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Posts posted by Jaku

  1. Do you really not see the correlation between valor level and gear?


    There is a correlation, but that's all it is, a correlation.


    A valor rank 20 player could be in full champ gear because he was extremely lucky, while someone at valor rank 60 could have 50 implants.


    People get their character to max level, unlock all the tools, and just play with all the tools because it's fun.


    That might have been true for MMO's 10 years ago, when they were niche.


    Not so much now.

  2. After seeing their recent works, I'm more than a little wary. Both DA2 and TOR have been less than stellar when it comes to their own established canon so maybe the big finish in ME3 will be some kind of twist ending where Shepard is actually a Reaper Drone or some other BS.


    I'm not even kidding.


    Eh, I honestly enjoyed DA2 more than MF2, but I guess I'm just a rebel.


    TOR will most likely be a niche MMO, I'm not sure why people thought differently. Until we get over the fact that no MMO will rival WoW's success ever again, we can move on and just enjoy the games we personally like, instead of arguing about the next big thing on a forum.


    Yes, TOR has a lot of problems but at its core is a decent MMO, I honestly think it will fare better than Warhammer and Aion did.

  3. If only. They somehow managed to make it uninspired and generally bad, too.


    Then again I don't expect much from Bioware ever since Dragon Age 2.


    Heck, I'm just gonna say it right here, right now: Bioware doesn't make very good games. They make mediocre games with good stories (Or at least stories that are at the height of what the consumer base will "get"...) and nothing more. And even those supposedly good stories aren't always any good.


    Then Mass Effect 3 will come out, it will be amazing, and fickle people everywhere will love them again.

  4. Between Ilum not working for 3 days on Iron Citadel this week, warzone wins not counting for the daily, and getting my 6th empty champion bag in a row since 1.0.2d, not sure I can justify a subscription to this game.


    I'll be patient, but this is getting really frustrating.

  5. Burst damage is all they got. Op/Scoundrel has no Guard, no Sprints, no Leaps, no gap closers, absolutely no utility, and nerfing their burst would make them by far the weakest class ever seen in any game considering how many knockbacks/shields/stuns every other class has.


    But hey, we wouldn't want balance would we, you just want your I-win button.


    No utility? Really?

  6. I'm sorry, but honestly think this:




    Looks better than:




    Don't even play the "yes, it's my opinion" card. It's quite obvious which game is better right now in terms of graphics.


    How about this: http://i42.tinypic.com/2zdqi6h.jpg




    This: http://oi40.tinypic.com/syl5l4.jpg


    And that's the problem, it's all relative. Depending on the screenshot, area, gear, ect ect..


    People need to realize that liking a game's art style more than the other is just opinion.


    Although Tera looks really great, you exagerate Aion graphics a tad with that picture.


    Better representation: http://www.pcgameshardware.com/screenshots/original/2009/09/Aion_Bilder_36.png


    The closer Aion gets to 3.0 the better it looks, though.

  8. This sounds like a client-side problem, not a server-side (Bioware) problem.




    It's just the way the map and dailies are designed. You finish them faster by just base trading, there's really no point to killing the other side. Even if it was just for pure enjoyment, it's always like 20 vs 4, boring for both sides.

  9. im a level 50 assassin u dweeb why dont you get out of level 15 to see why everyone thinks pvp sucks.


    Oh hai guys u can pvp in ilium never mind that its a circle jerk and when more than 10 people group together your high end computer starts running at 10fps.


    Oh, so you're strolling for low levels to gank, lol.

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