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Posts posted by Blizzax

  1. It may be somewhere in the depths of this forum. But I didn't find it, not even in the historical discussion between Verain and the devs on power settings: Does F1 increase 10% base or current total DPS?

    It should be base from my understanding - at least to work the same way as F2 does with shields.

  2. Kein Thema. Wir hatten diesmal mehrere Mitdiskutanten und Zuhörer (vielen Dank) und konnten ein paar Erkenntnisse vermitteln (C-/E-Tasten, etc.).


    Beim nächsten Mal würde ich auch auf Vanjervalis Chain vorbeikommen.

    @AngLee: Macht mal bitte Terminvorschläge auf Vanjervalis Chain? In der Woche am Abend geht eigentlich alles.


    [EDIT]: Habe gerade den anderen Thread gelesen, in dem es im Prinzip um die Abwanderung von VC geht.

    Möglicherweise macht es dann schon eher Sinn, wieder auf T3-M4 zu gehen.


    Angebot für den nächsten Termin: Mittwoch, 27.04., T3-M4, imperiale Seite.

  3. So, I've added all guns with shield and hull damage to the step function calculations and updated the already posted chart. I've also added more charts to show the component/crew choices also with the step function.


    The workbook is uploaded with the new version.

    By the way: the workbook has a configuration sheet, where you can put in your desired setup of components, etc. This setup is immediately reflected within the sheets with the resulting data and charts.

  4. Greezt, I do not deny that BLC is better than LLC. AP is the most important argument. If there is BLC to choose, take it.

    But I do not think, it's that much easier to have your mouse exactly then on target, when the BLC is ready to fire. That would be necessary to get the most out of its potential damage. And you still will have to follow your target closely to fire at the right moment.

    But that seems to be a question of personal experience and opinion.


    To me these calculations were especially interesting when comparing LC, QLC and LLC. Or for looking at popular component and crew choices.


    But I will add more step charts considering all guns with shield and hull damage, maybe even showing the damage buildup from full shields to zero hull.

  5. ...Or to put it another way, the validation is only likely to be valid when killing turrets, drones, mines, and unskilled pilots...


    This sentence is not true the way you put it. The charts show specific situations with tracking arc and evasion (see the evading scout one calculating 12° arc).

    What still is required to produce those numbers in a match is your ability to keep your mouse on target, which will vary vastly by pilot and enemy. But those conditions cannot be brought into a comparing calculation like that. You will still have to bring this data into a personal context regarding your own abilities and the abilities of the target type you want to analyze.

  6. ...what I'm gathering from this is that CF is not really worthwhile unless you're opening from super close ranges...


    Also important to note for the non-veterans: The uptime of CF is only 6 seconds. For Wingman it's 20. Blaster Overcharge also has a shorter uptime than Targeting Telemetry. This has already been discussed in other threads.

    Those of you not having that level of experience as Siraka and other veterans should be careful about choosing BO and CF. You really should know what you are going to use that for.

  7. And, Ramalina, Greezt, I'll gladly paint a step function for you.

    You will see that the informational value isn't much better than of the dps chart. Just because for the step chart to make any sense you also have to assume you are on target with your mouse.

    Furthermore you would reduce the informational value as you would have to fix the range for any given chart.


    For any kind of chart on this matter you have to know what you are able to do to make the right conclusion.

    And as most of us say: The difference in skill between two pilots is much more important than gear.


    To conclude for now: These numbers and charts are not meant to show which gun is the best. It's for showing differences in range, target conditions and component choices.

  8. There is a reason those charts are called "...surprise...". 0 degrees tracking, minimal evasion. And assuming you are on target. That may be true for 1-2 seconds.

    The "evadind scout" shows other tracking and evasion but also assumes you are on target with your mouse.

    So it depends pretty much on your ability to bring those numbers home.


    For LLC you will miss more on an evading target than using BLC. On the other hand a single miss on BLC let's you lose a lot of damage.

    It keeps being a question of personal accuracy. If you are good at snapshots, you should go for BLC. And, not to forget AP...

