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  1. I believe the cape should turn colors with any dye. Putting almost any dye on this outfit makes it look completely tacky, when the cape remains the same color, which extremely limits how many dyes you could possible use, because not everything matches its color (Example: Deep Blue/Light Blue Dye)
  2. I was completely unaware of this, as it is not explained anywhere i could see and read (or not known of where it could be read. Which i guess is acceptable. As for the last part, i was fully aware of the hassle, and was just thinking there could be a way that was only between friends, like both parties have to have the other one their friends list to make it possible. Maybe an option to not allow it on, or an option to allow it. I would think Similar to PVP, getting it checked to allow some more randomness. Maybe it dont have to be limited to Stealth, like i said earlier, but... It would be good to allow people on your ship, that more open to just people who are in your group. Allowing for more social self made events, maybe. I am just trying to open more doors of entertainment, with the suggestion, not trying to complicate things I made the original stealth comment, because i randomly said it out loud in DK, and was told it was a great idea and i should post it. If most of it already exists, im just a victim of a troll (unfortunately)
  3. Me, and a few other players have agreed that the Stealth skills for players should let you be invisible to friendly players as well. This should allow fun RP, along with other fun ideas, with the skill, to arise. This can also help if you have a stalker of some sort and need a quick get away without them figuring out whether you logged off, switched maps, or quick traveled. Also, an alternative to this (which many players agreed will be fun), is somehow allowing the stealth skill sneak into other people's instances. Maybe or maybe not class/heroic/or flashpoints (although that would equally be fun). But somehow letting them sneak onto other people's ships (maybe limit it to people who have them on each others friends list). This could also get more people to want to play a stealth type classes. (Post here if you agree on any of this!!!)
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