see are so vast, that the customization options feel underwhelming (especially things that should be interchangeable like hair, cosmetics & accessories). Races like the Miraluka have a unique feature, there's no need to counterbalance that unique feature with lack of other options, is there?

    And it seems (from reading around a bit) that there's no place to customize things like masks afterward when in-game? Quite a pity also.


    That will be all! Please receive my gratitude for reading until here, and feel free to leave a post on the way out~


    P.S.: Since there is no race-specific section on the forum, please do direct me to a proper place for this post if needed. I was doubting between this & Classses maybe?

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