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Everything posted by Jaku

  1. But the Mayans predicted TOR would fail by the end of 2012.
  2. A White Knight when referring to the internet is someone who comes to the defense of a woman in distress. It's not a fanboy.
  3. Haha. I do agree by tomorrow or friday, we are going to be hit with queues, people are going to hop on the popular servers. But I don't think this staggering launch was really meant to nullify queues completely. I just hope there's no server crashes.
  4. You really did not need all those commas.
  5. I'm not backpedaling, I was not even in this argument until a page ago. When people say "The launch is when you can actually buy the game at a store, one the 20th", you would think that means *retail* launch. Anything else is just arguing semantics. The launch of the EA, the launch of the game? It's all the same.
  6. You're not getting it. Yes, the game has launched, in the sense that people can play it and it's not in beta anymore. *RETAIL* Launch is not until the 20th, that's what people are referring too.
  7. It launched in the sense that it's not in beta anymore. The actual retail launch is still the 20th, no amount of semantics can change that.
  8. Even then, that 5 bucks is usually just a down payment. So really the EA is "free" for most people.
  9. Until people find out that game was over hyped. Don't get me wrong, I can't wait to play GW2, but their fans are seeing it as the second coming.
  10. I'd be fine with TOR sitting a 1 million subs for the rest of its life, honestly.
  11. It looks like people who ordered really late are going to be getting the full 5 days anyway.
  12. I wouldn't be surprised if all of August will be invited by the 5th wave.
  13. It's all a big scam to make ya'll eat pig ham.
  14. I was just messing, but you know, you could always go AFK in a major city or something.
  15. So basically you're a carebear. Oh sorry, Bronie(?)
  16. That money should be deducted from your full purchase on the 20th. That's usually how preorders work.
  17. 1.75 million people flooding into any amount of servers is not the same as 500k flooding into any amount of servers. Even if you created a lot of servers for that many people, you have no clue how populated one is going to become. Regardless of how well you "plan your hardware", servers can only take so much. You can't hold Bioware to the same standard as other MMO launches, because no MMO launch has had this many people trying to participate.
  18. The retail launch of the game is not until the 20th. No amount of semantics can change that.
  19. Honestly, you have so many people saying their server will be the **** for PvP, I just can't decide where to roll.
  20. Well, if PvE servers have better PvP than PvP servers, why do they call them PvP servers? Huh? Riddle me that, jack.
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