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Posts posted by Wraithai

  1. It would make pugs sooooo much easier.

    As it stands right now it takes me ~15 seconds to mark a pull.

    Pugs have no patience for this.

    If the Target Markers were able to be keybound, I could mark each pull in less than 5 seconds (from experience)

    This would make tanking and healing much easier, and reduce dps guilt from pulling aggro.

    Not too mention prevent pugs from falling apart because heals is bad because dps pulls aggro, etc.

    Am I the only one thinking this?

  2. Games been out for a little over a month and BW has added a lot of polish already.

    My performance has done nothing but get better these past two patches ^.^

    Sucks some of you guys are still having issues >.<

    I'm looking forward to playing with a few more months of polishing.

  3. I went Vanguard to lvl 20.

    Then rerolled Commando and went to 50.

    The Vanguard felt a little confused.

    By that I mean, seemed like half my abilities were ranged and half were melee and I didn't really feel comfortable with that, meh I didn't like Van at all.

    Commando ranged capabilities> Van ranged capabilities

  4. I may be a little spoiled from WoW, but I just don't have the patience to target a mob, right-click my portrait, choose target icon, click target icon, ...Whew, now that that one is done I got 3 more >.<

    I would really LOVE to be able to bind the target icons to a key.

    Click mob, press button, click next mob, press button, etc.

    Not only would it make it a lot faster to mark, but people may start marking again and I won't have to heal 3 people at once.

    Am I the only one wanting this feature?

  5. I have tried pvp warzones so much, but the latency is stupid. I have a 3.3 ghxx4 procesor, 8 gigs of ra,, and a 560 gtx. and still stuck at 10 fps in warzones.

    I'm going back to WoW, I'll check back in a few months.

    The stupid fps in Warzones is unacceptable.

    I don't feel like paying $1k+ to be viable.

  6. Yea. I normally heal in MMO's but not this one. The cost of repecing for a Flash Point that probablly fails is infuriating.

    For now, I will ignore the flash points, even though they have great stories, they don't seem worth the headache or credits.

    This smacks of developer greifing. It's a game. I should be able to switch my toon around a bit without breaking the bank.

    I haven't a clue why they made it so expensive, except maybe as a credit sink. Just makes it harder to get a group.

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