  9. Maybe I misunderstand you. But accuracy, etc. is relevant beginning with the first shot.

    Probably you meant the target might move or pop disto after the first hit. Then you could have a look at another scenario and increase tracking arc and evasion (for example the 68 evasion, 12 degrees arc chart image).


    Thanks for the hint on the chassis, I'll correct that. It won't have much impact on the overall outcome though.

    [EDIT]: Changed the GS evasion on those charts to 23.


    Showing damage over time is not that interesting to me as the steps you create by plotting the individual shots cannot be compared very well. The comparison you can do then depends on your individual pick of the time frame. And seeing a gun being best at 2.3 seconds but another better at 2.7 to be only topped again by the first at 2.9 isn't telling you that much. In fact I saw this already in a previous approach on comparing the guns.

    The thing is you won't always fire at someone with a burst window of exactly let's say 2.2 seconds. There will be 1.9 as well as 3.0.

    Knowing that you can fire 2 shots with a BLC in 1.5 seconds and could get a third, if your target allows you to till 2.25 isn't helping either. At least to me it's more important to know how the guns behave on average considering their use in a thousand attacks.

  10. Hi Greezt, I began something like you proposed some time ago. In the end I was more interested in the data considering long term use.

    If you would like to see probabilities for maximum damage per shot and alike: some of this information is calculated on a sheet within that workbook; together with stuff like damage per magazine, time per shot, ...


    Evasion of the surprised gunship: Light Armor 9, Disto 9, Crew 5, Chassis 5.

  11. Hi pilots!


    Component and especially blaster choices have been discussed a lot on this forum.

    There are guides and various recommendations on which weapon fits best for which ship and situation.

    Many thoughts, facts, etc. have been tossed into the threads.


    I want to add some visualization on this topic to make it easier to see the differences of all the blasters depending on ship outfitting and target conditions.


    Find here some charts showing damage by range for common choices and situations.

    Component and crew choices as well as assumed tracking arc and target evasion can be found in the chart titles.

    T4 and T5 choices on guns were made as commonly recommended (crit chance picked over drain reduction, hull damage over shield damage ...).

    The prepared chart images focus on scouts. Not all shown guns are available in conjunction with all component choices. The reason all guns are shown on all charts is because of the dynamic Excel sheet that is the source of these chart images.


    [EDIT]: Warning for the less experienced pilots: Keep in mind these charts assume you being on target. The less accurate you are yourself with bringing the reticule onto the target the less damage you will do. Especially the realization of the damage shown for BLC and LLC highly depends on your skill set. Where BLC demands the ability to accurately snapshot a target, LLC requires you to be able to closely follow a target.


    - Gunship by surprise WM/TT

    - Gunship by surprise WM/BO

    - Gunship by surprise CF/TT

    - Gunship by surprise CF/BO

    - Gunship by surprise CF/BO/FC

    - Evading scout WM/TT

    - Evading scout CF/BO

    - Bomber (Deflection Armor) WM/TT


    [EDIT]: Step function charts as demanded:

    - Gunship by surprise (WM/TT at 500m)

    - Gunship by surprise (WM/BO at 500m)

    - Gunship by surprise (CF/TT at 500m)

    - Gunship by surprise (CF/BO at 500m)

    - Evading scout (WM/TT at 500m)


    [EDIT]: Time to kill charts:

    - GS surprise (WM/TT/DC at 500m)

    - GS surprise (WM/BO/DC at 500m)

    - GS surprise (CF/TT/DC at 500m)

    - GS surprise (CF/BO/DC at 500m)

    - GS surprise (CF/BO/FC at 500m)

    - GS surprise (CF/BO/DC at 500m, QLC vs BLC)

    - GS surprise (CF/BO/FC at 500m, QLC vs BLC)


    If there is demand for other situations you would like to have a chart for, don't hesitate to ask for them. I will edit this post and add more charts.


    If you would like to play with the Excel sheet yourself, you can find it here:

    Excel Workbook (1.6)


    Send me a PM if you have any questions on the chart or post your question here.

    Remark: The sheets are "protected" without a password, just to avoid accidental changes.


    Have fun

    - Blizzax


    [EDIT]: Added time to kill charts for BLC and QLC.

  12. Most of the time stats like these are the result of poor opposition facing a single good pilot.

    There is no magic or cheating required.


    As Danalon pointed out: You might like to join us tonight on T3-M4/republic side/GSFSchool/8pm. You might hear things helping you to stop Kentraras from racking up kills like that.

  13. Really? You put this tremendous amount of energy into a dispute about some players' behavior in a mini game?

    Maybe some of you could benefit from stepping back a few feet and taking a deep breath.

    This is a game. And as most of you claim it's being played for fun.


    There will always be people you like playing with or against and those you don't. Your view on some people might even change over time.

    You won't be stuck with those you don't like all the time - not even within the small GSF community.

    And I really doubt whole guilds of more or less sane individuals have nothing better to do than waging revenge wars or invading servers. Even if a group of the less sane ones tries to do so, how long do you think that attempt would last? One day, two days? Who has that much time, energy and maybe anger to do that?


    Just think about if you really wanna waste that much time with getting annoyed by people you don't even know by name.

    Try to ignore the ones you don't like. Don't take this all too seriously.

    Have some real live fun and in a few days you might find this episode of much less importance than today. And I bet even your server will not have been overrun by some of the less sane ones in the meantime...

  14. Ich werde den Termin noch ein paar mal anbieten. Je nach Resonanz.

    Das nächste mal am 15.04., 20:00 Uhr, republikanische Seite.


    Macht gern Alternativvorschläge zum Termin, falls das in typische Raid-Zeiten fällt. Das lässt sich sicherlich einrichten.

  15. Hi Guys!


    Yes, this is the English forum, I know that.


    But there might be more German pilots like me who do read this forum on a daily basis but rarely take a look at the German GSF forum.


    My recent experiences on my home server (T3-M4) and the impact Despon's great GSF School initiative seems to have on the community on Jedi Covenant inspired me to offer a similar talk on T3-M4.


    So why do I post this here?

    Because of all those German speaking veterans and not-so-veterans that would like to join a GSFSchool talk on T3-M4 and would miss this otherwise.

    Keep in mind: Not all interested players on the German servers do have the same English language skills most of you have and could profit from a German talk series.


    Thanks for reading and sorry to all of the non-German pilots that might find this post in the wrong place.




  16. Hallo Piloten!


    Vielen Dank für die Teilnahme am letzten Termin. Auch wenn es sich hier nicht um Horden von Zuhörern und aktiven Teilnehmern handelt, so haben wir bisher jedes Mal ein paar Aha-Erlebnisse produzieren können.

    Seid weiterhin herzlich zum nächsten Termin eingeladen:


    T3-M4 auf imperialer Seite am Mittwoch, dem 04.05.2016, von 20:00 bis 21:00 Uhr im Chat-Kanal "GSFSchool" (Chat-Kommando zum Beitritt: /cjoin GSFSchool).

    Ich werde mit meinem Charakter "Evelyss" online sein.


    Veteranen, denen diese Ankündigung auffällt, können den Termin gerne im Ops Chat erwähnen - insbesondere, wenn sie mit Teammitgliedern geflogen sind, die davon profitieren könnten.



    Wer bin ich und was kann ich Euch erzählen?


    Zwar bin ich nicht Despon (der das Original veranstaltet) oder gar Drakolich. Aber ich habe mehrere tausend Spiele auf einem halben Dutzend Server hinter mir.

    Ich bin jedes Schiff geflogen und habe jede Komponente ausprobiert. Vermutlich habe ich jede Zeile im englischen GSF-Forum gelesen.

    Außerdem gehöre ich zu den Freaks, die zahlreiche Berechnungen für Primärwaffen, Komponenten und Buffs angestellt haben, um die optimale Bewaffnung für jede Spielweise zu finden.



    Seid also herzlich eingeladen zu einem hoffentlich für alle hilfreichen Abend. Ich werde mich bemühen jede Frage zu beantworten.

    Seid Ihr selbst Veteran oder gar ein GSF-Ace kommt gerne dazu. Je mehr Know-How desto besser.






    [EDIT]: Neuer Termin.

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